Tag Archives: intent

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 27, 2018

Without blame or shame walk your path, intent upon fulfilling your personal journey of change and evolution. Others may not understand you, why you are the way you are, or agree with your choices, or find your personal desires to their liking, but if you are truly following your heart’s intent there is no need to pause. Keep going, letting your heart lead, your spirit inspire, and your inner knowing guide you. For there is no shame in fulfilling your spirit’s intent by walking your path of heart. If it truly is the only path for you, walk it with your head high and your heart full of love for yourself and carry on doing your best to fulfill your spirit’s intentions without regret and without shame, for if your heart is truly getting it right then everything else will fall into place.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 6, 2018

Don’t say you can’t, because you can! Don’t say you won’t, because you will! Don’t dismiss your power, because indeed you contain it! Walk the path that has been carved for you. Do it willingly, certain that you have all the abilities you need to do so, keeping them foremost in your mind and heart, keeping your power firmly centered, knowing that all the energy you need as you take your journey forward is within you. You have no other life but this one. This is your life, your body, your spirit, your chosen path in this lifetime. This is it. Accept it, but also choose to live it to the fullest, with all you’ve got. Give it your all so that life does not take your energy but provides you with all it’s got to give in return, for indeed there is much to be had. Discover every golden nuance about yourself as you walk your path, and don’t forget to enjoy every moment of it!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday June 4, 2018

Take possession of your life. Reset yourself every day. Restate your intentions and without judgment take your next steps, following the guidance that comes to you but moving forward in a deliberate and liberating manner taking only what is necessary and discarding that which is no longer useful or helpful. Remain in charge of your own destiny but let destiny offer its gifts. Let each day be a day of learning and anticipation. Be of open heart as you take your next steps, firmly pointed in the direction of choice and yet firmly directed by spirit within and without. In this manner let each day unfold and progress be made. And don’t forget to acknowledge how far you have already come!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 30, 2018

Focus on the positive, on the dream you are dreaming forward now, taking it on as your most profound undertaking. When the dream calls you, take it on with the intent of a warrior, knowing that this is it, this is the call you have been waiting for. Give it your all that it may give you all it has to offer in return. When you dream like a warrior you make new life happen.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: All Roads Lead to the Energy Body

In our energy bodies…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Is it a particle or is it a wave? Physicists have come to the conclusion that it is both. Sometimes it, (that is, our self) appears in solid form, sometimes in pure energy form.

Don Juan, Carlos Castaneda’s teacher added that we are always energy first. What we call physical is a specific configuration of energy that has materialized into a solid form. Nonetheless, our solid physical form regularly shifts into its energetic essence.

This happens to us automatically every night in dreaming. A part of our solid energy form dissolves into its energy body state where it is free to travel the universe in an instant with such lightness of being.

Dreaming allows the energy body to be bathed in pools of energy that release the stress accumulated in the physical body during its daytime encounters in the dense physical world. If we are denied our REM sleep, our energy body dreaming state, we lose our physical and mental ability to function coherently.

Our ultimate Self, what we might call our Soul, resides in our energy body. The basis for this conclusion is the fact that the energy body  does not die when the physical body dies. Our energy body consolidates all of our energy at the time of physical death and then flies off into infinity.

Our nightly energy body dreams are the gateway to explorations in infinity while we are still securely attached to our physical body that lies in deep, frozen, space-time rest while we journey. This attachment remains firm until the cord is cut when we undertake our definitive journey into infinity at the time of our death.

Consciousness is retained beyond the physical world of space-time. We experience this while in physical form in our nightly dreams with our energy body. We are fully capable of thinking and reasoning in our dreams, however, our physical capacities are actually thought imagery projections in dreaming as our physical body is held in a state of transitory paralysis while in REM sleep. Sleep walking is actually a failure of this suppression of the physical body in dreaming, which results in active physical accompaniment to a dream.

In ordinary dreaming the energy body releases the physical and emotional energies and entanglements from a day of waking life. Lucid, shamanic, and out-of-body explorations are more advanced forms of dreaming where consciousness is aware it is in a dreaming state and great control is exerted over staying present to the expanded opportunities for exploration in this altered energetic state.

The great energy of now is offering all of us a terrific boost of energy to discover and cultivate our latent potential to expanded awareness and exploration in our energy body’s nightly adventures. What was once the province of shamans and advanced yogis and monks is now available to all seekers who embrace the intent to retain awareness in dreaming.

All roads lead to the energy body, the carrier of our infinite soul. Enjoy it, explore with it, find the answers to the mystery of your soul’s intent with it. Dream on!
