Tag Archives: sitting quietly

Soulbyte for Monday August 1, 2022

Let your mind be still, windless and calm. Let your body be calm, quiet and cool. Let your spirit be cool, within you and yet beside you so that you may know yourself as more than just a physical being. Know that in quietude this is possible, to know the self as calm, quiet body and spirit. Pause often to arrive at this unified place of peace within. Sit in the peacefulness and know your Self in this way. It’s a very helpful practice in a busy world.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity From Jeanne: You Are Vibration!

How are you, as vibration, perceived?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In this week’s audio channeled message we are all advised to study our vibration, that part of ourselves that we may not be paying much attention to, but that which is truly perceivable. It’s something to be experienced, honed, and utilized for our own use and for the greater good too!

Have a wonderful week!