Soulbyte for Wednesday May 8, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Find peace in the small everyday things that make up life. Find beauty in the tiniest beam of sunlight, in the smell of a rose, in the clouds in the sky, in the taste of something special. Let the little things guide you to appreciate how life’s little miracles offer enough on any given day. Open your eyes, your senses, your mind to the little offerings that you may be missing and let your heart rest in peace, if only for a moment at a time.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Intensity Is The Key To Manifestation

When all else fails, hone your superpower & stay grounded too…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

In a dream, I arrive at a conference site early in the day. I’m allowed to check into my room, one of many cottage-like structures scattered about the grounds. I go into my room to discover a man taking a shower. The room had not been vacated.

This room disruption became the theme of the dream, as my room number changed constantly, even while I was asleep in it. All orienting signs became meaningless.

When the rules that govern our familiar reality are interrupted we arrive at the gate of new manifestation. The first challenge in this dream is to not be offended by its unfairness. No point in an irate call to the desk clerk. Such an intense act would simply manifest and reinforce a typical drama around self-importance and entitlement.

If we cling to the rules that govern our consensus reality we miss the fine print of that contract, which states, “All rules were made to be broken.” Don Juan Matus stressed that he refused to uphold rules that he had not personally agreed upon. Despite appearances, reality is relative. Consciously, or unconsciously, we are the creators of our own reality.

The more appropriate reaction, in this dream, is to say to self, “Chuck, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas anymore.” This is the attitude that invites the intensity of awe, which in turn potentiates the magic, the freedom to manifest one’s own creative intent.

The subconscious mind is the power plant of manifestation, but realize, it is quite neutral as to the outcome of its physical creation. It responds to intensity rather than morality. If one chooses the intensity of anger, it will attract a reality befitting that emotion. If the mood is more hopeless, it will cast defeat upon all that one sees. If fear is the main attraction, it will riddle the mind with horror stories and the body with anxiety.

If one is passionate about a belief, positive or negative, it is sure to activate the attractive power of the subconscious. The key is in the faith and passion one holds; the intensity of one’s belief. There is little intensity in idly wishing and hoping that someday something will happen.

Our consensus reality has largely maintained itself by a default agreement passively accepted through the influence of strong socialization. We have disowned and projected our innate magical beingness onto fairy tales, while we have hardened into solid reality.

The world events of our time, like the ruptures in my dream, are shattering this fixation, shredding the very fabric of our weathered consensus reality. The emotional intensities of left and right are generating fantastical realities that then clash into even greater  calamities.

As I said above, the subconscious responds to intensity of emotion and thought. It is the responsibility of human consciousness to exercise responsible choice. Current events are powerfully waking us up to assume responsibility for our own creative power and to use it wisely.

May we exercise our power like Jupiter in Libra. May the intensity of our awe expand, like Jupiter, into Libra, whose outstanding characteristic is one of balance. To expand without balance is delusion, yet even delusion, when embraced with intensity, can manifest.

An agreement that is inclusive of the true needs of all is the creative exercise of power we need. May it, with intensity, prevail.

With Intensity,

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 7, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

It’s okay to desire change, to wish for peace, to believe in miracles. Though your society plods onward in its usual ways, it’s okay to look beyond the status quo to what else might be possible. To dream of a better world is one path of heart that awaits. To actually walk that path, that dream, offers the possibility of an actual better world. There is a difference between just dreaming and imagining and taking action to actualize a dream. Some of the best ideas fall by the wayside because they are never given life, never actualized. Don’t let your own dreams fall by the wayside. Take one step today to make them come true. And then do the same the day after. Things don’t ordinarily happen overnight. It’s in the daily step-by-step that they unfold and become reality.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 6, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Change happens in slow increments but also in leaps and bounds. Sometimes it’s hard to wait for change to come, at other times it’s hard to keep up. To get in alignment with change is part of being in balance with life. Notice how changes in your life, and in the world around you, affect you and decide the best actions and reactions to take in keeping with where you are in life and where you want to be. When change is happening slowly, slow down and be with that pace. And when change comes in leaps and bounds, leap up and bound along with it. Do what is called for in each moment.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday May 3, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Notice how peaceful a calm weather day makes you feel within yourself, calm too, while a wild weather day makes you jittery and feeling unsafe, perhaps worried. Control of your central nervous system can be affected by things outside of you but also by things inside of you; thoughts are as worrisome as bad weather. Learn to speak to your central nervous system. Unlike an approaching weather system it will pay attention to you. You can calm it, placate it, urge it into peacefulness; it just takes practice. Breathe and speak kindly to yourself. You have the power you need within yourself to bring about the change you desire.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne