Tag Archives: soul’s journey

Soulbyte for Monday September 3, 2018

With persistence comes success, the honed ability to achieve a goal, the outcome that leads to a perception of having achieved the ultimate challenge. And yet with success comes also the next challenge, a new goal to achieve, new skills to hone. For life calls always for movement, for change, for the bar to be raised ever higher, the mind to expand, the body to keep astride of the heart’s desire for expansion and the soul’s need for something more. That something more is the source of life’s yearning for experience and the accumulation of energy that is everlasting, the soul’s intent to eternally grow and evolve. Live life in this  manner, with persistence, from the heart, so that fulfillment of something greater than material accumulation becomes the goal and so that your soul rejoices in every day’s decisions and achievements. As you take your daily journey, let each step be as important as the next, filled with joy that you are fully available to walk this day in a new direction. With love, kindness, and compassion as your motivation, carry on.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: The Unfolding

– Photo by Jan Ketchel

What really is fate but the unfolding of a dream, one of infinite possibilities moving to completion.

Outside of time and space is everything; past, present, and future all bundled together in ultimate oneness. Inside time-space are the parts of that oneness fully exploring themselves in the spirit of our individual lives.

Of course there is free choice, but what is free choice but the exploration of a possibility, and all possibilities want to be explored. How else could we find our way back to ultimate oneness if we didn’t know all of our parts?

Life in this world is the active side of infinity where God/Goddess, ultimate oneness, experiences its infinite self through the many varied lives of all sentient beings. There is no judgment, there is no good and evil in wholeness, there is simply all that is.

The Tao of our lives is the river of our particular being. We are who we are. If we are to truly know ourselves we must align with the central current that flows through our being. This is the voice of our true self that seeks to manifest and illuminate our uniqueness as well as our interconnectedness to all that is.

When in alignment with the self we greet oncoming time as it presents, accepting and assembling its unfolding pieces one at a time. Choices are really acquiescences to the true path of the self already lived. For yes, from the point of view of the oneness of infinity, all has already been lived, though we are fully recapitulating for infinity the experiences of our unique possibilities as we go about our daily lives.  And this is how the great oneness can truly know itself, in the  fullness of all its lived possibilities that we deliver to infinity through our senses and consciousness every day of our lives. And for those who know the experience of traumatic recapitulation, recapitulation is a fully lived, not simply remembered, experience.

We know we are in good alignment when we accept the unfolding of the miracle of life in such an integral way, senses and consciousness fully on board, fully aware and fully active. The next needed item or happening appears; it is recognized, incorporated, and lived. This does not mean we won’t encounter great challenges and unexpected experiences; they are part of the unfolding dream. Nonetheless, there is great solace in those difficult moments when we can accept and know that all has already happened, that we are simply in the living experience of our great unfolding dream.

So get calm and observe. What’s going to happen next? Know that, as you flow through this recapitulation of your life, you have already made it. The intent of the self is unfolding. Live it to the fullest!



Soulbyte for Thursday July 5, 2018

You are your own responsibility. Let there be no confusion about that. And yet, as human creatures, it is common to join in relationship or community, to share experiences and be as one. When this is so, responsibility is shared as well. But take care to not lose your individual self in the relationship or amidst the group, for you and your soul have a job to do that is individual, personal, and as equally important as that of others. Remind yourself often of your responsibility to your own journey and to your soul’s journey. Whatever it may be and wherever it takes you it’s why you are there, taking the journey of your lifetime. Discover it each day as you begin anew, focused once again on that prime need: to live your soul’s intent to the fullest, one day at a time. That’s your real responsibility!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Beyond Self-Importance

I am more than my physical body…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel taken at The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia

For many years, we must grapple with our acquired inferiority and  journey to overcome it. All humans become inferior as they grow from a childhood of oneness of connection to everything to a firmly separated ego identity whose consciousness creates firm boundaries between self and other.

This loss of oneness happens gradually as we are socialized into rational thinking, the operational interpretation system of our world. Rationality, with its cause and effect focus, fragments our  wholeness in an effort to bring understanding, order, and control into our lives. Our inherent connection to our soul group and access to the  knowledge of our journeys through infinity, as recorded in the holographic Akashic record of all life, slips away as the challenges of navigating life on earth calls for greater adaptation to the physical world.

This loss of connection to our greater wholeness is the ultimate cause of the collective human condition of inferiority. The truth is that our poor ego is inferior. How could it be otherwise? To go from a condition of interconnected oneness, what many might characterize as the oneness of God, to the puny separateness of an ego disconnected from its source is a built-in experience of inferiority.

Ego has few options to improve its impoverished state of being. One option is to learn and master the rules of the interpretation system of this world that will allow it greater adaptation to the challenges of survival. This track—good schools, good mate, good job—though still powerful, is found wanting in our time of general disintegration. Our planet can no longer house unlimited growth.

Another option for our ego is to employ either deflation or inflation. In deflation the ego keeps itself down, as it sees all others in the world as superior to itself. The advantage to this strategy is to be more accepting of an inferior life by feeling unworthy of receiving more. The downside of this strategy is possible depression and resentment for not having been able to experience or actualize more of one’s inherent potential.

In contrast, inflation fills the ego with a high level of self-importance, as it puffs itself up with an identification with a higher spirit. Narcissism could be understood as the ultimate identification with God: I am all there is! The trap of self-importance is a false assessment of self that is off-putting and generally not up to the job.

So what is a more realistic option for the ego beyond the trappings of self-importance with its artificially low value with deflation or overvaluation with inflation? First, we must actually value the ego for what it truly is: a fragment of our soul that lives in a world of space-time. This unique opportunity has an advantage over infinity. That which is born, lives, and dies can experience a maturing and discovery process while separated from the oneness of infinity.

In fact, it is likely that our greater soul group chooses life in this world to discover and grow through questions and problems that will enhance our soul’s journey in infinity. A sojourn in space-time provides the opportunity for a full exposition and living out of a question in a lifetime that enhances our soul’s knowing of itself outside space-time.

Nonetheless, the cost to our ego in this earthly lifetime is a disconnect from the mothership of our greater soul in infinity. This is simply the necessary byproduct of a life in space-time. However, this ego/greater soul axis remains present throughout our lifetime as a latent potential to be more fully realized and developed. This is the evolutionary shift now happening in the world. This is the key to the ego shedding self-importance as a survival strategy to cover up its inadequacy.

Through its sensory systems the ego is quite capable of bringing to consciousness concrete data perceived in the world, as well as mentally orienting itself to that data. If the ego can suspend the judgements of its socialized operating system, to allow for decoding the world in a broader rather than strictly rational way, it becomes well positioned to collaborate with the wisdom of its greater soul while still in space-time.

An example of this is synchronicity. In every moment of every day the world around us echoes sounds, signs, and messages to guide and supplement our decisions, reflections, and understandings. Nearly every time I reach a conclusion I am treated to an affirmation or tweak in some form by the world around me that supplements my process.

This can take the form of a song in my head, a page in a book I randomly open to, a phone call, or the chirp of a bird. If my ego is humble it immediately considers the feedback the world delivers as it orients itself to decisions at hand. This is not about ego letting go of its rational facility but instead expanding it to include wisdom offered from beyond the rational for inclusion in its processing.

When ego reaches beyond self-importance to shore up its relationship with its greater wholeness the world is moved toward greater wholeness and integration as well. Decisions made by a clear headed ego, acting in consort with its greater soul, are sure to lead us to a real world of stable continuance.

As for our ego, its connection to its greater soul assures its confidence in being fully supported in its soul’s intent in this lifetime. Now that’s support beyond self-importance!



Chuck’s Place: Remote Viewing

Reach out and see what happens…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel taken at The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia

Jan and I spent a week at the Monroe Institute doing their Gateway Program, which uses advanced sound technology to induce Alpha and Theta brainwave states, the frequencies for out-of-body states, lucid dreaming and manifestation.

We were treated to extended meetings with Joseph McMoneagle and Paul Elder, the former of whom is considered the most evolved remote viewer in the world. Both had affiliation with The Central Intelligence Agency’s (CIA) Stargate Project, a psychic remote viewing program dedicated to locating such targets as hidden nuclear sites or finding important missing people.

The Stargate Project operated as part of US intelligence from 1978 to 1995 when, after all those years, the CIA disbanded the program, claiming that the psychic phenomenon of remote viewing had not been very useful. Interesting how many years it took to figure out how ‘worthless’ psychic ability is. I’m sure the Russians came to the same conclusion!

Remote viewing is a psychic ability that involves the viewer getting completely centered in their right brain, the physical download of the deep spirit self, where all things are connected as one, the home of all knowledge. From this place of all knowing the viewer describes and/or draws the scene that comes to them, which ultimately provides the physical location of a chosen target.

I’ve come to realize that all of life is a remote viewing of our future self’s promptings to notice, in the resonances and compulsions of our present lives, reflections of our soul’s intent. Too often we get caught in the near-sightedness and tumult of our present circumstance, missing or misjudging the broader clues of the puzzle pieces of our destiny as they bubble up in current life.

Indeed the person or circumstance we are currently fixated on is significant. On some level they are the current representatives of our soul’s greater intent. However, they may only be a step, a necessary challenge that must be mastered before our soul can bring greater focus to where we really need to go.

Too often we get too attached and misjudge a significant task as the fulfillment of our purpose in life. We resist the obvious signs that it is not really ‘the one’ we are really seeking. The energy that covets this projected reflection of our soul snares us and thus we are destined to journey into the abyss of illusion.

Oh, how wonderful those illusions are! We really should enjoy all our illusions. But when Spirit calls we do well to listen. As Joseph Campbell pointed out, sometimes ‘the call’ comes but once.

Suspend judgment. From a broader perspective all journeys are relevant way stations as we traverse the labyrinth of our soul’s intent. Turn instead with awe to the magic remotely presented and viewed in the unfolding movie of the Everyday of our Lives. Figure it out, and journey on!

View from afar,
