To unfold into the self is to fearlessly embrace life, to fearlessly face each day, but most importantly to face the inner voices that hold you back, that tell you that you are not that important, that you don’t deserve, that you are not worthy. Those old voices travel the world looking for places to land. They attempt to implant in every mind, and they often do for quite a long time. But if you wake up to the fact that they are foreign voices whose only mission is to occupy an individual’s mind, taking over and wreaking havoc, then you will be prepared for them. Tell them, in no uncertain terms, to scram! Leave! Go away! Say it often enough and they will go. But the most important thing is to not give them room in the first place. Fill your mind with the beauty and bounty of self, with positive and nurturing words of wisdom and encouragement, for such words of love for the self will quickly push out any negativity and leave you feeling prosperous and grateful.
Embrace yourself a little bit more each day with loving thoughts, with kind words of encouragement and with the knowledge that you are on a most important journey, the journey of a lifetime. This is your opportunity to change, to become, to unfold and to accept who you truly are. Without fear let yourself accept the mission of this lifetime. You may not think you know what that is yet, but inside you do. You’ve just been afraid to truly become who you are meant to be. There are so many things that get in the way of truly becoming, but don’t let that stop you. Let your amazing self shine through, a little bit more each day, and as you get used to who that true self is, it will become easier and easier to fully embrace and fully become.
Allow yourself to be happy in the life you are in, knowing that you are working toward freedom from all past lives, all past experiences and all past interactions. Those you meet in this lifetime are probably connected to you in some way, from your past lives as well as in your future lives, as soulmates, companions, adversaries, as teachers and mentors. Embrace them and appreciate them for who they have evolved to in this lifetime, and embolden them by your own forward movements in your own life. All lives carry significance and meaning, all lives are of the utmost importance. Let your own life be of the utmost importance every single day too.
Allow the first moment of each day to be a moment of thanks and gratitude for the opportunity to make a difference to yourself or someone else. Allow the first moment of each day be a moment of joy and wonder, of expectation and openness to what may come to guide and teach you. Let the first moment of each day fill you with love and compassion for yourself as you take your personal journey, as you learn more about yourself each day, and as you feel love and compassion for those traveling with you, known and unknown.
Let your heart be still as you allow truth to speak through you. All beings are capable of reaching inside and opening to words of wisdom, knowledge and truth.
Nothing is happenstance or accidental. The times you live in are indeed indicative of great change, that which has long been foretold. The period of waiting is over, for you are in the midst of the changing times you have long anticipated.
Get in alignment with the fact that the unfolding has begun, but also get in alignment with the fact that as each new day comes you have the opportunity to take things in a new and better direction. Every person living on the planet has free will and can decide how to act and react. Everyone. Is it best to pull inward? Or is it best to engage outwardly?
Everyone is different and every personality type must make a decision regarding what to do based on who they know themselves to be. Some people are a perfect fit for quiet work, for sitting still in prayer, setting intentions and making compassionate contributions, while others have the energy and personality to be physically and vocally engaged in outer ways, such as in political and social arenas. Decide for yourself what you are best suited for. Quiet private work? Or extraverted public work?
This time of rapid change will last for several years, and unfortunately much damage will be done, but that doesn’t mean all will be lost, for behind the scenes are many supportive energies offering new aids to humanity.
All progress leaves ruin in its wake. All that is good rises from the ashes of old. All transformation happens through sacrifice. All breakthrough leaves something shattered behind it.
Great good deeds are to come. Good will is stirred into action in hearts and minds, and those hearts and minds hold a vision of a new and just future where all human beings live in peace. True Peace has not been a part of life on earth yet, though True Peace has been a longterm goal.
Keep the phrase True Peace as a mantra. Let it sink into mind and heart as to its meaning, and make it the motto behind the changes you are now weathering through.
True Peace requires commitment and certainty as to its probability. True Peace is possible. True Peace is on the agenda. True Peace is underlying all the current changes.
Sometimes the bringers of change are not who you want, but they bring the much needed momentum that is sorely needed so that True Peace may become a household saying, rather than Home Sweet Home.
True Peace will arise from the destruction. It is in the contrast between chaos and destruction and the absence of chaos and destruction that True Peace will be experienced and understood. It has always existed and always will.
Are you, the human race, collectively ready to bring it down to earth? Is it time now for True Peace?