Tag Archives: peace

Soulbyte for Thursday February 28, 2019

Let your heart be quiet and still as you face the oncoming time and all it brings, as you face the truth of the times you live in, knowing that in heart centeredness your days will be content, your actions good, and your intentions pure. In heart centeredness do the right thing, no matter the pressure to do otherwise, for the times call for new balance, for the good to overpower the evil, for indeed evil is alive and well. Stand with that which is good and strengthen that good core within yourself so that good may reign outside of you as well, so that your actions may have an impact far beyond the confines of your own body and mind. It all begins with you taking your own heart centered stand, strengthening your own inner knowing that, no matter what happens, good is always the heart’s choice and so will it always remain.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday February 11, 2019

Get right within the self, within the multifaceted being that you are. It is the only way to experience peace and calmness. Pull together all that you are, your multifaceted inner self and your multilayered outer self. Getting right within the self means bringing all that you are into right alignment, into alignment with truth, honesty, and inner knowing, with the voices that teach and guide you and tell you what you already know. Pay attention to what they say and be honest with yourself and with whom shall rule, for it is the time now for the rule of the good, within and without. The new path of goodness has been revealed so many times already. Get right with that and all else will naturally fall into place. Take your first brave step toward the good within yourself and see what happens to everything else. You will be surprised, but another part of you will not be surprised at all, for it will know that it is exactly as it should be. As within, so without.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday January 1, 2019

In this new time of learning and growth, learn to sit quietly, learn to breathe deeply, learn to walk slowly, learn to wait patiently. Learn to open your heart, open your mind, and open your spirit, so that you may be available to guidance from all around you, in the world and beyond the world. Make these inner practices your spiritual practices. Learn also to respect fully, share equally, consider others, even as you turn more inward and get yourself in order. Let this adjustment, this New Year, manmade marker that it is, be the catalyst you have longed for. Take care of yourself in a new way and let this New Year be the one, the marker granting you permission to finally just be you again, the real you, inside and out, matured and honed in a new compassionate way. And know that all other beings seek only the same, to just be at peace, within and without. Keep it simple.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday September 25, 2017

With all your power send greetings of loving kindness around the world. Block words of hate with words of love and compassion, sending them reverberating around the globe on the wings of your intent. Beat drums of peaceful calmness and sing a heartfelt tune and with all your might spread love and peace, not hate and war. Pray for a peaceful outcome.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 2, 2017

Think harmony and peace. It’s not too late to carry the seeds of compassion, planting them for a future soon to come, a future in need of the fruits of love and kindness. It’s not too late to be the heart-centered being who resides inside of you, unafraid to let your light shine, careful to spread it where it is most needed. Use your gifts in some way so that others benefit. It’s not too late.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne