Without regret begin this day. Without judgment take a step in a new direction, more determined and intent than ever before to make a difference in your own life. Why are you there except for this reason, except to make a difference to yourself? You are there to fulfill something special about yourself. Perhaps it’s something you are not aware of yet, or perhaps it’s something you do habitually that has followed you through many lifetimes. Look at the bigger picture of your soul’s journey, spanning many lifetimes, and find out what it is that you are there on Earth to fulfill this time around. It has something to do with your life alone, with your personal issues, with what bugs you the most. Discover this secret about yourself and solve your biggest mystery. Why are you there? What you find out might really surprise you. It might be something very obvious, but surely it will make complete sense. And then you can get down to the rest of your life and fulfill it in a new way, freed of old baggage from all your lifetimes. Now that would really be fulfilling!
-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne