Tag Archives: as within so without

A Message for humanity from Jeanne: A New beginning

Each new day is an opportunity to balance the light and the shadow, as is appropriate…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is our first audio channeled message of the New Year, inviting us all to take responsibility for our every decision in the year to come, which offers us all an opportunity for a new beginning. It really is up to us to sculpt ourselves and the life we desire.

Wishing everyone a wonderful week!

Soulbyte for Monday january 7, 2019

Focus your energy so that it may be put to good use, utilized for growth and change within and to create harmony in your outer world. Do this by changing your negative thinking to positive thoughts. Do this by imagining yourself in a future setting and determine that you will arrive there whole, unscathed, and in the most magical way. Visualize yourself in a most beautiful world and then manifest it by making beauty in your own world, one day and one thought at a time. Allow yourself to imagine a changed world by doing something to create it, every day, in the most positive ways. You are the creator and the creation. You are everything, the source of power and the power in your own life. Use it wisely for yourself and for the good of all.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: The momentous opportunity of Now

Turning in a new direction…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

As without, so within. Without, we are all witnessing a stupendous archetypal drama. The dweller, at the threshold of the mighty house, has opened the door to the dark side of the force. Within, the ego Soul, at the threshold of the subconscious, must awaken to whom it has let in.

Difficult to own this projection. The drama without is so spellbinding it would seem to be the only real movie in town. That’s part of the challenge. The collective subconscious ego Soul has materialized a hypnotist, whose name is invoked daily more than any other word on Earth. Now that truly is black magic. With that much attention surrendered to the hypnotist, we are all drawn sheepishly to await the next suggestion upon which all life revolves.

Now, how could such an overarching outer predicament actually reflect the condition within one’s own personal psyche? The ego Soul, at the third chakra, is a child obsessed with its own wants, needs, and desires—particularly an insatiable hunger for attention and recognition. A child is simply incapable of seeing and caring for the rest of its personality and body beyond the mirror of its own appetites and power drives.

The subconscious soul is the warehouse of what Jung called the shadow or personal unconscious. However, it is also the gateway to the collective shadow and the collective unconscious archetypes deeply tied to the physical instincts. The subconscious soul is abundantly willing to cater to the power and appetite drives of the naive attention-seeking ego Soul at the third chakra, with the hidden intent of taking possession of the ego Soul.

What then ensues is ego Soul at the third chakra getting all it wants satiated via a Faustian-like pact with the devil, which uses its position of influence to take control of the personality and give free rein to its long suppressed shadow agenda. From an outer world historical perspective, the Nazification of Germany reflected the shadow taking possession of a collective national ego Soul, with atrocious consequences.

To actually reflect objectively on both inner and outer reality, ego Soul must establish itself at the heart center chakra, which enables an adult perspective and decision making center to come online. These include being able to acknowledge life beyond the self, as well as clarity as to the interconnected, interdependent wholeness of all things. This allows for acceptance and creative integration of all parts of the self. This enables the adult to raise the child at the third chakra with compassion and firm limits.

Outwardly, we enter a New Year with a new American Congress set to challenge the Executive branch. Investigations offer the possibility of temperance, but all must face the reality: as without, so within. No one is immune from encounter with the dark side, which is quite willing to change its appearance from devil to angel but still house the same power drives. All must ask themselves: From what center are they really acting? From the sly, rationalizing, justifying, manipulating possessed ego Soul, at the third chakra, or from right action, from the ego Soul raised to the heart center?

The momentousness of this time we live in is the opportunity for all world citizens to participate in the raising of the world ego Soul to the adult position of the heart center, both within and without. This is the dawning of The Age of Aquarius, which at this time beckons us to own the projections of our times, within ourselves, and to cover our ears from the master hypnotists, both within and without.

Turn and walk in a new direction. Don’t look back. Move forward with ease into new life. What will you meet? It’s all new now. Don’t get caught in the Scylla and Charybdis of depression or exhilarated denial. Walk the razor’s edge mindfully. You are the master of your own ship.

“The time to hesitate is through,” say the Doors.

Walk your ego Soul through the door to new life in the heart center of your SOUL.

The journey continues.

Happy New Life,


Soulbyte for Tuesday January 1, 2019

In this new time of learning and growth, learn to sit quietly, learn to breathe deeply, learn to walk slowly, learn to wait patiently. Learn to open your heart, open your mind, and open your spirit, so that you may be available to guidance from all around you, in the world and beyond the world. Make these inner practices your spiritual practices. Learn also to respect fully, share equally, consider others, even as you turn more inward and get yourself in order. Let this adjustment, this New Year, manmade marker that it is, be the catalyst you have longed for. Take care of yourself in a new way and let this New Year be the one, the marker granting you permission to finally just be you again, the real you, inside and out, matured and honed in a new compassionate way. And know that all other beings seek only the same, to just be at peace, within and without. Keep it simple.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday December 28, 2018

You are all magical beings, imbued with magical powers. Use your magic to conjure beauty. Use your magic to amass love and be loving. Use your magic to spread the energy of kindness and compassion wherever you roam. Use your magic wisely, quietly, and always for the greater good. Use your magic to change yourself. Become an agent of change, within and without. It’s all about how you choose to use your energy—that’s your magic!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne