Tag Archives: go with the flow

Soulbyte for monday September 23, 2019

Release yourself. Let go of your fixed ideas of yourself and others so that you may enter a new realm of reality, that of the amorphous and flowing truth. Everything changes. People change, their thoughts change; what was once an old idea can suddenly no longer have value. You can volitionally change everything, from your childish needs and desires to your certainties of how things should be. The truth is that nothing stays the same. Embrace that idea and get into the flow of life’s many and constant changes, sudden and subtle, unexpected and expected, simple and profound. Let life itself show you how to do it; how to just go with the flow. Get ready to embrace true reality as it flows in the universe, one changing day and one changing step at a time. There’s nothing like it. And don’t forget to enjoy it!

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 28, 2019

Like ocean waves lapping the shores, like the tides ebbing and flowing, accept that change is inevitable, and yet accept also your own part in enacting change in your life. The human being, unlike nature, has a stubborn streak, an ability to hold back, to remain adherent to old ways, despite all encouragements to change, even though bad things occur, even death. Learn to go with the flow. Allow for new ideas; let in different perspectives; permit new thoughts to change your perception of life and how you do things. Without fear, try something new, experience something unusual, think a different thought. It might just be the very thing you’ve been missing, the very thing to set you free. Perhaps you’ll even finally find your path of heart because you dared yourself to change, despite all the inner warning bells set off by fear and old ideas. But in the end, in giving up control, you might just find something you never dreamed of, and like the ocean you will flow into new territories, just waiting to be explored. Is it finally time to go with the flow?

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday June 21, 2019

Change is good. Change happens naturally. Rather than resist, get into alignment with the changes in your own life and allow them to lead you forward into a new phase of life. Change brings challenges but it also brings opportunities. Direct your energy to allow for change and, at the same time, be open to what comes with it. You may be surprised.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 7, 2019

Stresses are simply uncontrolled influences. Ego fights them for control, but spirit has a better idea. Turn to spirit to gain control of your inner influences and what tries to control you by taking command in a new way, by deciding how you want to feel, what you want to indulge in, and what is no longer important. You have the power to walk away from that which is not good for you. You have the power to moderate your inner world by getting innerly calm, by regulating your central nervous system with the breath of spirit, by bringing into your life the positive energy of loving kindness. You have the power to be what you yearn for. Be what you seek by acting with loving kindness, by deciding to let go of old belief systems that no longer work for you and constructing a new flowing lifestyle based on spirit, that which more fully works for you and suits who you really are. You have the power to reject the old and bring in the new.

Don’t be afraid. You are not doing anything wrong. It’s just time for a new approach. Ask spirit for help. Guides are waiting. Loving kindness is waiting. Ask for help. Question spirit. Test spirit. Ask it to prove itself to you. It won’t mind. It loves you and only seeks to help you. Ask for spirit’s help. You won’t be disappointed.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 16, 2019

So, you’ve made a decision. You’ve chosen a new path, a new direction, a change to strive for, an experience to gain in this New Year. Now go with the flow of it. It might not be exactly what you expected. It might not be granting exactly what you wished for. It might not be exactly to your liking. It might not be unfolding as you had anticipated, but go with the flow anyway, for once embarked upon a journey grows out of your control and your best decision then is to be fully present with what is, with what happens. Just be yourself, but also allow yourself to relax; be open and loving, and just go with the flow. It’s only then that you will truly be in alignment with your decision and prepared to meet what comes to you with purity of mind, with gentleness of heart, and without judgment. It’s only then that you will realize that everything is EXACTLY as it should be. Go with the flow and enjoy every moment, all the unexpected gifts you are challenged with, and especially the discovery that you are getting exactly what you need! Now that is truly how to travel a path with heart!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne