Tag Archives: intent

A Day in a Life: Becoming A Shifter

Many shifts are required in seeking the deeper self...

One of the most important things that I’ve learned in my life and continually utilize is the process of shifting. Shifting might mean deciding not to get drawn into someone else’s drama, even when I feel I might be helpful. Shifting might mean something as simple as making the decision to drive in a different direction from the usual route. Shifting might mean breaking a comfortable routine, allowing the self to encounter something new, even if that something is potentially disturbing or challenging. Shifting might mean asking the self to forego a habit or an emotional attachment, nurturing or otherwise. Shifting might mean asking the self to turn inward rather than project onto another person or situation that which is creating turmoil or incident within. Shifting might mean asking the self to take a big leap into new life, or acquiescing to the inner process, or beginning the process of recapitulation.

The main thing about learning to become a shifter is that it requires action, and action comes from making a decision that, for better or worse, will lead to change. Sometimes shifting means going back and revisiting something that we haven’t quite finished, such as a relationship, an emotional attachment, a fantasy, until we get what we need or learn that what we thought we needed never existed there to begin with. It might mean finally accepting that our dreams are in our own hands, not in anyone else’s, and then making them reality. Shifting—asking the self to move out of one place and into another—offers us the opportunity to experience life differently and more fully.

During my recapitulation process, I discovered that in physical shift, by actually moving my body, I could aid my process. I could cut through stagnancy, repulsive thoughts, physical paralysis, and repetitive behaviors. I could shift out of memories that took over and consumed my energy. But what I also learned was that shifting took work. It required grounding and alertness so that I could maintain enough awareness to know exactly when it was time to shift. It meant daring to allow myself to take back control in situations where I felt I had no control. It meant that I had to forge a steady adult presence that could appear when necessary and make a decision about how to proceed.

This was a growing process that ran parallel to the recapitulation process. So that while I was breaking down and breaking through old stuff—disassembling the protective, defended self I had become as a result of trauma—I was simultaneously building up a strong and independent self, an evolving self. This evolving self gradually learned that it was okay to say no at the proper times, to take back as well as nurture fragmented parts of myself. This evolving self allowed the recapitulating self to have the necessary experiences, even some very difficult and frightening ones, but this self never abandoned the recapitulating self. Even when it was just in the beginning stages of being forged, it had an underlying sense of what was necessary. And so it learned to stand aside so I could have the experiences I needed to have, but at the same time it was busy capturing lost energy, strengthening each time an experience was recapitulated.

Recapitulation affords us the opportunity to become a shifter, in a shamanic sense to know immediately how to act, how to move, how to speak, and how to protect our energy without having to even think about it. For that is the ultimate goal of recapitulation, to recapture our lost energy in the healing process it affords, so that we may have it for impeccable use in this life and in the next. However, to get to that place of being able to act so succinctly and impeccably, we must train ourselves during our recapitulation to become fully conscious and to stay conscious.

Although recapitulation may take us on a journey we had not anticipated, we must forge a self willing to take the journey, not be a slave to it, but a fully accepting participant. Indeed, there are times when in the midst of recapitulation we might feel overwhelmed, taken places we don’t want to go. We might even allow ourselves to go places we know we shouldn’t go. But we must train ourselves to pull our heads up out of the muck long enough to remember that we are recapitulating for a reason, and we must be ready to face whatever that reason is. It might be clear or it might be a mystery, but we must remember that once we begin recapitulation we are surrounded by the ancient intent of recapitulation.

Emergence of a new self...

As we take our journey, we must become conscious of how the unconscious guides us, how intent works, and how we are guided in all sorts of ways through our trials. It is in times such as these, when we might feel helpless, that our shifting abilities are honed. In our darkest hour our greatest challenges come to teach us.

