Tag Archives: vibration

Chuck’s Place: Focus On The Opposite

Vibrate peace…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

We find that there is a person we just can’t stand. The mere mention of their name arouses feelings of hatred and utter disgust. Such is the experience of many in these extremely polarized times in which we live.

Therapeutically, there is value in assessing whether this gripping emotional experience is a function of a psychological defense, whereby the unconscious projects an unwanted part of ourself onto the personality of another person, relieving us of owning this unacceptable part of ourself.

We then vicariously continue to live, yet not own, that part of ourself through our obsession with, and hatred of, this other character. To introspectively investigate such vicarious aspects of self is called shadow work, which results in the retrieval of, and reconciliation with, rejected parts of the personality.

As valuable as owning one’s projections might be, we often remain extremely doubtful that our emotional reaction is rooted in a shadow projection from ourselves. We remain utterly unconvinced of our part in the problem, and remain gripped by hatred for this ‘evil’ person. Another approach to relief from this rigid fixation is to transmute one’s feeling state through the use of the Hermetic Law of Vibration.  

This law of vibration states that everything that exists is in motion, generating a vibration. Physical matter is vibratory energy densely packed into solid form, obviously moving at a very slow rate of vibration. Subtle mental energy states of our being—such as that of our soul, or energy body—move at a very rapid rate of vibration, which accounts for the ability to swiftly move through physical walls when out of body.

Emotions, energy in motion, have their own vibratory states. When we feel hatred, we are heavy of mood and emit a low vibratory state that alienates others and depresses our own energy state. When we feel love, our mood is light and welcoming, positively impacting those around us and invigorating our own creative juices.

Clearly, emotions are part of a continuum of vibratory energy, with love and hate at polar opposite coordinates on the same scale of emotion. If we can shift our position from the negative point of hate to the positive position of love, we can experience a positive vibration that transforms our internal experience and impacts the outer world as well.

To facilitate this transmutation of emotion, we begin by engaging the will of our conscious ego to fixate its attention upon the desired emotion. Where we place our attention is the vibration of what we will become. To disengage from hate, we intentionally focus on the opposite, love, which builds the suggestion to the subconscious mind to manifest a changed experience within and without.

The components of this suggestion include thought, emotion and imagination. Thought is directive intention. In the case of the hated person we begin by stating, “I have compassion for __________.”  It does not matter that you begin by not believing or feeling this emotion. You are fixating your intent upon generating this vibratory experience. State this phrase frequently, incessantly.

Next engage your imagination. Visualize this person as part of the All of Creation, who is struggling to grow to a higher vibration, the destiny of all life. Know that however stuck and misguided they may be, they have the capacity for positive change. Telepathically transmit this vote of confidence as a suggestion to their subconscious mind.

Within your own imagination, visualize them as a totally transformed, positive being. Feel their joy at having achieved such a positive transformation. Visualize their changed impact upon the world from such a positive perch.

Embellish your mental movie and thoughts with a strong desire for major transformation. Feel empathy for a fellow flawed human. Feel excitement for their unfolding enlightenment and freedom from the bondage of negativity. Express gratitude for the power of the infinite intelligence and divine substance of the subconscious mind to materialize such a positive vibration, within the self and the world.

Exercise the will vigilantly to firmly plant this suggestion in the subconscious mind. Let go with the absolute certainty that the divine powers within will attract the necessary material to manifest this intent. Be patient but persistent in stating, feeling, and imagining this intent.

Success is guaranteed. Feel the lightness and warmth of your own changed emotional state. You have transmuted yourself from that hating person to a being of light and love, radiating positivity for the higher vibration of the greater good. The world is a better place.

Thank you,

Chuck’s Place: Boundaried And Unboundaried

Vibrate love…
– Illustration © 2022 Jan Ketchel

Ego is actually Soul, boundaried. At some level it knows it is part of something greater yet it must suffer the necessary amnesia of its true origins and be limited to its identity forged in its life in human form. Once it arrives at its true place, as agent of consciousness in the greater life of its Soul, all settles nicely.

