Tag Archives: heart centeredness

Soulbyte for Friday February 16, 2018

When in doubt or distress get calm, sit quietly, and ask for guidance. Often guidance will come clearly and with sharp insight and yet at other times it comes slowly and one must plod along until what is right is revealed. What is truly right comes from the heart not the head, and so it is the heart that must be relied upon in times of doubt and distress. Turn to your own heart and let it guide you with its intelligence, its insight, and its compassion, and without a doubt it will, for that is what a heart does—it knows and it speaks the truth!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 13, 2018

Life pushes for change, but even as you focus on changing yourself, on your own goals and intentions, look outside of yourself and give a little in small kindnesses, in gestures of appreciation for what you have, forgetting for a moment what you lack. It is often only in getting out of the self that you discover that you are not so bad off after all, and that your own discomforts may be small in comparison with those of others. In this manner learn compassion and awaken your heart to its true desires to give rather than receive. A giving heart is a good heart indeed! And the funny thing is, in giving you receive!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 7, 2018

Return to center. Restate your intent and restart from where you are now, further along on your changing journey and yet apt to forget or to stray from what you have set out to do. Check into your heart center and revisit your original resolutions and intentions for changing the self. Each day is a new day, as important and impactful as the first day of a New Year. Indeed, each day deserves your very best. It’s never too late to start off anew. Happy New Day!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 23, 2018

Become conscious and stay conscious so that everything you do and say are meaningful, so that your spirit is more fully present, so that your loving heart is available rather than held down, hidden in the recesses of your body, just another functioning organ. Your heart is much more than that and with consciousness it can really come alive and its loving qualities activate to the benefit of yourself, others, and for the greater good. Let your conscious heart be your guide!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne