-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel
I assign Quantum Kingdom to be synonymous with the word heaven; borrowing from Matthew 16:19: “I will give to thee the keys to the kingdom of heaven.”
The quantum is a field of energetic possibility that exists beneath the physical, at the subtle dimension of our human being. Quantum physics has demonstrated that human thought and intention influence energy at the quantum level to organize and materialize into physical reality. The quantum level of our being is the birthplace of creativity and change in our lives. Simply put: what we think and believe becomes who we are.
The subconscious mind is the assemblage factory in the quantum field. The suggestions we deliver to the subconscious mind, consciously or unconsciously, are materially constructed through the attractive power of the subconscious mind acting upon the latent field of possibilities available at the quantum level of reality. At that level, everything is possible.
Often, when we rest, we drift into a semi-conscious, hypnagogic state, at the quantum level, where we become characters in lives we know nothing about. If we remain passively conscious in this state, it’s like watching a plethora of coming attractions before the main attraction at the theatre. Here we are spectators, observing many possible lives to be lived.
As fascinating, or downright boring, as these vignettes might be, the first quantum key is in discovering this haven of creative possibility within. Typically, this resource is hidden from waking consciousness in order to protect us from abusing the power locked within it. The atomic bomb, with all its destructive potential, is a warning of the potential abuse of quantum power.
Human beings have been barred from focusing on the quantum field through a fixation upon material reality. If you believe that all that exists is physical, then life is all about acquiring or manipulating the physical to your best advantage. This, coupled with the hypnotic power of socialized suggestions, focuses one’s attention outwardly, onto physical reality, far from the quantum dimension within.
Nonetheless, when we focus on material reality we are still quite actively engaging the quantum field of potential within. However, it is being directed without conscious intention. The next key to quantum possibility is to arrive at the quantum entrance with clear intention, the suggestion that leads to manifestation.
The guard against accessing this key is what the shamans of ancient Mexico called the flyer’s mind. This predatory guard steals the lion’s share of our attention and energy by keeping us fixated upon an internal dialogue about our self-importance.
Feelings of unworthiness, shame, self-doubt, inadequacy, undeservedness, unlovability and unattractiveness can dominate one’s mental space. Conversely, inflated themes of one’s greatness and entitlement again focus consciousness upon self-importance.
Shamans focus upon freeing their energy from self-importance by learning to not be offended by the critical petty tyrants they encounter in their daily lives. This sound advice to all of us allows us to enter the quantum field without the prejudice of a hardened self-definition, available to new possibility.
Joe Dispenza addresses the issue of self-definition in his meditations by leading the journeyer to a purely energetic state, by shedding a time/space identity. Here we become a no one versus a someone; nowhere versus somewhere; in no time versus in some time. With this release of a solid identity, one holds a key to new possibility and deep change being initiated in the quantum dimension.
Bob Monroe suggested that journeyers put their judging mind in a strongly guarded box, to allow themselves the lightness to journey into quantum potential. He developed Hemi-sync® brainwave technology to enable that journey to reach the quantum field. After the journey, the mind is retrieved from the locked box, perhaps significantly changed by the gifts manifested in quantum reality.
Jack Schwarz offers the use of breathing patterns to achieve the deepened brainwave states that provide access to the quantum dimension.
The final key to quantum realization is to enter the quantum field with definite intention, allowing the imagination to take charge and experience the being one intends to become, filled with the emotion of manifesting that being, as opposed to the passive bystander who merely watches previews of quantum possibilities.
The opportunity of our time is to actualize these keys to the quantum kingdom to advance ourselves toward individual and collective health and fulfillment.
Suspend judgment and intend,