Tag Archives: responsiblity

Soulbyte for Wednesday April 7, 2021

Be aware of how easily the mind can slip into an old routine, how easily an old habit can pop up, how the slightest hint of an old nostalgia can trigger an old desire. But as easily as the mind can slip back into an old place so can your spirit slip in and tell you a different story, give you a different idea, shift you into a different state. When the mind conjures call upon the spirit. Find it in a deep breath, in a heart centered, loving thought of a new day’s unfolding and all the possibilities it holds. As the sun rises let its light shift you into a creative, loving and kind place. Think of someone else with kindness and compassion, let the old conjuring mind go, and move onward now. It’s the most responsible thing to do, for self and other, but do it with love in your heart and all will be well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 9, 2019

Hold yourself accountable too, and without blame step up to the tasks before you. With impeccability as your motto begin each day prepared to do your best and be your best, and with love in your heart put your all into moving the world one step closer to perfection. You, by your thoughts and actions, by your decisions and choices, can effect the greater world, for even though you are but one small part of it, just one energetic drop in the greater ocean of humanity, so are you also the whole ocean, and when you move the ocean moves and when the ocean moves so do you. No one is separate from the greater wholeness and everyone effects it. Keep your energetic drop infused with the profoundness of loving kindness and compassion and watch how it affects and effects the world around you. Your energy has power; use it for good. That’s impeccability.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne