Tag Archives: truth

Soulbyte for Tuesday December 4, 2018

Hold onto your heart as your central mechanism for being, thinking, feeling, and knowing. Though your head may seek dominance, ask it to kindly bow out so that what lies in your heart may be more clearly heard. To be heart centered is to be in alignment with the truth and to be in alignment with the truth is the purpose of all of life. And the heart knows this purpose above all else. Let it reveal to you what it knows. Get heart centered once again.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday March 16, 2018

Notice when you are about to tell a lie, to yourself or to another person, when you are about to say something that is just not true. Stop and question yourself as to your motives. Are you trying to hide something? Is lying automatic? Do you do it all the time without thinking? What part of you lies? Your inflated ego? Your wounded child? The part of yourself that feels unworthy? When you feel a lie coming on, stop yourself. Reverse yourself and correct your lie. Speak only the truth now, for this is no time for lying. It only makes matters worse. Get on the straight and narrow path of truth where all is already laid out. You know what that means, though it might mean you have to take responsibility for yourself in a new way. Just do it because the truth is right and what’s right may be painful but ultimately it’s what leads you to salvation, healing, and a better life. Stick with what’s right and speak the truth at all times. Let truth be your guide.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 27, 2018

Who will bring peace to the world now? It must come from everyone, for all of you are part of the great movement of change and transition now underway. Keep peace in your heart, kindness on your tongue, and goodness at your fingertips even as you do the hard work of revealing the brutal truth, within and without. Let good be the most important force, with love and kindness its supporting energies. For without these sturdy attributes no solid base will be constructed. All must partake in creating a new reality now. Do it right. Do it well. Do it with love.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 15, 2017

Sometimes the truth is not what you keep telling yourself, but what truly is. That which once was, that which could be, that which should be or would be, if only, is not the truth. It is only an idea, a figment of desire and not what truly is. Can you acquiesce to what truly is? Can you accept the truth? Be honest. Begin with the truth. Begin with what truly is, right now. Acceptance of the truth is step one in beginning a journey of change. Ready?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne