Tag Archives: empty mind

Soulbyte for Friday June 4, 2021

No worries. The worst thing you can do to yourself and your lovely spirit is to worry. Worry gets you nowhere. You just sit still spinning your wheels. Far better to use your energy in hooking into your spirit, asking it to guide you and show you what to do with your mind, that which wants to attach to something, anything, just to keep busy. Let your spirit calm your mind and empty it, and then be okay with an empty mind. For if your mind is empty your heart is full, and that’s the best way to be, full of love!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday December 17, 2020

Suspend judgment of self and other in order to experience the joy of freedom. Freedom is the clarity of mind to know the truth, to experience the silence of the busy mind and the emptiness of negativity. Freedom comes in the silence within and the observation of silence without, in seeing what truly is: the spirit in everyone and everything. In this manner discover what love truly is, for it is energy flowing through the universe, through you and through everything else too. Love is energy to be used for the greater good of all.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 25, 2020

Notice how thoughts come to help or hinder. Unbidden they enter the sphere of your awareness and tell you this or that, taking control and seizing your attention. Attend to them by countering with empty mind, with a mind of no thought, for an empty mind is a place where the creative may flourish, where the Great Oneness may find you. In the empty room of your empty mind, wisdom, clarity, and love may find a home, come unbidden as well, but oh, so much more welcome! Study your own mind and how your thoughts come to control and trick you, how they may even enslave you in doing that which you would not. Turn from them and let your mind be open and pure instead. And then see what happens!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday November 13, 2017

Conflict resolution often requires compromise. Conflict within the self will also remain steadfastly damaging if compromise is not reached. Compromise entails being able to see things from different perspectives, to step out of the self and observe the self from afar, to let go of that which the mind has decided must be. For conflict is in the mind, an idea so mentally implanted as to create a deadlock within the self and then one is a slave to it. Freedom from such slavery comes in emptying the mind of its ideas and starting fresh. Today is a good day to do just that. Don’t waste another moment of your life; release your mind from its mental war and for one day let peace reign. You will discover how wonderful a peaceful mind can be!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message to Humanity from Jeanne: Watch Those Trains Of Thoughts

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What has you captivated today? - Photo by Jan Ketchel
What has you captivated today?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is this week’s audio channeling. May it bring you some helpful thoughts and peace of mind.

Thanks for listening!