Becoming conscious requires acquiescence. Acquiescence may be the most difficult part of the recapitulation process, but once we clearly speak the words of acquiescence—Okay, take me on this journey, I’m ready to do it—consciousness will naturally arise and lead us to hone our skills. In acquiescence, we will gradually experience that which we thought we might never experience, that which we projected onto others or rejected out of hatred for ourselves, thinking we were unworthy of love, of happiness, of a life worth living.

In acquiescing to our recapitulation journey, we accept that a new self is going to emerge, in fact in acquiescing we intend a new self. We become braver and more daring as we recapitulate, as we hone our fragmented self into a new stronger self. As we dare to face what comes to greet us, we hone the ability to shift out of any potentially harmful attachment or experience. We might suffer a few failures at first, but that is just to awaken our consciousness to the reality of the recapitulation process, letting us know how it will steer us along, helping us to see just where our greatest work lies. Whatever our greatest work is—whether getting beyond self-hatred, self-pity, self-doubt, inflation or deflation, negativity or inertia—our final oath of acquiescence offers us a major tool in honing our ability to shift.

In acquiescing to our recapitulation journey we are accepting that we are part of something bigger, far beyond the world as we experience it on a normal day. We are accepting that there is good energy available to us too, and as we take our journey we find it making its way toward us more often than ever before.

Once we decide to take our recapitulation journey we discover that in conscious awareness, in honing ourselves as shifters in both waking and dreaming states, we become aware of the truth of interconnected energy, aware that we are all part of it, that it flows to us and through us. Such energy exists for all of us, but we must work at achieving such awareness and the means to accessing it. The tools are within.

Simultaneous self experiencing darkness and light...

The biggest and most ready tool is what our unconscious brings to us, and the next tool is our conscious decision to go deeper into our unconscious, into our darkness and our light, for they reside side by side, just as our recapitulating self resides alongside our evolving self.

We are all offered, many times in a lifetime, the choice to either go on a journey with our spirit or to reject it. If we make the choice to reject it, I can state that—based on my own previous life lived during the first 50 years of this lifetime—we will suffer. If we make the choice to join our spirit, we will free ourselves of our suffering and reconstruct ourselves according to our deepest truths, our spirit alive in us, taking us into vibrant new life. This I can state from my own decision to do so, and my own experience since then. As always, it’s a personal choice. Do I stay the same or do I evolve?

There is always support as we take the recapitulation journey. Support comes from without and within, from our guides in this world and beyond, from our spirit’s intent and the intent of the shamans, from our unconscious and conscious selves, from our memories as they challenge us to recapitulate and our evolving selves as they challenge us to trust the journey, to sweep away doubt and judgment, the old voices and the old fears, and to keep going. And that is my intention today, to pass on the energy that urges us all to evolve. Keep going! You’ll get there! Life awaits!

Sending love and energy as you dare to take the full journey to freedom,

Readers of Infinity: Take A New Approach

Here is this week’s channeled message from Jeanne and our guides in Infinity:

Time is now and time is all time; time is eternity. Keep that in mind as you go about your day and set your intentions. Keep always in mind that life upon the earth is brief in the scheme of things, a mere moment, while at the same time you are all eternal beings on eternal journeys. Each part of your eternal journey is significant, each day upon that earth meaningful, each moment part of your greater potential.

Do I notice the treasures in my life?

Do you miss what you seek? Turn around and find it ready and waiting. Do not look too hard, but be open and accepting. Notice how things come to you. Do not overstudy their appearances, but begin to readily accept the magic in your lives as perfectly natural and acceptable.

Ask for what you need and wait for it to come. Set your intention to change and be open and considerate while you wait. Intend to be good in the way of all goodness, to be kind in the way of all kindness, to be loving in the way of all love. By this I mean, be open to the flow of universal love, kindness, and goodness and it will greet you in return. Accept it as it comes to you and then release it so that it flows onward. There is always enough to aid you and enough to go around.

Accept that you are all beings capable of channeling energy and learning the laws of the universe. Become more aware of your own environment to begin with. In pursuit of your understanding of how things work on an energetic level, simply begin by looking around you. Begin to notice that what you seek is right there within your grasp.

Perhaps you have been looking too hard, or not at all. Perhaps you are turning in the wrong direction or blocked by some inner fear. Perhaps you are too sleepy or have little energy, swept up in the mundane and the minutia of your daily lives. Ask the self to perk up and notice what is going on in the world outside of you, even a little bit each day. In this way, discover how your questions get answered, your intentions unfold, and your needs get met.

Perhaps a new perspective might help!

Watch what you ask for, for you will get what you propose. If you are fed up with things beings so bad and you cannot stand your situation any longer, then avoid negative thoughts and expectations. Change your thoughts, change your outlook, and change your expectations to positive ones in order to shift awareness to a new level of living. Take a new approach. Beginning today, allow the positive energy of change to support you in your endeavors to lead a new and better life.

All sentient beings are guided and protected, but also presented with the lessons they most need to gain sure footing and greater awareness of the energy that is available to lead them further on their eternal journeys of discovery.

Looking for something? You might suddenly notice that it’s standing right behind you, that it’s been there for the longest time, just waiting for you to turn around and see it!

Thank you to Jeanne and Infinity for another message of guidance. Most humbly channeled and passed on by Jan Ketchel.

Readers of Infinity: Be Different Today

Greet the world with calmness and the world will greet you back with calmness too!

Dear Jeanne and our Guides in Infinity: What message do you have for us today?

Do not be afraid to be who you are, to fully embrace your own spirit’s yearning for life and expression. Do not hold back the inner self, for that is the real you. Be who you are without fear and know that you, in full expression, will be received.

Embrace the true self more fully each day. As you grow and discover who you truly are, find solace in knowing that life experienced from true self is life enhanced and life enjoyed.

It is not an easy process to take inner self out into the world, but this is what the world now needs on a grand scale. If more people lived from their heart’s knowing, in balance with their head’s knowing, the world would have a chance to survive.

Are you saying that the world will not survive as it now is?

Greed and overconsumption, corruption and destruction, inconsideration and unkindness—all negative energies—continue to override good energy and the situation grows increasingly dire as time goes on.

There is not much time now for the goodhearted, compassionate ones to gain the upper hand. It is not for lack of trying or lack of intent, but only due to the imbalances the have had centuries of headway. Do not lose hope for change. The earth and nature itself have a way of taking care of such extremes of human indifference and ignorance, but do not wait for that to happen. Aid rightness by becoming a compassionate, honest, kind, and heart-acting person. It is the right way to be.

Find the means to rid the self of all negative feelings, emotions, thoughts, judgments, and ideas. Life is full of suffering, personal and impersonal, yet in shifting away from negative attachments life itself changes from one of suffering to one of joy and hope. Release the self from an old way of being present in life and be more open each day now to a new way of being present. Through a process of deep inner work and self-investigation work through the issues that bind you to an old self and old ideas of self and the world. That’s a very good beginning. Start with open eyes, open heart, and open head and ask for others to take full responsibility for themselves even as you take full responsibility for yourself. Be open to something new today by being different yourself, and see what happens.

Be as fully responsible for the self as the baby fox we watched in the woods, hunting and taking on life without fear.

Your journeys are marked so that you may learn new things. Study how your marks have come to guide you, the signposts of your life leading you to where you are now. Grant yourself permission to accept the journey you have been on as transformative, because it is! Now look to the next leg of it as transformative as well, and take it in full awareness.

Do you want your journey to be a sad and lonely one, or a journey of joy and love? It really is your choice, because how you choose to present yourself to the world depends on how the world presents itself to you. If you are angry the world will greet you with anger. If you are full of fear the world will become fear-infested. If you are happy the world will be a happy place. Test this theory for yourself and see what happens. Try a new method of greeting the day, and with a new intent set out on your day’s journey. Expect change by presenting a changed self and you will see that a changed world greets you back. It really does work!

Good Luck. I advocate taking control of your dreams by embracing your true self and asking that self to walk in your shoes now. With awareness be different, so that the world may also be different. Change will happen anyway, but each one of you can change things for the better, for man and earth, for self and other, for inner and outer balance. It’s your choice, but I contend that it is also your duty as a human being living during this changing time. Change the self, save the world from disaster. Don’t be afraid to live from the heart. Don’t wait another day. The time for change is NOW.

Thank you for this message! Most humbly channeled by Jan Ketchel.

Readers of Infinity: A New Day

Here is today’s channeled message from Jeanne and all of our guides in Infinity.

What do you see?

Set your intent to see and experience life differently today. Tweak your perspective, allowing your outlook, and even your very eyes to perceive differently. This intent, if practiced with awareness, will help you greatly.

From this new viewpoint, turn down the old self and the old points of view and allow life itself to fill your awareness with new information. Be open to what comes and without judgment let things pass that might once have stirred you to anger, resentment, or regret. Abide in calmness, unattached to the known world, and with openness let something new into your knowing.

With awareness of the new energy now upon you, awareness of your new place in the world, awareness of a new path unfolding—simply because it is time and you are ready—let yourself be open to accepting your gifts from nature and the universe. Shift your personal intent today to one of gratitude and purpose, to one of openness, and let go of something that holds you in its grip, for it is appropriate to do so.

No matter who you are, where you are, or how you have lived your life, it is time to let go of something that has held you back and make room for something that will catapult you forward.

Life itself will show you the way, for it has a special knack for knowing just what you might need and just when is the perfect time. So be aware today, and then use your intent to accept this gift of awareness as you experience today from a new perspective, and then let something go. It’s that easy!

Channeled by Jan, with humbleness and thankfulness for all the gifts of nature and the universe.

Readers of Infinity: Fresh Intent

Today I asked Jeanne and our multitudes of guides in infinity for a message of guidance for the coming week. Here is the response:

See the world differently today...

Do not fear what holds you always in dread, for it is nothing but the grip of that world, the mundane come to greet you with its overwhelming presence, mere cogitation, come to lead you on your personal journey, invited by your spirit’s need for life and expression.

Take on the request of your spirit for constant change and new life. Begin by dismantling the outer world. Take down its walls and wash away its fears. Excavate its messages of old and open your doors and windows to the fresh air of new intent.

And how do you do that so it has impact? You release the old, oft-repeated phrases to something new today, something life giving and inviting. Offer the self new life simply by changing the words you speak in mind and body language. Speak new words to the self today, tender and loving words, gentle words as soft as water, yet with the strong intent to break down the old hard words, the regretful, resentful words that hold you bitter and angry.

Change your words inside your own mind and then in your world. Look at your thoughts that come so quickly. Dismiss the old ones that appear to thwart you, asking you to walk the same path again, the same boring, frightening, habitually well-worn path of old. Make new thoughts a priority and they will come, even more easily as time goes on and you make room for them in your psyche.

Take on new eyes of seeing today as well. See the world with different eyes and the self too. Notice that what at first appears to you is not really true. Look again and again, and eventually you will see the truth. Once revealed and perceived as such, it will be difficult to return to the old way of seeing and perceiving yourself, your life, and the world around you.

Set your intent for change. Intend inner change through thought, word, and vision, and then watch the old world—once created by you and your circumstances—disappear and a new world appear. Listen differently too. Be aware, as you set your intent to be different in mind and body today, that your spirit will greet you with open arms.

“Come,” it will say, “let’s have a different experience today. Let’s find new life where we live. I will show you the way.”

See the beauty in where you are...

Stay soft and open, calm and patient, aware that you are setting the intent to change the self, inside and then outside. It’s all you need in order to change your life. Change your inner dialogue, change your outlook, change your life.

My most humble thanks to Jeanne and Infinity for today’s message! Have a great, new week of change!
