Guard your energy like a miser. Like someone with a secret, keep it to yourself as if it were all you owned, for indeed, it is all your spirit does have to offer. Keep it safe from harm. Protect it so that it may grow and enable you knowledge, wisdom, and understanding, so that you may gather enough of it to adventure beyond the body and discover what it can really do. Your spiritual energy is as real as you are, and yet it is more than you are. It is eternal.
Curtail your energy, conserving it for that which is most necessary. Keep it safe within rather than expending it without unnecessarily. You don’t have to do so much. Far better to take some personal quiet time than to run around doing nothing. Study how you use your energy. What are you wasting it on? What can you turn off? What can you turn away from? Who can you depart from? Who or what simply drains your energy? To be a caring person takes energy, but some giving is right and some giving is not. It might be time to stop doing something that is not good for you. Decide what’s most important and focus your energy there. In all areas of life strive to be focused, concentrated, and energetically appropriate. Make new decisions that are healthy, kind and loving toward yourself so that you may be energetically available when it is right for that which is most necessary. It’s okay to take care of yourself too.
Unlimited growth… this baby sprang up overnight! – Photo by Jan Ketchel
Perhaps the one thing the majority of politicians of all political persuasions seem to agree upon is the need for economic growth. This mantra trumps reckoning with the impact of unlimited growth upon the delicate ecosystem of a finite planet.
Last week, moonwalker Buzz Aldrin, in a Washington Post editorial, politely encouraged the President to fund exploration of Mars, seeming to suggest the inevitability of Earth’s inability to house us, a somewhat codependent enabling of the sacrosanct right to unlimited growth.
Perhaps Buzz’s solution of space as the final frontier will come to pass, but I see this as an externalization of the evolutionary spirit in humans, who must turn their unquenchable thirst for growth in a truly sustainable direction.
The Shamans of Ancient Mexico recognized that evolution of the human physical body had largely reached its limits and that evolution for humans was a more subtle energetic affair, in the form of the energy body. Exploration of life beyond the physical body is their outlet for the very human need for unlimited growth.
Those shamans begin with the very pragmatic observation that human beings, in physical form, are beings who are going to die. From this fundamental truth, they propose that all human beings are equal, none escape this inevitable transformative appointment with death.
Though they encourage that all find a path with heart in their journey upon this Earth, their central focus is on cultivating the vehicle of the energy body, that which launches into infinity when the physical body is put to rest. Shamans suggest engaging intent and becoming energy misers to amass the energy for this dimension of spiritual exploration, now, while in human form.
Intent is energetic instruction. Intent is the law of attraction. These are my characterizations of intent. Don Juan Matus said, quite simply, we intend by intending. Intend to dream and dreams come. If blocking beliefs prevent intending, intent is not discovered or cultivated, as we simply manifest the same old, same old. If intent is spent on materialism, it will manifest as such. Intent is not about conscience, it’s about utilization.
To intend to find the energy body with perseverance will result in its discovery. The unlimited exploration of reality and infinity is available to everyone, simply through intending it and having enough energy to go there.
Being an energy miser does not mean being selfish, as the name implies. It does mean refusing to spend one’s intent on illusion. The glamour of self-importance, in all its permutations, the black hole of worry and the fixation of power at the level of the solar plexus, are all poor investments of energetic capital. None of these promote the unlimited growth potential of the journey we all share in common.
Heart-centered truths are good investments in energy body growth and exploration, as the heart does not validate illusion, only true energetic facts.
Robert Monroe journeyed with his energy body into the future of planet Earth, perhaps two thousand years from now. He discovered that though humans still had physical bodies they rarely used them, as they had become masters of the art of intent in their energy bodies.
Everyone is invited to discover, for themselves, the unlimited growth potential at the subtler energetic body level of reality. This is particularly apropos at a time when illusion spills out of control at the denser physical level of reality.
Energetic exploration will only enhance physical reality, as energy is withdrawn from exploiting it and invested instead in furthering its evolution, where we are all headed.
Unlimited growth is indeed at the heart of the human spirit. It’s simply time for a course correction. Plant your seed of heart-centered intent and let the growth begin!
There is a part of you that wants what it wants when it wants it, but do not let it overpower you. Do not fall prey to that which is unconscious. Do not let in that which is truly unwanted. Draw firm lines around yourself and within yourself, a sacred circle within which to protect your energy. Remain a sacred entity, secure in your sacred circle, knowing that you are right to keep your energy for that which is most important. There are times when it is important to turn inward, regroup, reset, and rejuvenate. Such times are as important as those times when it is right to be expansive and giving, sharing of your energy. Those times will soon return, but for now keep your energy safe and allow it nurturance in ways that are positive and healthy, spiritually enhancing and invigorating, so that you will have plenty to give when the giving time comes around again. For now, turn inward.
Be an energy miser. Take your energy inward and hone it for use in new and productive ways. Focus on your own goals, desires, and longings, rather than on those of others. Save your energy for saving yourself now. It’s time. Give yourself the benefit of all you’ve learned through life, of all you’ve discovered and of all you’ve come to know. Don’t waste your wisdom but accept it, and quietly go about living it, in your own way. By your inner work achieve what you most desire for yourself. You know what this means and how to go about it. In this manner quietly effect that which surrounds you. As within, so without.