Nonetheless, boundaries are truly essential to have a truly human experience in time and space. And isn’t that why we are in the specific life we are in, to experience and advance this life, which will eventually become a part of our greater Soul’s infinite journey?

Nonetheless, while our ego is preoccupied with our human life dream, our greater Soul lives on. We cross paths with Soul in dreams, synchronicities and intuitive downloads that provide guidance and support to our student ego.

As we loosen our boundaries, we open to the wholeness of our living Soul. For instance, the simple act of releasing muscular tension introduces us to the greater wholeness of the physical body. Breathing into ever-deeper relaxation opens the door to the subtle soul, as our energy stirs and begins to vibrate.

As the vibratory frequency rises and intensifies we become one with all of nature, joining the chorus of tree frogs and cicadas. As boundaries melt away, we become very much aware of the oneness of everything in the energetic wave that we are all part of.

By practicing this simple relaxation ego learns that it is more than its current identity. Though it must be in its human life, in its solid physical body, it can connect with its multidimensional self as well, experiencing the subtle connection to its energetic home in the ongoing life of its greater Soul.

Ego can evolve during its sojourn in space/time by maintaining connection with its fuller self. All that is truly required is to give up its illusion of the superiority of its reason. More specifically, ego must allow its reason to grow beyond itself and to more deeply explore the world of its beyond-ordinary land of intuition.

Ego can also mature to release itself from the seductive grip of negativity, which offers its own kind of divinity of smoldering passion. Love, in contrast, melts all the boundaries of the multidimensional self in its acceptance of everything.

Surrounded by the powerful energy of love, the wall of defensive negativity relaxes its solid grip, and we are released to breathe in the calm energy of love.

At the deepest and most subtle levels, relax and let love permeate, within and without. As part of infinity’s greater wave of energy, love is a course corrective for the times we live in. May ego find its way to love.

Hold love within, intend it without. Boundaried and unboundaried will feel its call.


Soulbyte for Tuesday May 7, 2019

Contain your energy so that you may know how it feels to be energetically alive and well, and so that you may discover how best to use it. Intentionally attune your vibration to a higher level. Without interference or influence, hone your own energy vibration to its purest state so you may have it available for your own good purposes and for the greater good. If you are intentionally in good vibration, others will notice and be affected by you. Your vibration is your spiritual attunement, that which is felt and even seen by others. For your vibration precedes you, in both waking and dreaming life. If your vibration is low, pay attention to what will aid it and bring it up to a higher frequency. Keep it in good shape, with the same kind of attention that the human body needs to be healthy; this will give you a healthy vibration too. Remember, it is your spirit energy, how you are recognized and perceived, no matter what world you go into. It is your magical energetic self, your shine and brightness, your spiritual energy. Take good care of it, within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity From Jeanne: You Are Vibration!

How are you, as vibration, perceived?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In this week’s audio channeled message we are all advised to study our vibration, that part of ourselves that we may not be paying much attention to, but that which is truly perceivable. It’s something to be experienced, honed, and utilized for our own use and for the greater good too!

Have a wonderful week!

Soulbyte for Monday October 15, 2018

Protect yourself from yourself. Keep your energy safe from your own thoughts, fears, worries, and ideas. Notice what you tell yourself first thing when you wake up and how it effects you. Notice what you refuse to consider, what you dare not trust, and what you decide to latch onto as your truths. Perhaps you’re getting something wrong this time. You might even be your own worst enemy. Negative thoughts manifest, just as positive ones do. Are your thoughts too negative? Is your energy suffering because of this? Are those around you suffering because of these thoughts too? A simple switch, a trick of the imagination, a refusal to think in a certain direction may be all you need to free yourself, body, mind, and spirit. Remember, you are energy, pure vibration, and as energy you are fluid, except when thoughts slow down your energy and manifest in solid blockages. Keep your energy fluid in all you think. Manifest an open flow of energy. Imagine yourself as a stream or river, a gentle breeze, a butterfly or bird on the wing, and in this manner keep your energy safe and healthy, alive and flowing, in perfect harmonic vibration,  within and without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne