Tag Archives: everything is possible

Soulbyte for Thursday September 1, 2022

                                              – Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Suspend judgment. And yet hold the self accountable and responsible so that all that you do is honed to perfection, so that you take full responsibility for all decisions, actions, and events in your life. Hone your energy to accept that it is your life, that you are in charge, and that everything is meaningful. In this manner, learn to sculpt a life of meaning, purpose, and intent. Your direction is always toward the impossible possible, the evolution of your wholeness, which is both harder and easier that you can imagine. Just be impeccable in everything you do.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Freedom From Inevitability

Become your fuller self…
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Everything is possible, particularly if we become our fuller selves.

As in quantum physics, human beings are both particles and waves. As particles we are solid separate material objects, living in a material world. In our wave state we are energetic spirit beings, residents in a greater world of pure spirit energy. As Don Juan Matus put it, “Of course we are solid beings, but we are first energetic beings.”

The solid dimension of our being, the world of everyday life, is highly predictable. As physical beings, we exist in the Newtonian world of mechanical being, whose laws can predict our entire lives. Astrology charts, I Ching readings, and Human Design readings can predict, with a high degree of accuracy, who we are, how we will behave and, in effect, the course of our lives. However, they are not absolute. Consciousness enables transcending even the most basic programs, in an instant.

These readings tap into the programs, loaded into our subconscious minds, that run our physical being. Thus, for instance, one’s genetic history is given high ranking in the hierarchy of physical programs that determine one’s health. Thus, a history of heart disease or cancer in one’s ancestry may predispose one to an encounter with these diseases. This automatic unfolding of genetic programs may determine one’s physical life.

At the energetic level of one’s being, thought creates reality. Thus, as with placebo, if one doesn’t believe they will have a problem, they can potentially override the automatic unfolding of a powerful genetic program of disease. This Spirit directive then changes physical manifestation.

Similarly, if one’s ancestral history is replete with failed relationships, these inherited programs may influence one’s ability to engage in successful intimate relationships. If one is able to resolve or detach from these ancestral dramas, at the energetic level of their being, they are then able to suggest to their subconscious mind new programs that free their ability to experience relational love.

The energetic level of one’s being is the transpersonal dimension. At this level we carry our phylogenetic history (including animal and cellular), our past lives (in human and nonhuman form), and our relationships with energetic beings in infinity. The transpersonal dimension is also the true home of the mind, which connects to the physical brain that enacts its spirit intentions in daily life.

The transpersonal dimension is also the dimension that houses our greater Spirit self, of which the ego is a subset that manages the affairs of daily life. When we access our Spirit self we also gain access to the wisdom gained through an eternity of lives. Those lives are members of our soul group, which include all our past lives, and are interconnected in the hologram of all life.

We access this transpersonal dimension in dream life, as well as through other methods that allow the ego to connect with its greater Spirit in non-ordinary states of reality. These non-ordinary states are accessed through shamanic journeys, like recapitulation, through the utilization of brainwave entrainment practices such as Hemi-Sync, through yoga practices, visions, trauma, prayer, through the use of substances or psychedelic medicines (requiring proper clinical supervision), and through intent (by directly instructing the subconscious mind).

When we integrate our solid physical selves within our greater energetic Spirit we open to freedom from inevitability. At this level we can override—through resolution—all the programs that determine the course of our present lives. This is a formidable challenge, but it is possible.

Our world now is banking on us collectively reaching the energetic dimension of being where we can freely choose our destiny. Nothing is truly absolutely determined.

The deepest truth is that the future cannot be fully known, especially if we awaken to the power of choice beyond what every day seems increasingly inevitable. But for that to happen we must wake up to the fullness of who we really are!

Begin with the self. You alone can have tremendous impact upon the  collective consciousness of our time.

Seeking freedom,

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 2, 2022

Stretch your imagination to include the possibility that everything you think you know isn’t true, that what you’ve learned in life is only applicable to a certain fragment of life, that which you have been taught is real, and that there are so many other possibilities of “real.” Creativity allows you to tap into other realities, to bring into existence something from another realm, from the unseen, and manifest it. So is it with thought. Is it real? Let your imagination show you the realm of your own spirit, for instance, the part of you that taps into other realms naturally. Listen to your spirit and realize that you are but a novice of life and that there is so much more to learn. Suddenly, everything is awesome again, everything is new, and you are but a curious child with so much to learn. Welcome to the real world!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 25, 2022

Learn what it means to be a spiritual being living a spiritual life by choosing always a path with heart, a path that is kind and loving over one that is mean and harsh, a path that is generous rather than one that is stingy, a path that is open rather than one that is  closed. With an open heart and an open mind everything is possible. Keep this in mind each day of your life as you make your way forward, hoping for something better. Everything IS possible.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday July 8, 2022

Strive for the impossible, reach for the improbable. Keep an open and optimistic mind and good intentions in your heart each day of your life. For what else are you there for but to work towards something that may only now seem to be a dream but one day will be accomplished. And then what do you do but dream another dream. Keep always in your mind and heart that everything really is possible.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne