Tag Archives: the power of suggestion

Chuck’s Place: The Divine Power Of The Human Mind

Ask the High Self for help…
-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

When humanity acquired consciousness it gained the divine prerogative  to tell the subconscious mind what to do. The subconscious mind has the divine capacity to create whatever is suggested to it. Both the conscious and subconscious minds have divine attributes. Words, in the form of suggestions from the conscious mind, become flesh, as they are outwardly manifested by the divine power of the subconscious mind.

Back in the days before Prometheus stole the fire of consciousness from the gods, and Adam and Eve from the Tree of Knowledge, human beings had no choices; they religiously obeyed the divine laws of instinct. Instinct is housed in the subconscious mind, which essentially ruled human life in a consistent way until the birth of human consciousness.

With consciousness as the new absolute ruler, suggestions are able to be delivered that can override instinctive programs with new programs that  create and  destroy with abandon.

There are a couple of checks to this absolute power. Most powerful has been the rational mind, which dismisses divine power outright. With its material bias, it limits people’s belief in their latent divine powers. If you don’t believe you have an ability you won’t exercise it.

Furthermore, you won’t arouse the emotional enthusiasm needed to attract the subconscious mind’s attention to a new suggestion. In this scenario the subconscious will nonetheless continue to exercise its divine power by manifesting life scenarios that fulfill the conscious mind’s limited views of itself. 

The other major check on these divine powers is the nearly absolute power of socialization, saturated with limiting negative thoughts, which becomes internalized as an incessant internal dialogue, that then creates the shadowy reality envisaged by such suggestions. Such is the great mirror of this time on the world stage.

Suggestions are everywhere. Besides the billions spent to influence people’s minds at every turn are the thoughts of humanity, and dimensions beyond, that telepathically impinge upon the subconscious mind. The seduction of social media opens the floodgates to intense emotion and powerful suggestions.

Some form of meditation practice, as well as a strong suggestion to the subconscious to block the messaging of outside influences, can greatly protect one’s mind space and the ability to think and feel for oneself.

Consciousness itself must also assume responsibility for the suggestions it chooses to expose itself to. The suggestions we impress upon the subconscious are expressed in our physical reality. Suggestion is destiny. We become what we feel and believe to be true.

Our ego consciousness is largely centered in three-dimensional reality, hence it tends to be more narcissistically concerned about its own survival. This isn’t a judgement, it’s a fact. However, ego has the capacity to turn to its High Self, at the meeting place of the heart center, and ask for guidance.

The High Self lives in the subtle plane of fourth-dimensional reality. From its perspective of refined love and infinity it will tell the ego the truth, what is truly right. Of course, it remains for the ego to acquiesce or continue to operate in feigned ignorance as it struggles to evolve. The High Self never insists; it knows the ego must mature into adulthood and truly assume responsibility in its current plane of existence.

Nonetheless, the High Self feels nothing but unconditional love for the ego self. Actually, the ego, in its three-dimensional life, is the dream of the High Self. Nothing but love and truth is felt and offered to this child of the dream.

When the ego approaches the subconscious mind, with its divine capacity to create, it’s critical to be sure of the greater rightness of that which it asks for. The subconscious will not challenge or question a suggestion—that is rightly the job of consciousness.

If the intent and emotion is strong enough the subconscious will manifest the suggestion into reality. It is equally capable of manifesting good or evil. The ego is responsible for assuring the greater good of all with its suggestions. The divine in the subconscious mind allows the ego total freedom of choice. The ego will ultimately grow by experiencing the full effect of its manifested suggestions. These are divine lessons.

When requesting healing from the subconscious mind it is wise to consult with the High Self as to the true etiology of one’s symptoms. In general, all physical manifestations, including illness, issue first from the subtle mental plane, as suggestions that then physically manifest.

These are the kinds of questions to ask the High Self, with true receptivity to exploring the answers one receives:

“What is the cause of the symptom I bear?”
“From whence and where has this suggestion originated?”
“Am I being shown the negative effects of a suggestion I insisted upon manifesting?”
“Is the cause of my symptoms a reflection of error in my intentions?” 

Of course, we must address issues of our physical reality with physical interventions, but getting to the true subtle mental root of an issue can mitigate a recurrence of that physical issue. Relief of symptoms is welcome, but no guarantee of cure.

Sometimes merely aligning one’s resolve with one’s deepest truth provides instant cure. Oftentimes, however, a greater process of discovery and transformation will unfold. 

The key to the responsible use of the divine power of the human mind is to obtain the truth and guidance from the High Self. We are clearly in the early adolescence of our divine power maturation.

Be humble, be honest with self. Assume responsibility. Be in awe, be in love.

The divine is always helping us,

Chuck’s Place: Still The Wheel Of Waking Worry Mind

We are in a new Eon...Aeon is the twentieth card of the major arcana in Aleister Crowley’s Thoth tarot deck. In traditional tarot decks the twentieth card is named The Last Judgment. Crowley, however, changed its title to Aeon, representing a new beginning versus the end of the world. The destruction of now is the impact of labor pains, the precursors to new life, not the final judgment and end of the world.

The new eon is that of Horus, Egyptian son of the Goddess Isis and the God Osiris. Horus ushers in a time of greater consciousness and spiritual awakening, a step beyond the dogma and drama of the patriarchal Abrahamic religions. The eon of Horus represents humanity’s gradual withdrawal of the projection of divine power onto deities, as it awakens to, and becomes responsible for, its own divine power.

The eon of Horus parallels the astrological eon of the Age of Aquarius with its emphasis upon consciousness beyond narcissism. This is the perspective of an interconnected we, as opposed to everything being just about me. Aquarius, the water bearer, from the mental plane of thought, waters the Earth, nurturing it with healthy solutions and community spirit.

The downside of these shifting eons is the duration of their destructive labor. We could be looking at 500 years of Dark Ages, not terribly comforting to our current generation. However, as Crowley suggests, “today we have brighter torches and torch bearers.”

I submit that many of us alive today are here to provide that bright light, as we move rapidly through these dark times and pass on that torch to the future of the human dream.

Our greatest power in this Horus/Aquarian eon lies in the actualization of our divine powers of conscious suggestion and subconscious manifestation, in the service of the greater good. The first step in consciously engaging in this divine process is to still the ever-turning wheel of waking worry mind.

Since the subconscious mind is deeply engaged in supporting the activities of daily life, we first disengage from physical activity to free up subconscious attention. I suggest the use of autogenic phrases, repeated quickly and redundantly for several minutes.

The subconscious, which totally dominates physical functioning, responds to these commands by literally putting the body to sleep. Mentally we enter a hypnagogic state, the intermediary state between awake and sleeping consciousness. To arrive there, state these commands several times without pause:

“Feet relax, ankles relax, calf muscles relax, thighs relax, pelvis relax, stomach relax, chest relax, shoulders relax, arms relax, fingers relax, sacrum relax, back relax, neck relax, head relax, face relax.” Repeat several times until drowsy

Now, having arrived in the hypnagogic state, shift to mental focus. State a simple, prepared suggestion to the subconscious mind, such as: “Peace of mind is mine, thank you.”

Say this out loud, or quietly inside the mind with accompanying lip-syncing, for at least 5 minutes. The subconscious absorbs this intention and prepares this mental template for physical manifestation.

Finally, imagine someone of significance to you congratulating you, shaking your hand and hugging you for your achievement of deep inner peace. Feel the joy and calm of such deep inner peace. This mental completion in the imagination will be matched by the subconscious, in its own time, with its creation in physical form.

Perform this practice 3 times per day. Persevere with this practice and see what happens, sooner than you think!

This practice produces the fuel for the sacred eternal flame of conscious truth, as we endure the labor of new and glorious life.

Let not the flame die out,

Chuck’s Place: It’s All In What You Emphasize

The nagual shaman, don Juan Matus, explained to his apprentice, Carlos Castaneda, that yes, the solid object reality we live in is indeed real, but, it is energy first. Our thoughts, which are interpretations of energy, manifest our physical reality.

What we manifest is real, but the broader truth is that all manifested realities are but an interpretation of infinite energy. Like the Hindu image of the cosmic ocean, the wave is but the manifested surface that appears, and then disappears, back into its underlying cosmic oneness.

From the Thoth Tarot deck of Aliester Crowley

Aleister Crowley, in discussing the Three of Swords, in his Thoth tarot deck, states that the extreme sorrow of this card can be likened to the Buddha’s initial stage of enlightenment when he encountered the pure potential of unmanifested reality: no forms, no reason.

Despite the bliss of this pure clarity, there is the necessary sorrow of releasing attachment to the familiar. Here, one is challenged to surrender to a  consciousness greater than one’s current manifestation.

It all begins in the mind. Outer reflects inner. It’s all in what one chooses to emphasize. Negative thought is certainly an option; it’s just as real an option as a positive thought—divinity includes everything.

Everything is possible, but the paradox is that to realize this truth we must be willing to let go of our cherished beliefs, which are fixations of energy that block the natural flow of energy needed to manifest desired change. The struggle is indeed one of submitting to enlightened sorrow, the necessary crossroad that accompanies moving beyond the familiar habitual self.

Take for instance a desired physical change in the body. One may state a healing intent of change but is constantly assaulted by the feedback of sensory evidence that contradicts one’s stated suggestion to their subconscious mind. This sensory feedback loop becomes its own internal dialogue that presents a more powerful counter-intention to the subconscious mind.

The technology of change, through the use of autosuggestion, insists that one emphasize repeatedly that their desired change is already accomplished. The seed has been planted in the divine substance of the subconscious mind and its full manifestation cannot be stopped, despite the presence of a solid sensory artifact, rooted in a prior interpretation of energy.

I suggest resting the body so that the subconscious mind, relieved of its physical oversight responsibilities, might clearly receive its new directive and move toward manifestation. With presence and passion, repeat the stated intention. Be bold, no hesitation, thy will is done.

At other times, be willing to suffer those moments of fear and sorrow when one glimpses the real possibility of letting go of the cherished limited self. Yes, you are chosen; you have chosen to emphasize the red pill: the life-changing, often painful truth beyond the current fixation of solid energy.

From the Thoth Tarot deck of Aliester Crowley

Of course, when the gig is up, the gig is up. In another card of Crowley’s Thoth tarot deck, the Three of Cups, we find the near perfect realization of the manifested intent of abundance. The presence of pomegranate seeds in the cups, though symbolic of abundance, also recall Persephone’s required stay in the underworld for six months of the year with her husband Pluto, god of the dead.

We cannot escape the expiration date located in the small print of every manifestation. Life insists upon growth, which always requires the letting go of the known.

This recalls the Buddha’s suggestion that life is suffering. Everything that we attach to ultimately limits our growth. But that sorrow can be sweet when we embrace love for all in this adventure of forever. One always has the choice to emphasize love and let it fully manifest.

With love,

Chuck’s Place: Your Ultimate Superpower Is The Subconscious Mind

Everyone has the same superpower…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

The subconscious mind is the true equal opportunity employer. Everyone has one. Everyone exercises it every day. Everyone has access to its treasure trove of riches.

In the Torah, God tells the Jews that they are the chosen. The broader implication of being chosen is that all of humanity was chosen to direct the superpower of the subconscious mind.

While all of nature remained under the absolute control of the archetypes in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve, the parents of humanity, obtained the power of conscious intent to direct the superpower of the subconscious mind and create their world.

Humankind has stumbled through history in its exercise of its power of intent. Many live in utter poverty of mind, believing themselves powerless to manifest the life they desire. Christ introduced the secret to manifestation. That secret is simple: to be a master of intent you must believe that anything is possible.

