Tag Archives: energy as it flows in the universe

Soulbyte for Wednesday May 6, 2020

Like the great oceans, the energy of life ebbs and flows, coming and going with changing intensity. Dependent upon the moon, the tides rise and fall, in synch with the energy that plays upon them, just as the human energy is played upon by outside forces, influenced by the planets and star formations. Unknown forces abound and yet the sensitive feel them, know them as real energy influencing life. All beings are influenced whether aware or not. But the intent of the warrior is not influenced by anything other than the inner energy of the heart’s knowing, in alignment with what is right. A warrior remains upon a path of heart no matter what is happening in the universe or upon the earth. That is the warrior’s way.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 17, 2019

Settle into the calmness of your own heart center and rest assured that it will carry you forward with sobriety, goodness, and sweetness; that its steady beat will keep you attuned to the steady beat of nature all around you, and that it will guide you well. No matter where you live, no matter your circumstances, you have access to this inner resource. This is the real nature you seek, the natural energy of loving kindness that permeates everything, that flows through the universe and into you too. Let your knowing heart be calm, and let yourself be assured that you are safe within yourself, with your knowing heart as your guide, your teacher, your friend. The great heart of the universe, to which you all belong, beats for all. As within, so without.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 24, 2019

Speak from the heart. Act from the heart. Live from the heart. Give from the heart. Be a heart centered being. There is no time to be otherwise; no time for pettiness, meanness, selfishness, greed. You live in dire times of great need and those who have heart are called upon now. We speak of this so often because it is all that matters now. It is our mission that the good hearts of the universe use their power to shift the world from its inevitable slip into oblivion. Take time to attune your own heart to the greater intent that all beings unite as one great heart and generate enough love and loving energy to make a difference. It’s not that hard to do. It’s already happening on a grand scale but more is needed. Join the movement. As subtle and personal an action as it is, its impact is capable of impacting more than you realize. Tune in with your heart and give all you can. We are waiting to hear from you.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday May 3, 2019

Remember the magic. Remember the underlying current of energy that connects you all. You are not fully separate and alone but interconnected with all living energy. Use your intent to influence all that you are interconnected with for the greater good. Use your intent to make the world a better, safer, more positive environment. Use your intent to keep love in the air, the most positive of all energies. Use your own energy to manifest what you desire. And don’t forget to be thankful that you get to be part of it all. With love and gratitude, be energetically proactive!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 22, 2019

Why is it so hard to love and appreciate yourself? The struggle is brought about by dogma, by what you have been taught to believe, by what others have been taught to believe, by limiting beliefs of what life is all about, when in actuality you are beautiful spirit energy, completely at ease in your body and your life, though you are rarely aware of this. Instill new ideas, perceive yourself anew, as the wholly loving spirit energy that you truly are. This is your true identity. This energetic part of you is so much more than just your physical self, capable of unbelievable things. Get to know this energetic self, nurture it, love it, and resolve the old painful, disregarding thoughts that say you are not enough, that you are bad, that you are a disappointment. You are more than enough! Connect with who you really are and you will naturally learn to love yourself. It doesn’t matter what anyone else says. You know who you are. You are beautiful just as you are, as spirit energy living in a body temple. Own it. Nurture it. Value it. Adorn it with beauty. Treat yourself kindly, with loving compassion, and allow your spirit energy to lead you forward now, on a beautiful new journey of love and gratitude, within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne