Tag Archives: spirit self

Chuck’s Place: Encounter

Feeling incomplete? Scattered? Scared? Can't quite see clearly yet? - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Feeling incomplete? Scattered? Scared? Can’t quite see clearly yet?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

For the past few weeks I have been drawn to the topic of sub-personalities. Jung called them complexes; independent amalgams of ideas, experiences, and feeling tones that operate autonomously within the personality, each with their own motive, voice, and point of view.

These sub-personalities may be actual younger versions of ourselves, underdeveloped parts of ourselves, or frozen parts that were split off during traumatic experiences. As well, these inner voices might be from the transpersonal realm of our psyche: past life, archetypal or mythical entities that have become active beneath consciousness, influencing daily life.

Out of these many sub-personalities emerges one dominant personality that establishes a consistent identity, what we commonly call I, what Freud called the Ego Self.

The ego self is the leader that takes charge of consciousness and decides how we will navigate life. The ego is home base and must be finely tuned and safeguarded to take on the awesome challenge of reconciling all the inner needs and concerns of the sub-personalities, as well as establishing a stable foothold in the outside world.

The ego must also interact with the spirit self or higher self. Ruth White, in Using Your Chakras, writes: “The concept of the higher self…may lead us to suppose that the higher self is in charge and is the integrating force which we seek. Yet the being which we are on earth, the personality from which we function, fully exists in its own right. If we are too anxious to let the higher self take over, we may give insufficient importance to ego development. The tool which the higher self would use is then insufficiently formed and could be subject to delusions of grandeur, inability to make choices, slavishness to authority, a sense of non-being, or psychosis.

Thus, though the ego self must not overstep its bounds, by usurping the identity of the higher self, it is fully charged to establish firm boundaries and decisively mediate actions to be taken in this world. To inhabit this state I often suggest that people draw circles with firm boundaries, representing a firm ego self. Inside the circle exists a state of calmness within which the intent to be objective is set. The ego self must make decisions, and to do this well it must be freed of negative judgments that cloud objective processing. The ego must deal only with facts to process the points of view and nuggets of truth held by the cluster of sub-personalities that reside in the greater self.

The grand work of individuation is to find out who you truly are in this lifetime... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
The grand work of individuation is to find out who you truly are in this lifetime…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

The ego must be able to hold its own; that is, avoid contamination or states of possession when it encounters the moods, beliefs, images and sensations of sub-personalities that strongly seek to influence the decisions that the ego must make as it navigates life. The goal is wholeness of personality, all parts cohesively integrated. This is a lifetime opus, the grand work of individuation.

Jan shared her dream of the square in her blog this week—her place of power, calm meditation and retreat—where she could be completely calm and safe from the storms of interfering energy within or outside of the self. Like my circle-drawing suggestion, her square serves a similar function, introducing mandalas as safe havens for ego consciousness to get calm, be objective, and process and decide how to reconcile its inevitable encounters with sub-personalities.

After a brief discussion of the circle and the square, Jan and I decided to jointly throw the I Ching, alternating the throwing of the coins. We received the hexagram of Breakthrough/Resoluteness, #43. This hexagram depicts the inevitable encounters we must have with swollen energies that gather in intensity and seek release, the energetics of encounters with sub-personalities. The ego is warned, “Even a single passion still lurking in the heart has the power to obscure reason.” Calm objectivity must be the ruling dominant power in the fortress.

The I Ching further states: “…resolution must be based on a union of strength and friendliness.” Thus, when we encounter sub-personalities, we are warned to stay strong, to not be bullied but to establish that we come in peace, seeking truth and reconciliation.

…the struggle must not be carried on directly by force,” says the I Ching. Thus, if we engage in battle—which is negativity and judgment—with a sub-personality, we risk possession as we deplete our energy in an unnecessary power struggle where we lose our objective edge.

Finally, the I Ching states: “If a man were to pile up riches for himself alone, without considering others, he would certainly experience a collapse. For all gathering is followed by dispersion.” The ego is strongly warned to be fair in making decisions about what endeavors will be funded in the resolute actions of daily life. If the ego is prejudiced in its interactions and judgments of sub-personalities, it risks violent collapse through revolutionary encounters that seek a change of attitude. These can take the form of compulsions or deep depressions.

The true self that finally emerges might look a whole lot different from what you had imagined! - Photo by Jan Ketchel
The true self that finally emerges might look a whole lot different from what you had imagined!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

The correct position of the ego is as a firm but benevolent ruler that fairly administers the states of the personality and aligns itself with the spirit intent of the higher self.

All encounters have their dangers, but only through encounter can we fully discover and achieve the wholeness we seek. Properly armed with strength and objectivity, we are ready to advance toward union, finally reconciling our sub-personalities. In our new wholeness we are offered fulfillment now, in this lifetime, and as we journey forward and take our definitive journey in infinity.

From inside the circle,

On a synchronistic note: In her blog Jan also noticed how everything was in such alignment. Well, she happened upon this little essay from Eric Francis at Planet Waves, right in alignment with what I had been pondering for weeks and write about in this blog, sub-personalities or what Francis calls The Hemisphere Effect. Take a look, another take on it all.

Readers of Infinity: Be Real

Here is a channeled message from Jeanne, compliments of Jan. Our regular blogging schedule will continue through the holidays, so we look forward to communicating with all of you over the next few weeks. Best wishes to all for an energetically peaceful and loving holiday season! Here is what Jeanne has to say:

Melt the icy shield and allow the true self to more fully live each day… - Photo by Jan Ketchel
Melt the icy shield,
and allow the true self to more fully live each day…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Live every day with an open heart, with graciousness and kindness flowing out of you. With sorrow and sadness releasing, embrace your lives more fully. Be present where you are, with whom you are with, and with the self in your human form. Be aware that this is where you are now, but this is not where you will stay, for you are in constant flux.

Constantly remind the self that you are on a journey, and that journey encompasses all that you have already lived and all that you have yet to live. It encompasses who you are now and who you have the potential to become. It encompasses all that is now in this moment and all that comes in the next moment.

Keep in mind that your journey through life is constantly shifting, that you too are constantly shifting, that each day you are a new being with new opportunities to grow and change. Embrace yourself, your journey, and your life as fully as you wish to be embraced. Make this journey special, productive, challenging, and evolutionary. You are the one in charge. You have the power! Grab hold of it and take yourself to a new level. Your guides and your own energy are waiting to receive, accept, and accompany you!

Open more fully to your life as it is. Face your circumstances, accepting them as necessary to move you along, but also be aware that you must choose to move beyond this stage. If you are going to change, you must allow the power within to emerge more fully now and take you into new life. It’s your choice. The secret, however, is that the power to evolve lies within. You will rarely find it without, though life outside of you has a habit of jolting you into awareness of this fact. Life outside of you is constantly in synch with your true mission: to awaken the spirit within so that you may grow and evolve.

May you all choose to ignite this power, independent of, and instead of, waiting for that jolt from outside to strike. Light a fire beneath your complacency, your negativity, and your hopelessness—for now is the moment when lighting that fire will kindle more than just smoke. New life will emerge now more fully, as you instigate your human self to be consumed more fully by your spirit self—the real you, seeking to live your life more fully.

It’s time for everyone to shift—to no longer be ruled by the world outside of you, which is not really succeeding—and turn inward, taking hold of the truths of the true self; a loving, kind, sensitive, knowing being. Allow this true self to speak, act, and be more fully present in your world and your life. The time to do this is now, everyone, no matter who you are or what you have done or been.

Now is the time to dare to be gracious, humble, beautiful, and open to the world, to be amazing in the world, just as it has the potential to be amazing in return! All of you are a part of making this so. All of you can be part of shifting the current situation, simply by daring the self to shift a little bit more each day into the real you. Without fear, I encourage you to present this real self to the world.

I suggest you sit with yourself a little each day, calmly allowing your true and gentle self—kept so safely hidden inside for so long—the opportunity to smile a little more each day, to speak a little more each day, and to feel a little more each day. You’ll be surprised at first, but then less so, as you realize this true self is being constantly met graciously and kindly by the true self in others in return. This is what all others seek as well, a new, truer communication, on a deeper level—a connection with the oneness of being a spiritual being in human form on this earth at this time.

Let go of all facades and posturing, of negativities and cynicisms, of projections and disappointments, and instead be real!

Readers of Infinity: Time For The Self

Here is Jeanne’s message for the week:

A cushion on the floor may be all it takes to establish sacred space... - Photo by Jan Ketchel
A cushion on the floor may be all it takes to establish sacred space…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

It is not necessary to be overly strict, to be held down too tightly by the reins of rules, processes, and dictum. Yet discipline is necessary in a spiritual practice or in simply instigating change.

In the beginning, use rules and well-deserved practices to gain footing, to learn how to do something new, but don’t forget to allow the Self, the deeper self, to be part of the process, especially whenever that deeper self begins to show signs of awakening. Rigidity may not be beneficial in the long run. After a while, fluidity in everything is more helpful as you evolve a spiritual practice, as you learn a new skill, as you bend your mind to accept new ideas.

If the world is to change then each one of you must change. And if each one of you is to change then you must challenge yourself to take a step forward, to move beyond the self you now are. It is time for all beings to open up to the greater flow of life and the energy that moves through you all. And so I challenge you all to begin a new practice that will open you in a new direction, a direction of your spirit.

Dance. Take a class. Take a walk. And then do it again. Read a book. Write a letter. Think a new thought. All of these simple things may be just what you need to open a door to a new self.

Once the door is open, the next challenge begins—to keep going! And that is where discipline comes in. Set some rules that you know are doable and then do them! Once you get into a rhythm, challenge the self to go deeper. Go to many classes. Take longer walks. Sit in silence for longer and longer. Read more; write more.

Let’s say that each morning you will meet the rising sun and set an intention for the day. Do it religiously for a month. Then add something else to your practice. Read from a meaningful book, something that inspires you. Take your reading with you into your day. Let it ruminate. Begin to see its significance. Let your thoughts flow through you without attachment. Begin to observe the self. You might notice changes, subtle at first, but gradually you will notice that they stick.

Allow the self time for the self each day. Begin with establishing that practice: time for the self. Make this time important, sacred, set, not to be missed. Make it ritual. Make it personally relevant.

Sacred time can then be brought into everything you do. Make your chores sacred time. Make your work sacred time. Make your routines sacred time. Just be where you are, comfortably present.

Begin to observe the self as you allow sacredness to enter your life. I speak of personal sacredness, meaningful to you in your modern life, in anything and everything you do.

If you change life, life will change you! Try it!

Readers of Infinity: You Are A Most Amazing Being!

What are you keeping from yourself in the shadows of your mind? - Photo by Jan Ketchel
What are you keeping from yourself in the shadows of your mind?
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Examine the self. Find out who you are, who you have become, and who you want to be. Follow no protocols but your own. Discover what you need as you journey through life, trying out what might work for you, dismissing that which is not amenable, acceptable, practical, or fulfilling to your spirit. In order to know what is fulfilling to your spirit you must know yourself very well. This is what is most important in life—to know the self fully.

Use all the tools of awareness and inner work that you have at your fingertips and go to work on deeper examination of the needs and wants of the self. I do not speak of the needs of the child self, though they must be taken into consideration and seen for what they are. No, I mean the needs of the evolving human self, inhabited by an evolving spiritual self. These two parts of you must come to some agreement that is fluid and accepting of each other, not compromise but cooperation, with evolutionary growth in mind.

After all, what do you really want to accomplish during your time in this life, in this body? Think about it in the context of the self as an energetic being full of life and vitality yet stuck in human form. The body must get in alignment with the energetic self so that these two parts may fluidly navigate through life, learning about each other in the context of everyday life.

What do you want out of life? Ask your two selves. They already know, but perhaps they haven’t told you yet. The answer lies within, in the context of you as a spiritual human. It’s a great way to be! The answer to your question must begin with accepting this self as a most amazing being! You are a most amazing being!

Look for ways to shift your present outlook and your present perspective on yourself and your life. It’s not that hard to do. Find one thing that you consider a negative and turn it into a positive. Go ahead, I dare you! Then do the same with another aspect of self. Notice how your two parts learn to speak and communicate on a new and different level as you dare yourself to practice this exercise. A most amazing being indeed!

As I finish channeling, I hear the raven that lives in the woods nearby calling loudly in its crackly voice. “Heh-Heh!” it says, “laugh at yourself a little too!” And so, I end this channeling on a happy, laughing note to you all. Sending love, Jan

Readers of Infinity: Pay Attention To The Signs

What are the signs telling you today? Photo by Jan Ketchel
What are the signs telling you today? Photo by Jan Ketchel

Here is this week’s channeled message from Jeanne. May it be helpful and guiding.

There are so many helpful signs that you miss as you go about your daily lives cloaked in your everyday lack of awareness. There is really a tremendous amount of guidance that seeks your ears and eyes, your hearts and body attention every day.

Now is a good time of year to reignite the curious and open self, the seeking self. Do not ignore or shut out the voices and signs that come to show you how to live your life in a more fulfilling and nurturing way.

Most of you are fully aware of the folly that has taken over the true heart of mankind, the greed and desire that have nothing to do with the true desires and needs of evolving beings. Most of you are aware that something else, no matter how much you have materially in that life, calls you most insistently. That other thing that seeks your attention is your evolving self. Ask this deeper self to listen and take note of the signs that come to guide you and to take action on your behalf so that you may be supported and guided in your efforts to change and evolve.

Allow your intent to flow from but also to be determined by this source of self, this deeper source, this deeper self. This is innate wisdom. This is the knowing self. Pay attention to what it tells you and act upon its advice more frequently now. This is how to train yourself to become a new being.

It’s not really that hard. Listen and act on what your heart and your spirit guide you to do more frequently now. These parts of self are in your human body—not outside, inside! Turn inward for the best advice ever. That’s all!