Chuck’s Place: No Blame

Power lies in going inward…
-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

The energy of now mirrors lessons in power. In an interview with Tim Ferriss, Elizabeth Gilbert, of Eat, Pray, Love fame, reveals that she has been celibate and closed to intimate relationship for the past five years. She had come to the realization that her pattern of always blaming partners had overshadowed her entire life. She decided to seek the source of blame within herself alone.

When we discover our projections as unknown or disowned parts of ourselves, we are empowered to know and influence positively the holographic reality we all share equally in.

The power in blame is the comfort of self-righteousness exercised in the creation of a faulty, other than, self. In the truth of the hologram, self contains all others. There simply is no cause for blame; the buck stops here, within the self.

Actually, life in three-dimensional reality predisposes us to need to differentiate in order to establish an identity. If we were to remain in a herd identity, we would not develop a consciousness of self that allows for independent action. However, this separation creates a cloudy reality. When we shine a light upon an object, a shadow is created that allows us to see and define the object. As P. P. Quimby points out, this shadow also leads to error, or opinion, as the fuller interconnected truth is separated and lost in the shadow.

It is natural for us to listen to someone’s presentation and find ourselves thinking of exceptions to that which they propose. This is the action of the analytic mind differentiating what it hears. Many a hurt feeling and quarrel result from this ‘misunderstanding’ in dialogue, whose true roots lie in an automatic differentiating mental process.  

Of course, as valuable as the knowledge of differentiation is, it favors such a materialist worldview of separate objects that it loses connection to the intimacy of the interdependent oneness we all share in. When we open the door to our fourth-dimensionally interconnected selves, ordinarily screened out by our physical senses and internal dialogue, higher truth and knowledge is revealed, the deepest source of our innate healing power.

Quimby would sit and get en rapport with his ailing patient until, in this sympathetic oneness, it was revealed to him the true cause of their discomfort. His patient in turn opened their heart to the faith in the possibility that they could be healed; what medical science calls today the placebo effect.

Quimby never touched a patient or prescribed any medicinal remedy. He merely revealed the true cause of the complaint, as revealed to him. The obvious changes necessitated by that knowledge were for his patient to undertake, for the power to heal lies with the patient’s understanding of and alignment with the truth.

The power to heal and transform lies latently available in one’s connection to, and communication with, one’s higher fourth-dimensional self. Access to that higher self is gained through meditation and the practice of reaching the subconscious mind through the power of thoughtful intent.

In the eleventh, bonus episode, of the Telepathy Tapes, we meet Dan, an adult volunteer working with autistic non-speakers. We discover that Dan has so opened his heart, and practiced deep meditation, that he gains access to what autistic non-speakers call, The Hill, a consensual reality meeting place in the fourth-dimensional astral plane. Here,  autistic people, in their energy body soul states, regularly commune. These visits by Dan are verified by participants from The Hill, as they later recount these fourth-dimensional interactions when back in their third-dimensional physical bodies. 

We also learn that Dan had been diagnosed with fourth stage lymphoma that went into remission over the course of several months, his only course of treatment being his deep meditations, deep breathing, and healing intent. He credits the power of thought with his success.

Our world is clearly in the throes of  a vitriolic breakdown as it transitions into a new paradigm of human potential and power. We witness daily dramatic displays of power. These are opportunities for us all, like Elizabeth Gilbert, to circumvent blame, go inward, and assume responsibility for our own use, abuse, or nonuse of power.

Like the shamans of old, it truly is time for us to create our own Tales of Power.

New Thoughts on Power,

Inspirations for this blog: very dense reading, not necessarily recommended.

Elizabeth Gilbert on Tim Ferris Podcast
PP Quimby Very dense reading, not necessarily recommended.
Telepath Tapes Episode 11

Soulbyte for Tuesday February 11, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Let your mind be still as your heart shows the way. Let your fears lie down as your courage rises up. Let your emotions swim away on the tide as your love ebbs and flows, and let your steady knowing that time changes, molds and shapes all things be enough for now. When in the dead of winter it may seem that no life exists upon the ground or in the trees, but new energy is always building and preparing to bud in spring. Let your heart know this, that all things will come to pass that must, that all things will settle down, and that calmness and love will reign once again, in time.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 10, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Stay upon your chosen path of heart, the one you know so well as your own true path. Keep an open heart and mind and know that you are well guided and followed by the best helpers available. With a determined mind and heart, keep your ears and eyes attuned to the guidance that comes, and, with all your focused attention, determine each day what to do and how to do it so that you stay upon the path that is right, within and without.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 7, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Let your dreams guide you and show you what’s possible, for they are pictures of the internal workings of the mind and the spirit, combining the known and the unknown, metaphor and symbol, truths and that which is to come. Dreams present problems and solutions alike. They inspire and open doors to possibility. They let you observe life from a different perspective and though they may often leave you confused, begin with what is, with what they show and say, and let that be enough. Eventually, as you live life, their meaning will be revealed.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday February 6, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Pay attention to your thoughts, to what you constantly say to yourself, to how you think about yourself, to how you perceive the world and other people. Notice any negativity, discouragement, despair and immediately shift those thoughts and feelings in a positive direction. Learn to see the positive direction your life is taking rather than the negative direction you perceive to be unfolding. A positive attitude makes all the difference within your mind, within your body and within your spirit. You really can change your reality, but first you have to change your thoughts.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne