A new day, a new month signals a new beginning, an opportunity to do something different, within or without. Make a new decision, take a new direction in life, try something different, dare to change. Life offers so many opportunities to shift, to start a new journey, to confront something that no longer works by turning in a new direction. There are always new chances to take and new choices to make. What will you do today that is new and different?
Freud briefly used the term subconscious to denote activity of the mind that occurs outside the purview of consciousness. He quickly replaced this term with a vaster term, the unconscious mind. In everyday usage the subconscious is often used to designate the home of one’s nefarious shadow with its hidden impulses, passions and repressed memories.
Additionally, the subconscious is often associated with the part of the mind that stores longterm memory that has been emptied from the conscious mind to make room for new experiences, which is retained, briefly, as short term memory. The subconscious is also designated as the part of the mind that stores habits, modes of behavior that automatically spring into action without conscious initiation.
The subconscious mind is most prominently at home in the field of hypnosis where it has been designated as the highly creative center of the mind, as well as the gateway to infinity. The subconscious is thus a functional entity that creates and has access to the deepest levels of the collective unconscious with its infinite riches and intelligence of mind.
The crown of creation has been associated with the mythical Eve of Genesis, who, in union with her consort, Adam, are the parent creators of humanity. The feminine and masculine principles reside in all of us, and interact on a daily basis. The subconscious is indeed the feminine principle in the human psyche that can create anything and make anything happen. The masculine principle is the conscious mind whose active suggestions stir the receptive crown of creation, the subconscious mind, to manifest its requests. For example, a creative idea is just a thought until it is acted upon; it is the act of creating it that brings it to life, such as a dance, a painting, a musical score.
The term, crown of creation, has been used to designate humanity as superior, formed in the image and likeness of God. God could be understood as humankind’s ever-changing outer projection of the all-powerful function of creativity. By withdrawing that outer projection and assuming positive inner control of the relationship between the conscious and subconscious minds, we might truly discover our access to divinity.
Ironically, we all exercise our divinity in everyday life, regardless of how mundane life is experienced. Thoughts and beliefs become suggestions to the subconscious mind that then materialize in moods and events that reflect our thoughts. For instance, if we tell ourselves that we are unworthy of the things we desire, we are delivered to a divine depression, as the subconscious mind pairs our beliefs with emotions that manifest that belief. In other words, our thoughts create our reality.
Although hypnotists can put the conscious mind of a client to sleep, thereby replacing its usual suggestive activity with the hypnotist’s directives, most hypnotists would agree that true empowerment rests in the client’s exercise of autosuggestion. With autosuggestion, we consciously and directly present our intentions to our subconscious crown of creation. Autosuggestion is the real jewel in the crown of creation, allowing for consistent redirection and manifestation.
The key is to wake up and take charge of the automatic activity of the divine couple within the psyche. As we notice the incessant dialogue of unworthiness in our thoughts, we can change the dialogue, quite passionately, to, “I am worthy.” Say it enough times and the crown of creation within will generate a mood of hope and optimism. The power of the subconscious mind is incredible; it truly can do anything.
The greatest challenge is to not attach to the outcome. Leave it up to the Universe. That means letting go to the subconscious mind’s deeply intelligent path to achieving the desired outcome. Be aware that infinite intelligence might first attract events into our lives that cause us to confront traumatic events stored in our shadow, which must be mastered to free up the ability to believe we are worthy.
Infinite intelligence might next attract people into our life that make us feel unworthy. The challenge here might be to recognize how our habitual negative beliefs attract people to reinforce that belief in social interactions. With this insight, we are freed to move away from these relationships, sending them off with compassion and gratitude for helping us grow.
The infinite intelligence of the subconscious mind might next generate themes that have plagued our ancestry with beliefs of unworthiness. Learning about these struggles and addressing them in the context of our current life might then free stuck energy at the collective unconscious level of the psyche, as the channel of creative energy is further cleared to manifest a deep sense of worthiness.
The journey to manifestation might take any of an infinite variety of paths, nuanced by infinite intelligence, to meet our specific requests. We must trust the crown of creation to guide us through the necessary steps of ultimate manifestation. Let go, and let the crown of creation do its job.
Sometimes the crown of creation presents guidance immediately. For instance, I took a break from writing this blog and went outside to cut up a fallen tree. As the chainsaw cut through a propped up horizontal log, I had a flash image of knowing that the cut log would fall on my foot. I didn’t respond to the guidance, and now wish that I had put on my steel toe boots! The infinite intelligence of the subconscious mind requires the participation of the conscious mind to meet its challenges and act upon its guidance.
Faith in the infinite intelligence of the subconscious mind, patience with its chosen path, and gratitude for its gifts will lead to the physical manifestation of our dreams.
May all your autosuggestions reflect the greater good of self, and all, as you connect with the crown of creation and fulfill your life.
Whatever you think of yourself, think beyond that. Think beyond the ideas you hold, the image you carry and the prognosis you have decided upon. There is so much more to you, to what you can do and be. Let your creative self loose into new life, activity and experimentation, to find out what fuller potential you carry within that is unexplored, held back and not yet experienced. Little by little, one day at a time, dare yourself to live a little more daringly. Say yes to something new today and see what happens.
Let not fear overpower you or keep you from fulfilling your potential. Fear is merely an illusion, an idea that keeps you captive. You will discover this once you push through it and find out what’s on the other side. Fear is a door blocking your way. Open it and see what’s waiting for you. Step beyond fear into the light of a new and different day and a new and different life. There is really nothing to fear.
Did our thoughts create this reality? – Photo by Chuck Ketchel
“You get what you concentrate upon,” channeled Jane Roberts on August 28, 1980. This is one of my favorite quotes from the energetic being, Seth, whom Jane Roberts channeled, stressing how our beliefs and attitudes create our world, both our personal world and the world we all share.
In the simplest of terms, Seth is saying, if we focus on something it will happen. If we are negative thinkers, negative things happen. If we concentrate on happy, positive things, we will get happy, positive things in our lives. What we choose to concentrate on can be to our detriment or to our advantage. This may sound simplistic and idealistic, but if we examine how thoughts create our reality we can learn how to change our thoughts to change our reality as well.
If you have a pimple on your chin and stare at it, it soon looms large. It turns red and ugly. It’s all you see when you look in the mirror and you are sure it’s all everyone else sees too. You apologize for it, try to hide it, or even refuse to go out in public. The pimple festers and grows the more you stare and poke and pinch at it. So is it with thoughts. The negative ones fester, causing us to weep that our lives are terrible, that we are unhappy, miserable, lonely, and that life is unfair. The positive ones grow as well. As we open to and accept new positive things into our lives, our lives expand; new experiences unfold as the world meets us on our positive terms.
The reality is, both negative and positive aspects of our lives are things we create for ourselves. They are our intentions, brought to us by our beliefs and attitudes—unconscious as well as conscious—that we decide upon and set for ourselves. For instance, does illness really exist or is there a part of us that has created it for some reason that we are perhaps unaware of?
There are definitely real reasons for illness. Aside from obvious diseases or injuries there might, however, be other reasons for the illnesses that plague us, for chronic pain and depression, for mental and emotional imbalances. Not everything can be fully healed by physical methods alone, but a more holistic approach offering psychological and spiritual attention as well might do the trick. The entire biological organism that we are must be taken into account, both that which is seen and that which is unseen. Some aspects of our reality are created unconsciously and thus need consciousness to bring them to healing.
We are a whole lot more than meets the eye… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
If we take into consideration that we are actually a whole lot more than we can touch and see; that we are energy as well as substance, ethereal as much as flesh and blood, we might begin to understand how powerful our thoughts, beliefs and attitudes really are. They are without form, so what else are they but energy? If we energetically create our own realities then we can energetically change them as well.
Perhaps our beliefs tell us that we are miserable and that we will always be miserable. Is that really true? Or is it only true because we think that way, because we have accepted that attitude? Did any of us really come into life intending bad things to happen, or to lead a miserable life? Were not our infant selves innocent of all that happened to us?
In fact, the lives we live have largely been created by what we’ve learned, believed, been told and continue to tell ourselves, or by what has been done to us. If we remain in that creation then indeed our lives will not change.
In truth, we are largely unaware of how we constantly retrench ourselves in our own predicament. It’s easy to blame others, and yes, others do cause great harm, but blame also keeps us stuck in negativity and there is little resolution to be found there. We become powerless victims of our circumstances, helpless and depressed, as we spin deeper into our darkness. In a sense we become our own worst enemies, our own abusers.
We all get to the point where we have to make a decision about how we want our own lives to unfold, and face that if we want positive experiences it’s up to us to give them to ourselves. No one else can provide what our spirit needs. It’s at that point that we might be ready to try something new. The simplest thing might be to change the ingrained, negative mantras we constantly repeat to ourselves, aborting the usual thoughts, inserting new positive refrains.
I had learned, at an early age, the devastating consequences of not acting on my own behalf, and by default the value of seizing an opportunity. I’d learned that one thing would lead to another, that things would happen, doors would open. Sometimes those doors were not the right ones, but as I grew up and made my way into the world I learned that behind some doors there were good people. I learned to accept that good things could happen and that good experiences were out there waiting for me to find them. Positive things happened when I took a chance on myself; things changed. My own lessons in creating a new reality for myself meant stepping out into life in a new way, navigating away from the old negative world, venturing into a new world of my own choosing.
There’s always a door waiting for us to walk through… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
If we are to create a new world in which we can all live in harmony we must get into harmony within ourselves. We must all face what might be behind the doors that appear in our own lives, all of them necessary, and all of them leading us on our healing journeys.
Our role is to take responsibility for our own lives, to heal ourselves as much as we ask others to heal us. We can do this by recreating our own world, fashioning it with positive intent, even as we face what pains us the most, even as we open yet another door that might not yet be the good one. We must do it anyway, concentrating always on the one that we know lies ahead, the one good door that will be the one that will finally lead us out of our old world of worry, fear and negativity into a more positive light.
If we can each do that for ourselves, then there is hope for all of us. Because, you know what? We are all energetic, magical beings—every one of us.
What is happening in your own current reality? What is it that you concentrate upon? How can you change it? As Seth also said: “Your experience will follow your concentration and belief and expectation. The mind is a great discriminator. It can use its reasoning to bring about almost any possible experience within your framework.” Now that is something to concentrate upon!
Creating anew for me and you, Jan
Excerpts from The Magical Approach by Jane Roberts, pp. 71-2.