Tag Archives: conscious mind

Chuck’s Place: The Divine Power Of The Human Mind

Ask the High Self for help…
-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

When humanity acquired consciousness it gained the divine prerogative  to tell the subconscious mind what to do. The subconscious mind has the divine capacity to create whatever is suggested to it. Both the conscious and subconscious minds have divine attributes. Words, in the form of suggestions from the conscious mind, become flesh, as they are outwardly manifested by the divine power of the subconscious mind.

Back in the days before Prometheus stole the fire of consciousness from the gods, and Adam and Eve from the Tree of Knowledge, human beings had no choices; they religiously obeyed the divine laws of instinct. Instinct is housed in the subconscious mind, which essentially ruled human life in a consistent way until the birth of human consciousness.

With consciousness as the new absolute ruler, suggestions are able to be delivered that can override instinctive programs with new programs that  create and  destroy with abandon.

There are a couple of checks to this absolute power. Most powerful has been the rational mind, which dismisses divine power outright. With its material bias, it limits people’s belief in their latent divine powers. If you don’t believe you have an ability you won’t exercise it.

Furthermore, you won’t arouse the emotional enthusiasm needed to attract the subconscious mind’s attention to a new suggestion. In this scenario the subconscious will nonetheless continue to exercise its divine power by manifesting life scenarios that fulfill the conscious mind’s limited views of itself. 

The other major check on these divine powers is the nearly absolute power of socialization, saturated with limiting negative thoughts, which becomes internalized as an incessant internal dialogue, that then creates the shadowy reality envisaged by such suggestions. Such is the great mirror of this time on the world stage.

Suggestions are everywhere. Besides the billions spent to influence people’s minds at every turn are the thoughts of humanity, and dimensions beyond, that telepathically impinge upon the subconscious mind. The seduction of social media opens the floodgates to intense emotion and powerful suggestions.

Some form of meditation practice, as well as a strong suggestion to the subconscious to block the messaging of outside influences, can greatly protect one’s mind space and the ability to think and feel for oneself.

Consciousness itself must also assume responsibility for the suggestions it chooses to expose itself to. The suggestions we impress upon the subconscious are expressed in our physical reality. Suggestion is destiny. We become what we feel and believe to be true.

Our ego consciousness is largely centered in three-dimensional reality, hence it tends to be more narcissistically concerned about its own survival. This isn’t a judgement, it’s a fact. However, ego has the capacity to turn to its High Self, at the meeting place of the heart center, and ask for guidance.

The High Self lives in the subtle plane of fourth-dimensional reality. From its perspective of refined love and infinity it will tell the ego the truth, what is truly right. Of course, it remains for the ego to acquiesce or continue to operate in feigned ignorance as it struggles to evolve. The High Self never insists; it knows the ego must mature into adulthood and truly assume responsibility in its current plane of existence.

Nonetheless, the High Self feels nothing but unconditional love for the ego self. Actually, the ego, in its three-dimensional life, is the dream of the High Self. Nothing but love and truth is felt and offered to this child of the dream.

When the ego approaches the subconscious mind, with its divine capacity to create, it’s critical to be sure of the greater rightness of that which it asks for. The subconscious will not challenge or question a suggestion—that is rightly the job of consciousness.

If the intent and emotion is strong enough the subconscious will manifest the suggestion into reality. It is equally capable of manifesting good or evil. The ego is responsible for assuring the greater good of all with its suggestions. The divine in the subconscious mind allows the ego total freedom of choice. The ego will ultimately grow by experiencing the full effect of its manifested suggestions. These are divine lessons.

When requesting healing from the subconscious mind it is wise to consult with the High Self as to the true etiology of one’s symptoms. In general, all physical manifestations, including illness, issue first from the subtle mental plane, as suggestions that then physically manifest.

These are the kinds of questions to ask the High Self, with true receptivity to exploring the answers one receives:

“What is the cause of the symptom I bear?”
“From whence and where has this suggestion originated?”
“Am I being shown the negative effects of a suggestion I insisted upon manifesting?”
“Is the cause of my symptoms a reflection of error in my intentions?” 

Of course, we must address issues of our physical reality with physical interventions, but getting to the true subtle mental root of an issue can mitigate a recurrence of that physical issue. Relief of symptoms is welcome, but no guarantee of cure.

Sometimes merely aligning one’s resolve with one’s deepest truth provides instant cure. Oftentimes, however, a greater process of discovery and transformation will unfold. 

The key to the responsible use of the divine power of the human mind is to obtain the truth and guidance from the High Self. We are clearly in the early adolescence of our divine power maturation.

Be humble, be honest with self. Assume responsibility. Be in awe, be in love.

The divine is always helping us,

Chuck’s Place: Gratitude Now!

Turn thoughts to gratitude for a brand new attitude…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

The subconscious mind is the creative powerhouse at the core of our soul. It links with the limbic system in the brain, which houses our instinctual and emotional primal self. The subconscious is vastly influenced by the survival suggestions of this primal being, with self-preservation as its number one priority.

The ego is the conscious thinking part of the soul, that corresponds with the neocortex in the brain while we exist in human form. This analytical center provides us with the ability to exercise free will, even overriding the hardwired genetic programs of the limbic system. We are free, for example, to make decisions and take actions that the limbic system would have us avoid in order to remain safe.

The subconscious is also powerfully affected by the thinking suggestions of the ego, and, if impressed enough, may manifest them, despite the more conservative suggestions of the limbic system that run counter to the ego’s wishes. Emotion is the significant variable in the subconscious mind’s choice; what we put a lot of emotion into usually wins out.

The highly emotionally charged fight/flight/freeze reaction of the limbic system is its central program for self-preservation. When the subconscious mind manifests this natural reaction in the nervous system, the ego’s neocortex center is compromised. We simply can’t think rationally, as the subconscious sends all available energy to the body to fund survival.

The result of this fear-based internal environment is the flooding of the body with adrenaline and cortisol, which generates a hyper-alert physical and emotional state to fend off real or imagined attack. Without the ego’s ability to contribute alternative perspectives and suggestions that could release the perception of danger, the body remains captive to this ever-present threatened state.

Emotions of fear, anger and hate tend to be reinforced by triggered memories of prior threats or imagined potential threats, which the brain treats as real, intensifying the emotional panic. Fearful thoughts generate negative emotions, which trigger more fearful thoughts in an ever-escalating loop of deepening negativity.

In this low frequency state of negativity, the subconscious manifests a state of exhaustion and hopelessness, matching the suggestions of the activated limbic system. In order to shift from this disheartened state, the ego is tasked with exercising its will over the limbic system’s hardwired programs, introducing new suggestions to the subconscious mind.

The decision to breathe for several minutes to an 8-8-8 count and then a 8-16-8 count will begin to shift brainwaves away from an anxious beta mental state into a calmer alpha/theta state. From this calmer place we can state our desired intent, perhaps for a more peaceful inner, as well as outer, world.

This is the opportunity to raise the emotional vibration to the heights of gratitude, an extremely attractive vibe to the subconscious mind. Begin with deep appreciation first for the divine intelligence of the subconscious mind, which places itself at our creative disposal. Send love and gratitude toward every other part of All-That-Is because, regardless of circumstance, we are all in this together.

With deep gratitude and awe, imagine the manifestation of that which you seek as fully formed. This accomplished deed in the heart and mind causes the brain to form the neural circuits and release the appropriate hormones to match the body with the mind’s imagination. The subconscious further supports this transformation by attracting outer physical reality to it that matches its inner high vibration of loving gratitude.

In this time of pervasive outer negativity, no one can be stopped from an inner practice of deep gratitude that radiates and attracts a reality that matches its love and appreciation for all. Be the gratitude rainmaker whose solo practice releases a thunderstorm of love upon the world.

Gratitude Now!

Chuck’s Place: The Royal Spheres Of The One Mind

The Royal Couple…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

The mind is a subtle body that creates, runs, and maintains the physical body. A cord, similar to an umbilical cord, connects these two bodies while we are physically alive. When that cord eventually breaks, the physical body dies, while the mind, in its soul body, moves off to life in a  subtle dimension of reality.

The mind is a singular organ with two significant spheres, one conscious and the other subconscious. The conscious sphere is the King who chooses the blueprint for life in this world. The King is a ruling dominant of the mind, as reflected in the attitudes, beliefs, and thoughts one imbues one’s attention with and that determine the course of one’s life.

The subconscious sphere is the Queen, who creates life through her access to divine substance and intelligence, in accordance with the dictates of heredity and consciousness, which constantly provide her with guiding suggestions. The Queen is the ruling dominant of the mind that manifests new life.

The conscious sphere works with the subconscious sphere when it is awake. The subconscious never sleeps. When the conscious sphere  sleeps, the subconscious continues to monitor and address the needs of the physical body. These two spheres of the mind, though distinct, are deeply intertwined royal partners.

The physical brain, with its nervous system, provides the conscious sphere with the sensory data gathered through its five physical senses, allowing it  to choose behaviors that address its physical needs. Thus, if one senses cold through the sense of touch, they may decide to put on a sweater.

The subconscious sphere of mind also receives sensory data from the brain, which it automatically responds to via the association of sensory experience with reactive suggestions from innate instincts of survival and growth. Instincts are powerful programs of habitual response to address sensory activation and mental thought. If, for example, one hears a noise and imagines an intruder, a fear response and mobilization for physical action and survival will result.

The conscious sphere of mind constantly presents its own suggestions to the subconscious, who then manifests them through its total control of the physical body. Thus, if one tells the heart to reduce its rate of heartbeat, the subconscious slows it down.

Suggestions from both the conscious sphere of mind and the instincts, stored in the subconscious, influence the actions of the subconscious in accordance with the law of attraction. That law operates via like attracting like. The subconscious attracts divine substance to it as it fashions, in physical form, the energetic intent of consciousness.

The shamans of ancient Mexico called this divine substance and intelligence the energy of intent. This independent magical energy permeates the universe and is the energy behind all of creation. The subconscious mind has access to this divine energy of intent, which it calls upon to both run the body and manifest, in physical form, the suggestions it accepts.

The conscious mind has its own relationship with intent through its ability to intend its intentions to the subconscious mind via suggestion.  Like the subconscious mind, the energy of intent neither reasons nor moralizes, it creates what it intends to create.

The subconscious, with its access to the energy of intent, can thus create a reality that serves the whims of narcissism as equally as intentions presented for the greater good. A heartfelt conscious master of intent would thus choose to exercise their divine freedom of will for the intent of the greater good of self and other.

Consciousness also has the Knightly duty to protect its Queen, the subconscious sphere of the mind. Concretely, this can mean choosing to not expose itself to the content of the negativity influencers on social media, who seek to implant their suggestions into the subconscious minds of listeners and readers.

The subconscious does not rationally reflect upon the rightness of the suggestions presented to it, it is solely the irrational center of creation. The subconscious depends completely upon the conscious sphere to discern right action.

The conscious sphere of mind is also charged to face its own fears and negative beliefs which might be secretly undermining its own intentions for change in accordance with the greater good. For example, a hidden fear of scarcity might result in the subconscious being attracted to purchase less healthy but cheaper food to save money, whereby compromising its intent for perfect health.

Consciousness must monitor its use of words, as it is words that become the flesh. I’ll never be able to have that, is a powerful suggestion to the subconscious that will be manifested as scarcity and poverty. The antidote: immediately change all negatives into positives. In this instance, never have that becomes a definite, I have that!

The declarative, I have that, rests upon the conviction of the conscious sphere that it has successfully planted the seed of its intent into the fertile soil of subconscious substance. The law of growth insists that that seed will physically manifest through the energy of intent in the subconscious sphere of the mind. The conscious sphere waters its seed through its certainty that the full maturation of its seed of intent is a physical fact, in definite progress.

During the watering of the seed of intent, the affirmation, I have that, is repeated often in the conscious mind, together with a powerful exercise of the imagination that visualizes that in one’s possession, as one passionately feels one’s desire and joy at its realization. The conscious sphere must choose to engage in this practice frequently, to both impress the subconscious with its intent, as well as to become a habit of mind and, eventually, a new reality.

Consciousness, with its royal prerogative to choose, must also acquiesce to the divine prerogative of the subconscious to attract the necessary events to realize the given intent, in accordance with its own methods, and in its own time.

The mind is ultimately a royal partnership, of interdependence and deep love and respect, between the conscious and subconscious spheres of the mind. Without the conscious mind’s reasoning powers and discernment of right action, the subconscious mind is prey to create all manner of unsavory suggestions. Likewise, without a positive working relationship with the subconscious, the conscious sphere cannot realize the fulfillment of its true desires, and potential, while in physical form.

As with all intimate relationships, the relationship between the conscious and subconscious spheres of mind requires focused attention, appreciation, and mutual respect, to grow and become all that one unified mind can be while attached to life in physical form.


Chuck’s Place: The Law Of Mind

Thought creates reality…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Carlos Castaneda was emphatic that human beings are magical beings. His greatest lament was how the power of negative suggestion veiled our awareness of our true power of creation. The irony is that we cluelessly exercise and partake in this divine power every day to generate a limited, disgruntled sense of self.

What Carlos recognized as magical is the human power of mind to intend  and physically manifest as a creator. The human species truly is the Chosen One,  endowed with a divine ability to freely create.

The laws of nature rule the subconscious minds of all beings in nature. Only the human mind can override nature’s instinctual promptings and create what it wants. Whether we are aware of it or not, the suggestions we deliver, or allow to be delivered, to our subconscious minds, create the life we are in.

What distinguishes the human mind is its conscious capacity to think, and with that, its ability to choose. The human mind has this added layer of a conscious mind that has a controlling influence upon the subconscious mind, the mind that it shares with all of nature.

Animals follow fixed patterns. I knew a master hunter who stopped hunting because the fixed regularity of paths that deer travelled gave hunters a ridiculously unfair advantage. I observe how deer around our house continuously munch on the same trees and plants, despite the fact that lush vegetation is available but a few feet from their established routine.

The conscious mind is a mind that can observe, reason, and change direction. The subconscious mind is the mind of creation. These two minds are symbiotically bound to each other. The conscious mind is charged with providing responsible leadership to the subconscious mind, which fulfills, without judgment, its suggestions.

Human infants are born with subconscious instincts intact but with a blank-slate conscious mind. The conscious mind builds an identity over time, largely based upon outside influences. For instance, an infant that sleeps through the night without disturbing its parents might be hailed as a ‘good baby.’ This feedback of goodness for non-disturbing behavior may then become a major conditioning factor in the child’s personality.

The conscious personality is filled to the brim with such internalized foundational beliefs about itself that become self-fulfilling prophecies. The beliefs are suggestions to the subconscious mind, which then builds a physical, mental, and emotional definition of itself that fulfills the conscious mind’s thoughts about itself.

Understand that the subconscious is not a thinking mind; it does not judge the quality or truthfulness of the suggestions it is compelled to fulfill. The subconscious is solely a creator, who has the divine ability to transmute thought into physical being. It accepts all suggestions impressed upon it with equanimity. It is the responsibility of the conscious mind to determine what is truth and to suggest right action.

The process of freeing the conscious mind from its attachment to false and negative beliefs is fundamental to desired change. Many technologies provide tools to accomplish this.  Ancient shamanic practices employ the shaman to cut the cord to internalized outside influences. Psychedelics burst through the shallow province of the conscious mind to introduce other worlds of possibility. Inner parts work utilizes active imagination and communication with inner parts to  loosen the hold of their defenses and limiting beliefs.

The oldest and simplest technique is borrowed from the first one employed to shape our personalities, from birth onward: rote memorization. The phrases that were used, often laced with emotion, to tell us we were good or bad, worthy or unworthy, capable or incapable, lovable or unlovable—whether they had merit or not—shaped our concept of self.

Those same messages of childhood, true or not, have often been transmuted into our core identity, as experienced in habitual modes of thinking, feeling, and believing.

We can approach embodying a new identity in stages. If, for instance, one has no faith in the power of their subconscious to heal, they can repeatedly state, several times a day: “I have faith in the power of my subconscious to heal me.” This suggestion affords the subconscious the directive to assemble experiences that will enable one to embody the feeling of faith.

Once this suggestion is manifested, one can voice a new suggestion to direct the healing capacity of the subconscious to a specific mental or physical concern, with full confidence that the subconscious mind is being directly and successfully impressed.

Suggestions should be stated rotely and repeatedly. Bring presence and enthusiasm to each repetition but, most importantly, keep stating your intentions incessantly throughout the day and before sleep.

Take a cue from the internal dialogue that never shuts up! Let your new, positive, healing suggestions become your new inner dialogue.

Just do it!

Chuck’s Place: The Full Breadth Of The Subconscious Mind

We are all part of the vast interconnected All That Is…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

If the conscious mind is characterized as command central, then the subconscious mind is boots on the ground.

The conscious mind is the active mental side of our wholeness. It has the capacity to think and suggest, with awareness.

The subconscious mind is the magnetically generative side of our wholeness. It has the ability to draw to it all the materials needed to create and manifest a suggestion.

In their most individuated relationship, the conscious and subconscious minds are the divine couple whose intent and manifestation serve the creative expression and experience of All That Is, the greater interconnectedness, the oneness that we all are.

The subconscious mind operates beneath the threshold of consciousness, at the crossroads of influencers that market suggestions from the conscious mind, as well as from a multitude of characters that exist in the depths of the collective unconscious of All That Is.

In these regions, one first encounters what Jung called the personal unconscious, which is populated by the shadow, which includes the rejected parts of the self, as well as a warehouse of internalized beliefs obtained through social interactions that heavily overshadow our view of ourselves and others.

Jung called the characters in the personal unconscious complexes. A useful current psychotherapy model calls them one’s internal family system (IFS)Negative beliefs about the self emanating from this shadow dimension prompt an ongoing internal dialogue that generates a steady flow of disempowering suggestions to the subconscious mind.

Beneath the personal unconscious are the characters of our ancestral tree, whom contribute their genetic disposition, as well as wisdom, wounds, and questions emanating from the lives they’ve lived. Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellations addresses influences from this dimension, which generate powerful suggestions to the subconscious mind.

At the deeper depths of the ancestral unconscious is the evolutionary journey of our species, which determines our instinctual reactions to survive via powerful instincts and archetypal patterns. When activated, the magnitude of emotion and energy from these centers powerfully influences the suggestibility of the subconscious mind and its subsequent manifestations. An example would be, a mother filled with superhuman strength to lift a car to save her trapped child.

Finally, the subconscious is connected to all the selves we have been in our various incarnations, as well as to our High Self, which is at the nucleus of our soul’s journey through infinity. This network of connections, with all their accumulated wisdom and concern, has its own portal of energetic influence upon the subconscious mind.

As you can see, the subconscious mind has a vast set of connections and suggestions to choose from as it navigates life. The subconscious largely controls the fate of our body, as well as the life we will manifest.

As opposed to the conscious mind that generally uses rational thinking to decide its course of action, the subconscious mind weighs the emotional intensity and attractiveness of proposed suggestions. The subconscious truly demands to be impressed by its potential suitors; suggestions must resonate.

The conscious mind has access, through the subconscious mind’s connections, to these deeper centers of the unconscious mind. Thus, when I ask for help from my High Self, this request becomes a suggestion to the subconscious that often results in an intuition—a meaningful image—that sheds a broader light on the concern I was contemplating.

I note that the image provided was not the result of a rational process but rather one of powerful associative value. The High Self provides the exact missing puzzle piece to fit the current puzzle. Remember the magnetic power of the subconscious; it draws to it, with precision, that which is needed to fulfill its chosen project.

The conscious mind is certainly the greatest influencer of the subconscious mind, at least in this human life. Its salient feature is the exercise of free choice. The fate of our current world hinges on the exercise of the conscious mind to align its suggestions for the greater good.

The greater the conscious mind is able to Know Thyself, in all its dimensions, the more balanced and fulfilling will be its suggestions. If current thoughts and suggestions to the subconscious mind are old, outdated and negative, resulting in old stuck patterns, then it’s high time to reprogram with new, inviting and invigorating suggestions to manifest something totally new.

The subconscious mind is highly impressed by thoughts, emotions, beliefs, intentions, prayers and mantras rotely stated, or emotionally expressed through art, music and movement. The key is perseverance without attachment to outcome.

Know that any suggestion you put out to the universe has already been created on the mental plane of thought and that it just needs to gestate under the magnetic sculpting of the subconscious mind before it manifests. Have the patience to ensure the faith of its inevitable delivery.

The ultimate key is knowing that you—as a necessary component of All That Is—are the creator of your own life. Go ahead and create that masterpiece!