In all his recorded healings, Christ emphasized that one must have faith, that they must believe they can be healed, in order to heal. This is the secret of the book, The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne. Simply put, we attract to us and manifest in our lives what we believe. Our beliefs are the suggestions we send to the superpower of the subconscious mind, which attract the necessary elements from Infinite Intelligence to manifest the dream we truly believe in.

The evolution of the conscious mind has delivered us the power of reason, the current fixation of the modern mind. This power has enabled us to somewhat master nature and generate an ordered civilization. It has also caused us to revoke our beliefs in the irrational —that anything is possible— leaving us distant and removed from the spiritual essence of our physical being.

Perhaps Donald Trump’s greatest contribution to our time is his shattering impact upon the hegemony of reason. His power is purely irrational. It’s a fact, he insists. His beliefs and suggestions are so strong that they have manifested as true reality for half a nation.

The conscious mind must mature and learn about the true superpower of the subconscious mind. We, all of humanity, must become responsible  administrators of our thoughts and beliefs, which become the intentions and suggestions we manifest. We manifest what we concentrate on, what we think about; it’s that simple.

The chaos in the world at this time is the manifestation of a developmental process that we are collectively undergoing. Just look at how social media targets beliefs in order to accrue greater suggestive power over the superpower of the collective subconscious mind. As horrific as the events on the world’s battlefields are, the real superpower lies in the subconscious mind of every individual.

We have the power to inspire our subconscious minds with the suggestion to manifest an all-inclusive world of love. Like the single rainmaker who can restore the Tao and break open the heavens to rain through his personal intent, we are all individually empowered to generate pervasive love and joy for our fledgling planet.


Chuck’s Place: Attending To The Ultimate Relationship of Self Love

This is an interactive blog. Read it to yourself or listen to it. Do not listen to it while driving. This is also my last blog post until Tuesday July 9, 2024. Listen to it as often as you like, and each time you do, you will go deeper.

I safely close my eyes and withdraw my attention from the outside world. My conscious mind observes passively the effects on my body of  suggestions I give to my subconscious mind. I stress: my mind and body are completely passive, they needn’t make anything happen. They are present to experience the magic and independent ability of my subconscious mind to manifest my suggestions.

Before I knock on the door to my subconscious with my requests I remind myself that I, as ego architect, must initiate through suggestion, then get out of the way, as my subconscious mysteriously fulfills my suggestions. I am confident and direct as I deliver my suggestions.

I speak to you, my subconscious. You are the master of my body’s functioning. With love and gratitude I firmly present to you my  intentions. As I state them I passively observe their fulfillment.

My feet feel deeply relaxed.*

My ankles, my knees and my hips feel relaxed and comfortable.

My solar plexus and the whole central part of my body feel relaxed and quiet.

My hands, my arms and my shoulders feel relaxed and comfortable.

My neck, my jaw and my tongue feel relaxed and comfortable.

My forehead feels relaxed and smooth.

My eyes are quiet and relaxed.

My entire body feels quiet, comfortable and relaxed.

I am quite relaxed.

I feel quite quiet.

My mind is calm and quiet.

I feel serene and still.

I trust my body, it will never let me down.

I notice now the impact of these suggestions upon my body and mind. I am deeply calm and relaxed. I know that I have been delivered to a resting place that will deepen every time I repeat these suggestions.

I realize that I am in the presence of creation. My conscious spirit  stimulated my subconscious soul body to manifest the calm I now feel. Their sacred union gave birth to my present state of being. This is the loving relationship that brings forth new possibilities of me.

I am grateful and I am thankful for this loving relationship as it delivers me to new life.

If I am ready to launch into rejuvenative sleep, off I go.

If I am ready to return to outer focus and activity, I suggest that my subconscious restore me to fully engage waking life.

Having attended to the ultimate relationship of self love, I launch.

*These Autogenic Phrases are abstracted from the work of Elmer and Alyce Green while at the Menninger Foundation. I am grateful to the late Dr. Eleanor Eggers for her documentation of these phrases on her website Help For Stress Disorders.