Tag Archives: life as a journey

Soulbyte for Thursday October 10, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Give yourself some credit for all the effort it takes to change the self, for all the time you have dedicated to pursuing a dream, for all the times you have pushed yourself, prodded yourself and kept yourself focused on new life. A little praise goes a long way. A life of gratitude, for even the smallest of things, is a life well spent, and a life of giving thanks for the small steps taken breeds rewards. Gratitude and thanks each day are no small part of an evolving life. With a heart full of gratitude, and thanks easily rolling off your tongue, begin a new day of progress, prosperity and rewards. Life awaits!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 10, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Cool nights and warm days signal the change of season and the changes just beginning to form, within and without, for even without thinking changes have begun. Grab a sweater and a pair of socks where before none was needed. Notice how subtle shifts take place in the world around you; the leaves begin to change, nuts drop from the trees, fruits ripen and the scent of autumn is in the air. Subtle change happens within as well. The body’s response to cooler weather, though subtle, indicates something more to come. Acceptance of seasonal changes may come easier than acceptance of physical and emotional changes, but a mind at peace will not be thrown but instead accept it all with satisfaction in knowing that a mind at peace is a lucky mind no matter the season.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday September 9, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

A change of season gives us an opportunity to look at our lives and see how things are changing too, whether we are consciously aware, knowing and seeing every step, or unconscious so that we miss the opportunity to be grounded and utilize our ability to choose. Sometimes life just takes over, like the abrupt change of a season, and before we know it things have happened without our awareness. It’s never too late to play catch up, to wake up and become an active player in all the changes, to choose a new direction and find a fulfilling path. Life always offers that opportunity!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 28, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Don’t give up! Stay on the path of success. Keep your mind and heart open and receptive, for you are nearing your longed for goal. Sometimes it takes a bit of time for a manifestation to occur for reasons only the Divine Universe knows, while at other times manifestations occur spontaneously. There is no rhyme or reason to it. The only thing you need to do is remain positive and sure in your intent. Your greater good is the ultimate goal and so how that is achieved may not be in a way you had perceived but it will come about in ways that the Universe sees fit. Stay positive and get ready to receive!

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday August 27, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

How will you grow today? Will you leap or will you creep? Will you dive into something or will you take it one step at a time? How will you change today? Will it be something within that you attend to or something outside of you? Every day offers an opportunity to do something new and different, to tune up your life, to go to a higher level personally, professionally, creatively or to simply make decisions that will evolve you along your path in this lifetime. What will you challenge yourself with today?

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne