Tag Archives: as within so without

Chuck’s Place: Let Love be The Emphasis

Every slice contains the whole…
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

The salient feature of a hologram is that every slice of it, no matter how infinitesimal, at the subtlest level of energetic reality contains the wholeness of the hologram.

We simply cannot get away from the basic fact that everything around us is also part of us. We are all part of the same hologram. At the solid material level of reality, the appearance of  separateness and uniqueness belies the hidden truth that all, everything, is one.

What gives us our distinctness in our current life is the specific position our personality currently occupies in the hologram. Although we contain within us potential access to all the positions of the hologram, our ‘personality’ is merely the fixed position, with its unique perspective, that we occupy in this life.

The shamans of ancient Mexico coined the term the assemblage point to depict the distinct position one occupies in the hologram and how, from that vantage point, energy is assembled into one’s perception of the world.

Until recently, the collective assemblage point of humankind was relatively consistent among all members of the human race, which generated a fairly uniform consensus reality. Presently, however, there is little collective consensus of reality, creating the instability, uncertainty and great changes the world is currently experiencing.

A shift in the assemblage point to a new position sends one into another perception of reality, into another world. In sleeping, the assemblage point naturally shifts, as we enter dreams, which take us to alternate positions of the assemblage point where we experience different personalities, often unknown or dormant parts of the hologram, within our reach but not emphasized in our waking, assembled selves.

These minor shifts of the assemblage point may take us into the suppressed regions of the subconscious mind or the unconscious regions of the greater hologram. Past lives may actually be personal in the sense that they are experienced personally when one shifts into, lives, and remembers the history contained in a newly discovered position of the assemblage point. Nonetheless, shifts into past lives are actually also collective, in that anyone who experiences that same position will have the same memory.

Just after WWII, at the formative age of 19, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, later the renowned author of Death and Dying, visited Maidanek, the concentration camp in Poland where many young children had been exterminated. She interacted with a young Jewish girl who elected to stay there rather than leave at the end of the war. This young girl was spared, just prior to liberation of the camp by the Allies, simply because one more person could not fit into the gas chamber. In her horror, Elisabeth asked her:

“…Why do you stay in this place of inhumanity?” She said, ‘during the last few weeks of the concentration camp I swore to myself that I was going to survive to do nothing but tell the world of all of the horrors of the Nazis and the concentration camps. Then the liberation army came. I looked at those people and I said to myself: ‘No. If I would do that, I would be no better than Hitler himself.’ Because what else would I then do but to plant even more seeds of hate and negativity in the world? ….if I can touch one single human life and turn it away from negativity, from hate, from revenge, from bitterness into one that can serve and love and care, then it might be worthwhile and I deserved to survive.” “…Don’t you believe, Elisabeth, that in all of us there is a Hitler?”
from The Tunnel and The Light, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, 1999

This young girl had the wisdom to see that indeed, Hitler was just another position of the assemblage point, the position of negativity and hatred. She had been emotionally drawn to shift to this position within herself in the waning weeks of the war. In the end, she acknowledged her own inner Hitler potential and chose to adhere to the position of love, with the intent to shift away from occupying the position of negativity and instead to advance the healing of the world.

The ability to acknowledge that we are all part of the same hologram, that we are all capable of everything, lessens the need for our psyche to introduce us to ourselves through our disowned and hated parts, via projection onto other people.

It may be impossible to not feel the rage and hatred this girl experienced initially; in fact it’s critical to acknowledge it and release the emotions of it. However, to not become possessed by the Hitlerian position of the assemblage point one must intend a different position.

The time we are living in is flush with the negativity of Hitler types. To counter this position one must first acknowledge one’s own attraction to, and capacity for, negativity. From this place of truthfulness, one can accept inherent flawed-ness as a characteristic of the human hologram, as well as accept one’s own personal flaws.

With this self-acceptance, negativity loses its grip and one is freed to just love, the ideal position of the assemblage point within the human hologram.

Find this position within the personal self and contribute to its collective emphasis in our coming new consensus reality. We all have agency. Let love be the emphasis.

With love,


Soulbyte for Tuesday July 12, 2022

Look to nature for answers, for nature is as pure as it gets. Her processes prove how adaptable she is to change, how she snaps back to life after a storm, an avalanche, a flood. She adapts to the changes and new life springs forth in the changed environment. Learn to go with the flow of change in your own life and your own world, within and without, keeping constantly in mind the ultimate purpose of life, which is to evolve into the spiritual being you truly are.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday July 6, 2022

Life is meant to be lived, so don’t hold back. But do be discerning in what direction you decide to go. Live a life that is full of compassion for self and other. Live a life that is full of kindness for self and other. Live a life that is full of love for self and other. In fully living a life that is full of compassion, kindness and love, you can’t make a mistake or take a wrong turn. And all will be well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 5, 2022

Find solace in knowing that great change is in the works, that there is more going on than you know, and that the events you are experiencing now will lead to new things. Far more will happen before a dramatic shift occurs and all that will follow will be as never before. It is inevitable and yet it is also desirable on so many levels of life. Prepare the self for changes within as well as without, for each individual is part of the whole and thus will be effected and changed as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: The Energy of Consciousness

What are you radiating?
– Artwork © 2022 Jan Ketchel

“Consciousness is energy,” asserts Mark Certo, longtime friend of and sound engineer for Robert Monroe and host of the the Monroe Institute’s recent inaugural podcast, Expanding On Consciousness.

I would add to this definition that the energy of consciousness has awareness and volition that can reflect inwardly upon itself, as well as direct its attention outwardly. Shamans define this active state of consciousness as intent, the energy of focused consciousness.

Healers send the intent of healing energy to a patient, often at great physical distance. This focused consciousness travels to its intended destination on the wings of intent. Frequently, we suddenly think of someone who is about to call us from a great distance. This telepathic transmission and reception is fueled by the energy of focused consciousness.

Shamans, such as Carlos Castaneda, hide their true identities, to an extreme, to avoid the impact of outer consciousness being focused upon them. No one really knows Carlos’ real date of birth, name, country of origin, or actual date or cause of death.

These indeterminate facts so infuriated historians that Carlos was written off as a charlatan and is basically forgotten some 25 years after his transition from this world. Carlos, however, is free to travel in infinity unburdened of the energetic impact of the public’s attention.

Toward the end of his time in this world, Carlos emerged from seclusion and launched Tensegrity. This was the time I was privileged to experience him. His reversing of classic shamanic secrecy was an attempt to responsibly prepare the world for greater transparency, the prerequisite for greater mastery of consciousness and evolutionary advancement.

Critical to this advancement is to avoid the trapping of self-importance. This trapping is currently expressed in the insatiable hunger for attention that social media has unleashed within the human species. The energetic impact of such a tide of attention, both coming and going, devours people’s energy, strongly impacts their mood, identity and mental status, and frequently infiltrates their core beliefs about themselves and others.

The sudden conversion into one-sided beliefs, which divides friends and family in our currently polarized world, reflects the impact of targeted messages impacting the consciousness of those receiving them. Repetitive suggestions from political leaders entrance citizens, as they commandeer the subconscious minds and critical thinking abilities of those impacted. When we lose control of our own minds we are no longer in charge, and when we are no longer in charge we lose connection to, and mastery of, true consciousness.

Robert Monroe, a true American shaman (though I’m certain he’d reject that designation!), devised tools to protect the integrity of self from the energetic impact of the focused consciousness of others upon the self. First and foremost, he stated an intent to only interact with beings who could be authentic and helpful, rejecting interactions with nefarious and self-serving, manipulative beings.

That intent was then embodied in a resonant, subtle energy state that he called a REBAL, a resonant energy balloon, as he journeyed in infinity. Everyone can benefit from stating their intent to interact with positive, helpful people, using their imagination and breath to protect their body, physical and subtle, from the intrusion of non-resonant energy that attempts to penetrate their minds.

Intent has its own powerful energy of focused consciousness to fend off the unwanted impact of outside thoughts. In fact, the energy of intent can be turned to the protection and healing of one’s own physical body. However, if one’s belief system rejects such a possibility, it will not be possible to benefit from such an intent. Intent requires unbending focused consciousness to deliver its action.

Disbelief and doubt fragment the energy of intent. The placebo effect demonstrates the power of intent to impact the physical body when one is convinced of its benefits. The benefits of the placebo effect are often immediately erased when the subject discovers they were not given the “real” drug.

If one can suspend the judgment of disbelief and open to the legitimate possibility that an intent can be realized, one might indeed discover the true power of consciousness. Thus, stating an intent, without doubt or attachment to the outcome, is an opportunity to discover its true impact.

Hypnosis demonstrates the power of intent via the focused energy of suggestion. The best use of hypnosis is self-hypnosis, where the conscious mind, though relaxed and peripheral, embraces the suggestion presented to the subconscious. Self-hypnosis preserves the authority to direct one’s life collaboratively, within the confines of the various dimensions of self.

These dimensions of self coexist and yet often remain unknown to each other in the fuller consciousness that holds them together. Thus, a meeting with another at a soul level, in a dream or in waking life, may quickly be lost to memory. Mastery of consciousness requires a remembering that includes encounters we typically forget, like dreams lost upon awakening. Only through training ourselves to remember can we achieve a fuller conscious presence now.

The energy of consciousness is deeply impactful and it behooves us all to assume full responsibility for our thoughts and where we put our attention, keeping in mind the direct impact they have upon the self and the world.

We are currently experiencing an accelerated world war of nuclear thoughts, each day bombarded with new toxic ideas and decisions. Our ability to both protect ourselves from non-resonant toxic thought, as well as to project outwardly the energy of compassionate intent, is our best opportunity to stabilize the world and advance its evolution.

Our choices, rooted in the responsible intent for our energy of consciousness to grow in the direction of love, compassion and kindness, will change the world.

Exercising the free will of consciousness for the greater good,


NOTE: Expanding on Consciousness podcast is available wherever you normally get your podcasts. New episodes are dropped every Tuesday.

ALSO: Chuck has written a blog this week packed with plenty of ideas to assimilate and work on, plenty to consider while he takes a break from blogging over the next few weeks. His next blog will appear on Tuesday July 19, 2022.