A determined mind and a strong spirit, when put to the test, can achieve anything. Keep mind clear and focused and spirit fully intent and there’s no telling what you can do. With the two in alignment life’s purpose becomes clearer, life’s meaning becomes known, and life’s unfolding becomes magical. Get mind and spirit in alignment and see just how far you can go!
Contentment comes from the hard work of fully knowing the self in the deepest way and learning to be fully present to life without resentment or regret but understanding that everything that happens is a result of your own intentions to grow and evolve. Find your feet every day upon the solid ground of your life and remind yourself of that intent, along with reminding yourself of your intention to connect with and fully allow your spirit to ground itself in your life as well. With spirit known and in alignment with physical self, contentment comes easily into play.
With inner balance and alignment of Self on all levels of consciousness, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual, the greatest changes are possible. With a determined mental attitude in alignment with physical body prowess, combined with a calm emotional state that is rooted in spiritual knowing and determination, anything is possible. Look to gain momentum by getting in alignment in this manner to further and to enhance any process of change already begun. You will know you are in balance by how exquisitely you feel, on all levels.
Maintain equilibrium at all times, striving to achieve an alignment of mind, body and spirit so that you are not thrown easily by dire circumstances. Maintain a cool approach rather than a hotheaded one so that your mind is clear enough to see the truth and to act upon it. In times of stress it is good to remember that all things change, that this time too will pass, but how you handle it while in the midst of it is equally important. That’s where equilibrium comes in and does its job to keep things in perspective and to maintain a balanced outlook on life. Change is inevitable, but don’t make it harder on yourself. Stay balanced in all things at all times.
Concern yourself with what is going on inside as you weigh choices, make decisions and begin each day of your life. What is your body saying to you today? What is your heart implying as you pose your questions? How does your central nervous system react to your ideas? Tune in and listen closely to your body; it will tell you a lot. Learn how it responds as you ask it to guide you. It’s easy to let thoughts override how your body speaks to you, but it may not be wise. When in alignment, heart, mind, body and spirit, the four parts of the conscious self, will speak the same language, and that language is harmony. Harmony breeds happiness, contentment, and satisfaction that is deep and grounding, aspects that a healthy you will recognize instantly and want to seek again and again. Seek harmony first within, then radiate harmony out into the world around you. In harmony there is a balance that is unmistakably right.