Tag Archives: fear

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 18, 2020

Your real goal is wholeness and freedom, wholeness within yourself, all your fragmented parts brought safely home, and freedom from fear. Your fragmented selves are all the secrets you tell yourself, all the lies you uphold about yourself. And your fear rules you, keeping you safely ensconced in your secrets and lies. Accept your wholeness, all the parts of yourself you do not like, that you reject. And acquiesce to your fears; confront them, and in the process find your wholeness and your freedom. Only then will you truly know what it means to be all that you can be. Only then will you truly know what love is. And only then will you truly have achieved something, the real work of a lifetime.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Without Fear

If we don’t face our fears they just become impassable mountains…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

We are all invited to work on ourselves at the deepest level now, to face and reconcile our fears so that we may be free to be who we truly are, spiritual beings in a world that so badly needs us.

Wishing you all good luck as you face your fears, even as I continually face mine.

Sending you love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

What is Recapitulation?

Recapitulation is the practice of recalling and reliving past personal events. It’s main goal is the redeployment of energy that is stuck in past events, traumas, relationships, attachments, and emotions. Such energy is unavailable to us until retrieved. Recapitulation is a means by which to retrieve our energy and return it to ourselves for our own use.

To recapitulate one’s life is one of the greatest feats of a lifetime, leading to a kind of freedom unimaginable until experienced. Recapitulation frees our energy from events of our current life, as well as energy from previous lives that we have carried over to work on in our current life.

Those of us who have been sexually abused, whether as children or adults, know full well what it is like to not have access to our own energy. We spend so much time defending ourselves from perceived threats, long after they are no longer real, thinking we are in control, when in reality something else has total control over us, the places where our energy is caught: in our past, in our traumas, in our defense mechanisms, in our habitual behaviors, in our fears.

We may not even realize that our energy has been usurped by these mechanisms, for they seem to be protecting us. They even comfort us and keep us safely within certain boundaries that we know and perceive as protective. But such boundaries are limitations to fully living life, keeping our energy tied up, stuck in places that are not really that healthy.

Fear is our biggest enemy. If we can’t go outside of our house or apartment out of fear of being attacked, if we can’t have a relationship with another person out of fear of being hurt, if we can’t stand loud noises or are constantly awaiting certain disaster, we are cut off from real life. With our energy tied up in protective defense mechanisms, we are incapable of fully experiencing the true energetic vitality and loving possibilities that we see others enjoying in life.

However, once we begin to recapitulate what happened to us, whether in sexual abuse, traumatic accident, war trauma, emotional, or psychological trauma, we realize just how much of our energy went into those so called protective mechanisms. As we recapitulate and let down our guards, finding safety and protection within ourselves, we begin to experience ourselves as more than just our trauma, as fluid beings of energy.

As we recapitulate and slowly release our fears, we free our energy from them, bringing it back to ourselves for our own use. As we retrieve our energy it gets redeployed into new centers within us, into centers of power, knowledge, and wisdom. We begin to experience a new kind of safety, a safety based on wisdom gained through all the things we’ve recapitulated. We learn that because of our trauma we had access to the same lessons that yogis and shamans spend a lifetime trying to master. We discover that, as a direct result of our trauma, we know exactly what the energy body is and what it is capable of.

We begin to understand that our trauma was the catalyst to our energy body, to knowledge of ourselves as spirit, to ancient wisdom that many long to achieve yet have access to only through the teachings of others. We discover that we had received direct knowledge, long before we could understand it. As we recapitulate, we let go of what once held us captive and fully embrace our trauma as our path to enlightenment.

In the end, we are no longer victims of our trauma but redeemed by it. Fully released from it, we are fully available to all that life has to offer us, without fear. For fear is no longer interesting to us, only what comes next on our spiritual journey has any interest.

These are the things I wish for all of you as you take your recapitulation journey, as you dare to take that most powerful journey to freedom.

With love,

J. E. Ketchel

Author of The Recapitulation Diaries

Published simultaneously on The Recapitulation Diaries Facebook Page.

Soulbyte for Tuesday October 16, 2018

Peel back the covering that now protects you, the coat of armor you wear to protect yourself from what you fear. Like a warrior intent upon winning a battle, face your fears head on and get to know them intimately, without your normal protections. Know them fully, master them, and be done with them. In this manner, free yourself to fully live a life of calmness and peace, without fear constantly calling you back to old places and old worries. Without blame and shame about the past, your fear shed like an old coat, you will discover that there is no need for a new coat of protection, for nothing will cause your strong warrior self to fear again. That will have been conquered, and the only thing left to conquer will be your eager curiosity about life to come.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: What Are You So Afraid Of?

Some people are afraid of the dark, others of the light…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In our audio channeled message this week we are all challenged to face our fears and what they might be trying to tell us. Perhaps our fears are just showing us where we need to go next. Once we face them we often wonder what we were so afraid of to begin with, but until then they hold us back from truly embracing and enjoying life. Take a listen to the channeling and see where it leads. You never know!

Have a wonderful week!