Tag Archives: change

Soulbyte for Thursday July 27, 2017

In containment of self find the peace you seek. Relax your body and mind and be fully present with what is. Acknowledge the truth of where you are right now and with a measure of grace accept your faults and frailties as well as your strengths. Accept what truly is. From this place of truth know that you are essentially good, that you have your best interests at heart, and that you are fully capable of changing yourself into a more stable and balanced being. Breathe this certainty into the container of your body and tell yourself that you can do it. Life is always right there ready to take you by the hand and show you a new path. If you want change it’s up to you to take the first step. Life is waiting. Are you ready?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: A New Phase


Every phase has its beauty…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is this week’s audio channeled message, proposing that maybe it’s time to move on. Of course, deep contemplation of what that means is always par for the course. Action is good, but right action is better!

Have a great week!

Soulbyte for Thursday July 13, 2017

Find your way to inner peace and calm no matter what is going on outside of you. It’s the only way to stay stable and sane. It’s not selfish but necessary in times of turmoil. And yet, do not be so inward turned as to miss the important things in life, especially the call to make changes that are beneficial, to move on when necessary, and to grow beyond where you are now. For even in inward turning, changes are expected if the inner process is to have impact. Otherwise it’s just another cover for not doing what needs to be done, for not facing what must be faced, and that will benefit no one. The charge of life is always to grow and change. It’s what the world is doing all the time, especially in times of turmoil, pushing for change. Let the self be still but never asleep. Let the self be calm but never inert. Let the self be inward turned but stay alert and aware, and never stop growing. For growth is the creative urge in all of life and that’s exactly what’s called for now!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday July 11, 2017

Be responsible. Hold yourself accountable for your actions, but do not be so harsh and restrained that you do not relax and enjoy life. There is a time and a place for everything and sometimes it’s time to play, even with abandon. Sometimes it’s just time to relieve yourself of all the restrictions you place upon yourself, all the demands you make of yourself, all the ideas you have constellated about yourself. Sometimes life calls out to you and asks: “What are you holding onto so hard and why?” The time will come when life will ask you to be different, do different, accept different, to let go and live anew with a new attitude and a new state of mind. Are you ready? Is it time?

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne