When your mind wanders bring it back to safe anchoring with calmness of breath. Like a boat gone loose from its moorings guide it gently back to calm emptiness by tying it fast to the dock of yourself and in your mind’s eye sit beside it. As you watch the water’s rippling surface feel the gentle breeze upon your skin, the sun upon your head, and know that you are safe. Breathe in calmness, breathe out disturbance, sadness and pain. Breathe in purity and goodness, breathe out madness and evil. Breathe in love, breathe out hate. Use your mind in this manner for calmness, peace, and love. It’s within your power, the power of your own breath!
I am putting today’s channeled message out early as the winds are gusting quite fiercely today and when it’s like this we can often lose our internet. So here it is, just in case!
Here is this week’s message from Jeanne, on the reality of creating your own life.
Today’s dream… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
Find a center of balance no matter where you are in your life. Even though you may be caught up in the turmoils of life, so will there be a spot within that turmoil to find rest and distance. Set your intent to not only find this place but to recognize it and utilize it, even in the worst of circumstances.
Remember: There is always calm within a storm, even if it is only in the moment before the storm hits or the moment after it strikes. Take the energy of that calmness within, fully experience it, and retain the markings of it within. Draw upon it later, for its experience will reside in you, its memory everlasting.
That is what you seek in order to find balance in daily life, memories of those moments of experience that have shifted you. In your experiences come the ability to control, to a certain degree, the content of your days. I advise allowing the self access to the ability to control the self by grabbing onto the experiences of calmness that have reigned throughout your life, the moments that remind you that nothing lasts forever, that everything changes, that life constantly shifts and adjusts itself. For growth is always life’s intent.
In your own lives, growth too is the intent. With this intent being your personal intent—even if you are unaware of it—be assured that everything that comes to you, each day, is leading and guiding you to grow, to face that which you must in order to move beyond fear and attachment.
Always find your balance within yourself. Pull up your anchor repeatedly as you shift, placing it in a new spot of calmness each day, depending on circumstances, and as you flow with life.
One day your calmness may lie in your dreams, so place your anchor there. Set your intent to learn as much as possible from your dreams. And then follow the guidance that comes to you.
On another day your calmness, your certainty, may lie in your creativity. Place your intent, your anchor there, and allow your creative self the expression it desires. This will send you into new energetic configuration, both mentally and physically, aligning your life more fully with your spirit’s intent. And remember that creativity takes many forms. Where your personal creativity lies may not be yet clear to you, but it’s there.
Seek balance each day. Take moments to sit in calmness and find your peace in where you are, fully aware that each day you are being guided to advance. Pretty soon, the anchoring calmness will become most natural, and you may even find that you are there without having to think about it. Then you will have the experience of your previous turmoil being only like a distant dream.
Remember it’s all a dream anyway. Which dream do you wish to dream today? It’s really up to you.
Here is this week’s message from Jeanne and all of Infinity:
Pull into center of self
Sit in calmness and know thy self. Although there is great turmoil in the world around you, do not attach to its troubled energy, for it is but the energy of the times. It is the energy that must be passed through in order for change to happen. Be calm like the solid earth at your feet. Know that within the self that earth’s calmness reverberates. That is where you must sit while you wait out the storm.
Know that turmoil within is growth-oriented, but if you are pulled apart by its tensions you will suffer greatly. Find always your inner strength and balance. Pull always inward to sit in its calm center. This is where you must also wait out the inner storm, a storm that also rides in on these times of change.
Allow the self this: the truth that your spirit knows everything you are going through, that it seeks union with you and, without rejecting anything you are going through, it seeks acceptance and acknowledgment of its presence in your life. Spirit asks for acceptance and that you let it guide you through these turbulent times, both those outside and those inside.
Constantly pull back into self now. Connect with inner calm spirit of self and know full well that you are on the road to change. The journey began a long time ago. Spirit asks you to finally accept this truth of self and then it asks that you allow yourself to keep going. The journey will not stop, only you stop. Is that really what you want to do?
The only real stopping necessary is the stopping of outer turmoil and distraction by constantly re-centering in spirit self. That is where calmness lies. In that calmness will you succeed in gaining clarity and fuller understanding of your personal journey. But it is only in continually taking that journey that its fulfillment will be revealed. And who knows what that might be!
Fulfillment lies in the hands of your daring spirit self. Let it guide you. Let it surprise you. For that is what it will do, My Dears, surprise you indeed!
Keep going. Don’t be afraid. You are safe in your own hands. Live who you truly are.