Tag Archives: as within so without

Chuck’s Place: Consolidation Of The Will

Consolidate your will and be the love…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

A star gobbles a planet in one big gulp. The far future fate of Earth is foreshadowed.  At present, a fever is quite active in the body of humanity, a healing crisis intended to spark human evolution to keep pace with the extraordinary changes that lie ahead.

The elementals, those underlying archetypes of the orderly seasons, have escalated to unpredictable intensity, unleashing upon the body planet their unbridled emotions through hurricane and tornado, earthquake and volcano, flood and fire.

The elementals have been unleashed upon the soul of humanity as well, as civilized decorum has devolved into hate speech and gun violence at even the slightest innocent trespass. The planet teeters upon the fuller acknowledgement of a world war already begun.

All the brutalities apparent in the world now are the precursors to a new race of humanhood, drawn out by and matured ultimately by love.

The humanizing potential amidst the chaos of now rests with the human ego, with its free will to generate a new reality. The exercise of this  sacred technology of free will is outwardly demonstrated, for all to see, by Donald Trump in his use of consistent messaging to direct the collective subconscious of America to manifest his view of reality. Though I do not condone either his message or his negative manipulation, he does offer a prime example of the use of suggestion as a powerful tool.

The power of suggestion is both awesome and terrifying. Positive suggestions can unify the world with the intent of love and compassionate survival. Exploitative suggestions can incite paranoia and a polarization that bypasses the critical judgment of civilization itself.

As without, so within. The ego’s ability to influence the subconscious manifests both our individual and collective realities. Each human psyche is a microcosm of the greater whole of humanity and as such has impact.

Every attitude we hold consciously is balanced by its opposite somewhere in the shadow of our being. With such inner opposition we are psychologically a compendium of opposing wills, presenting and confusing the subconscious with many mixed suggestions.

As Donald Trump demonstrates, the trick is to very consciously and perseveringly repeat the same suggestion to the subconscious to get results. Of course, the ego would do well to exercise critical thinking and judgment in alignment with the truth in its suggestions. The ego also has the ability to embrace illusion. The will is free to choose.

Concurrent with consistent and frequent autosuggestion to consolidate the will is the journey into the shadowland of one’s being, into encounter with opposing wills within the self. These are the Existential Kinks that Carolyn Elliot speaks of, where we discover our secret love affairs with seemingly self-destructive attitudes infused with both masochistic and sadistic emotional pleasures.

Through discovering, accepting and reconciling our multifaceted oppositional selves, we open to the possibility of a new balance within the totality of self, which can accrue to a more consolidated and loving will, represented by positive and loving suggestions to the subconscious.

A compensatory balance of opposites can in fact transmute into a complementary whole. All for one, one for all, within the self, within the great body of humanity.

In the book What Makes Us Human?, AI (artificial intelligence), having scanned all the spiritual wisdom of human literature ever written, states, again and again, that the single most important thing is LOVE. Love is the answer.

To consolidate the will to suggest to the subconscious the fullest expression of love is surely our evolutionary trajectory and savior, and it all begins with each of us, on an individual level.

Love, love, love,

Soulbyte for Friday April 28, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Strive to remain upon your path of heart, the path of balance, awareness and compassion that you have worked so hard to maintain. Each day remind yourself that this is your goal. Let each step you take be with awareness. Let each thought be aware. Let each word be spoken with awareness of yourself as part of the greater whole and thus a loving and compassionate being who is aware of the bigger picture. The world may not yet be in step with you, but stay upon the path of heart anyway in hopes that the world will soon catch up.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Take Charge Of The Internal Dialogue

A new internal dialogue…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

The shamans of ancient Mexico coined the term internal dialogue to identify the incessant self-talk that we all engage in that generates our personality.

The content of the internal dialogue is the socialized messages we all receive from the moment we are born, which come to shape our perception and interpretation of ourselves, and the world around us.

What’s key is how the internal dialogue, which is largely internalized verbal and nonverbal messages from significant others, becomes the deeply felt personal definition of self that we accept as our unique personality. Thus, our sense of self is mostly simply a product of external forces of socialization. What we come to covet as our unique self is largely an arbitrary creation of external suggestion.

Psychologically this is what forms and upholds our ego identity. The ego adopts this external messaging as its internal dialogue, which instructs the subconscious mind to manifest the mental and physical being we then become in this world. The subconscious mind is capable of creating anything we say to it—its powers are that extraordinary.

This magic, however, is lost to us, as our magical possibilities are molded externally, and maintained internally, by the incessant unconscious repetition of the same internal dialogue.

Shamans call this fixation of identity, via suggestion, the assemblage point, where unlimited possibility becomes sharply bound by a definite sense of self. Carlos Castaneda called it the place where the wings of our magical selves become clipped.

To further complicate the potential awakening to our innate creative potential is the emotional security we derive from a consistent knowing of ourselves. Thus, for instance, if we are generally somewhat depressed and not hopeful about success in our lives, we may nonetheless cling to and defend this unhappy personality because it provides us with the security of a familiar, trustworthy sense of self.

The rational function of the ego will also likely generate persuasive arguments to dismiss the irrational notion of an unlimited magical potential within the self.

For instance, the subconscious mind is capable of nonlocal perception, such as through remote viewing, channeling or telepathy. The ego, on rational grounds, may dismiss these potential abilities with blocking beliefs that preclude ego even suggesting such a possibility to the subconscious mind.

The shaman proposes that one suspend judgment, and, like a true scientist, approach the subconscious with an unbiased experiment that presents suggestions to it and observes behavioral outcomes.

Too often we try first to reason with the internal dialogue to overcome its objections. This will almost always fail due to the power of the ego’s defenses, which it employs to securely maintain its familiar self.

Rather than battle with reason, accept the product of its internal dialogue, the current ego identity. Instead of an argument, create a new internal dialogue that you volitionally and incessantly repeat, as often as you remember.

For example, state the phrase, “I am calm,” thousands of times a day. It matters little if you believe it or not. In fact, your working definition of self—your standard operating self definition—might be, “I am an anxious person.” Do not challenge this definition, simply repeat, “I am calm,” as often as you can.

Suggestions given to the subconscious just before sleep are the most powerful. In retiring to sleep, both the physical body and the conscious mind are turning down and tuning out, thus the availability of the subconscious to receive new instructions is paramount.

In addition, the subconscious naturally comes alive to creativity and suggestion at night. Why waste it on ordinary dreaming? Give it some direction!

As one works the magic at night, one may soon discover that one is more calm in waking life as well. The more established ego state, which loves rationality, will likely take in this new fact and be willing to incorporate it into its old sense of self with little resistance. What ego would deny the facts of its own experience? That’s reality testing at its most basic level.

The possibility of molding a new sense of self, with consciousness that assumes personal responsibility for the suggestions presented to the subconscious, is the true key to the magical kingdom.

Firstly, it allows one to shed the propositions of early internalized beliefs that don’t truly reflect one’s innate potential. The ego instead becomes the beacon of the true Spirit of the Self.

Secondly, it puts the two minds within the self in an optimal relationship for growth. If the ego suggests, to the subconscious, actions of health, healing and the greater good, the physical body and the manifested world will reflect the instinct of self-preservation taken to the highest level of evolutionary refinement.

Thirdly, we, as human beings, are thus restored to the free exploration of our magical beingness and our greater creative potential. We unclip our wings with the free exercise of our will and become the true artists of our lives.

It’s that simple! Take charge of the internal dialogue and become all that you can be!

I am a being of unlimited potential,

Soulbyte for Tuesday April 18, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

You have within you the power to create the life you desire and everything in it to your specifications. With your intent pure, your focus directed and your heart open, look inward and determine what is right for you now at this time in your life. Things change and you change too, so what once may have been right may no longer be. Turn your attention to what feeds your spirit as well as your mind, to what is good for your body as well as your overall emotional health. When you have it right you will know by the balance you feel, the peace of mind you experience and the vigor you attain, within and without.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday April 17, 2023

-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Maintain balance in heart, mind and body in order to navigate life with as few worries as possible. If the heart, mind and body are in synch, attuned to the rhythms of nature, to day and night and the cadences of the sun, moon and planets, then life itself is in balance too, for nothing is unexpected, extraordinary, or too much to handle. When all things are in balance, within and without, then all things are equally in their right places as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne