Chuck’s Place: Water & Wind

I consult the I Ching, one of my favorite oracles, for guidance as we pause in the destructive wake of hurricanes Harvey and Irma. The I Ching first delivers Hexagram #48, the Well.

Nature’s lessons, water & wind…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

The central feature of this hexagram is the pure water that springs from the earth’s depths to nourish all life. In the plant kingdom nature provides roots to trees and plants to channel this vital resource to sustain life. In the human species this archetype manifests in the building of the well that then serves to deliver this resource to support life in human communities.

Emphasis is placed on the quality of construction of the well as well as the social structure needed to maintain its purity, balanced use, and sustainability. I receive a moving line in the 6th place, actually a quite favorable line. In essence, the message is: the truth flows freely; now it’s up to us to decide what to do with it.  Like water raised in a bucket from the depths of the well, the truth is the life-sustaining spring water message of nature, raised to the level of full consciousness.

What are the truths that now flow freely in the flooded waters of these hurricanes? Global warming, climate change, is a fact. The rise in temperature of ocean waters is fuel to hurricanes that are becoming increasingly powerful and destructive. Can we acknowledge this fact, and take actions to change the warming trend?

The social structure that embraces unlimited growth as its imperative results in overpopulation that strains nature’s resources. As well, the high concentration of industrial complexes, with their toxic stores, threaten the purity of natural resources and the ability to sustain life.

These are broader truths presented to our collective species. On an individual personal level the I Ching is telling us that the facts, the changes we need to make in our personal lives, are presenting themselves to us quite clearly. The confusion or ambivalence we ordinarily feel is lifted now; the truth is that we know what we need to do, what is right.

Perhaps these truths are being clarified through symptoms in our bodies, our physical nature, that point to needed changes. Perhaps the messages are delivered from our spirit nature through the powerful emotions or insights we are receiving. Perhaps our truths are manifesting synchronistically in the events manifesting in the events of our personal lives that dramatize obvious need for change.

These truths are staring us in the face. In fact, the I Ching gives the follow-up, Hexagram #57, the Penetrating Wind, to further drive home its point. The wind is the penetrating influence that breaks up the thick clouds that block the truth. These deeply penetrating hurricane winds have been relatively sparing of human life so far, but devastating to the environments that have sustained them.

Nature is asking humans to penetrate the truths revealed. The well represents our modern governance of life’s most precious resource, pure drinking water. We are clearly being humbled, but not destroyed. We must heal our divide by considering the true needs of our planet, by being willing to sacrifice our power and special interest drives in the service of survival. To survive we must respect and uphold the vital balance nature requires to sustain life.

In the hologram of our individual lives we are being shown that the truths we must acquiesce to, to bring ourselves into sustainable balance, are abundantly evident now. The eclipse has passed, the storms have revealed the truths.

Time to penetrate the facts and forge a plan of action. Like the rebuilding of devastated communities progress will be slow but deliberate, but can be built now upon a secure foundation of truth.

The great changes we must make in our individual lives are upon us. Nature in some form has prepared the way for them, what awaits is consciousness to align with and be nourished by the pristine, spring water truths freely flowing to us now.

The truth flows freely; what will we do with it?

Flowing with the changes,


Soulbyte for Wednesday September 13, 2017

Let not the hardships of life keep you from becoming who you truly are. Do not hold back the fullness of you, all that you are, but let it blossom and grow. Your full potential is in you from the very beginning, its roots nurtured by coming into life, its growth spurned on by the energy that has been inside you from the very beginning, the spark of you that lies waiting inside you always for recognition. Nurture yourself, the part of you that is the real you. Have no doubt that this you is the true you, the you that has always been in there, waiting and wanting to live. What are you holding back for? You may not achieve everything your soul desires of you, but give it a chance to have the experiences it first set out to have. You have it in you. You always have, from the very beginning, the true you. Live fearlessly but with awareness. Live fully but with compassion. Live now but always with your one true self in heart and mind.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 12, 2017

Being mindfully present means being aware. Being aware means assessing life and making decisions based on what is presented. Making decisions means being responsible. Being responsible means no blame. No blame means it is what it is. And what is means coming full circle back to the present, to mindful awareness. And from there opportunities abound and everything is possible.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Be With What Is


Take a moment in nature…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

This week’s channeling invites us all to be fully present with the truth, with what is fact, with the truth of where we are right now. In fully knowing and holding onto that truth we can begin to move again. Sometimes just sitting still is the best medicine.

Wishing everyone a calm and peaceful week.

Soulbyte for Monday September 11, 2017

In times of stress learn to manage the energy within yourself. It may be the only control you have. When something outside of you cannot be changed, change what is going on inside of you. Change your stress levels by breathing into your heart, by calming your mind with your breath, but cooling your temper with your breath, by reminding yourself that eventually things will change. In times of stress find peace and guidance within yourself. You may not realize it, but you have more at your disposal than you think. There is a deeper you ready and willing to come to your aid, to participate in your life, to be what you need. The solution is not to be found in your head but in your heart. Breathe. Just breathe.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne