Tag Archives: intent

Chuck’s Place: The Shattering Shamanic Journey Of Now

From shattering and rising to the infinite…
-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

A shamanic journey is a journey into the unknown of the self, and beyond the self, into the quantum field of infinite possibility. The gateway between the known and the unknown is heavily guarded and must be shattered if we are to create the space needed to accommodate the ever-active growth imperative of our being. Now is the time of that shattering on a collective scale.

The works of Carlos Castaneda have been my spiritual mainstay for the past fifty years. My journey in that world reflects the journey our entire world is currently embarking upon.

When Carlos broke with the secrecy of all shamanic traditions in the early 1990’s, by coming out of hiding and giving away all of his hidden and protected ancient knowledge, my wife Jeanne and I jumped in and became saturated in the shattering practices of his shamanic line.

The threat of death hovered over Jeanne and me, as well as over Carlos and his shamanic line at that time. Jeanne was challenged with breast cancer, Carlos with severe diabetes, and his unique Toltec shamanic line with facing its end, as Carlos’s impending departure loomed. Shamans credit death as one’s true advisor and one’s supreme motivator in this life in human form.

Carlos had been told by his mentor, the nagual don Juan Matus, that his energetic configuration was only capable of endings, not continuation. However, Spirit had also shown don Juan that the world was on the precipice of a major shift and that it was time to hand over the wisdom of his shamanic line to the coming “age of information”, where it could inform and transform in new, modern ways.

Carlos’s teaching methods were radical and completely shattering of the social order. Many people gave up their careers, relationships, and even their names to make available space in their lives to dedicate themselves to the practices that prepared them to journey into infinity on demand.

If we want to grow, we must make space for growth. We must release, rather than hoard, old attachments to withered beliefs and lifestyles that preclude living life in the freedom of innocence and new possibility.

Jeanne and I were on this shamanic journey of preparation for infinity, as well as on a simultaneous journey for healing that would keep her in this world. Ultimately, it was her definitive journey into infinity that won out. She launched in her energy body in 2001, as her physical body gave way to death. Our preparation for this launch, through the shaman’s world, has led to a stupendous, ever-unfolding collaboration between worlds, continuing to this day.

Carlos himself left this world in 1998, and, though his students continued the trainings, in the organization he had established to disseminate his knowledge, that effort has largely lost momentum. In leaving this world, Carlos successfully closed the door on that old modality of transmission, much as don Juan had anticipated. The many thousands of practitioners who had participated in his trainings took their points of illumination forward into their own lives, evolving his line in unique and novel ways.

Personally, I took the shamanic practice of recapitulation into the consulting room, combining it with EMDR. Coming straight out of the shaman’s world, I worked with Jan, for three years, on her journey of recapitulation, which led to her complete healing from complex PTSD.

Jan detailed her journey of soul retrieval from sixteen years of sexual abuse in her five-volume Recapitulation Diaries series, gifting the world a detailed accounting of a shattering journey of total healing but also the realization of a comfortable access to life in infinity. Twenty-three years ago, Jan established regular communication with Jeanne, which she continues to document and publish on our website, as daily Soulbytes, or guidance from infinity.

Our new United States president, like Carlos Castaneda, resembles the trickster shaman, whose job it is to shatter the social order of the world. He was chosen by the majority.

I know that Gaia is a sentient being, quite capable of flicking from her skin anything that does not serve her own evolution. Gaia, as the Earth, is no victim. The current intent of the new government in some way is leading to her advancement.

It seems counterintuitive to have a male-dominated, oligarchical and materialist orientation dominating the world, and supposedly leading to positive evolution, but Gaia, like the subconscious mind, has her own path of heart, though it may come, at this stage of shattering, as the path of heartbreak.

I know that progress ultimately requires that this domination of the masculine ego, at the solar plexus chakra, must be shattered and rise to the heart center. I have confidence that the ways of Gaia will ultimately get us there.

Furthermore, I know that humanity’s next evolutionary step will incorporate greater access to, and integration with, infinity, the fourth dimension. As I learned in the shaman’s world, the refinement of materialism into spirit life, while still in human form, has the potential to vastly shift humankind’s relationship with the Earth, both through lightness of communication and travel. Telepathy and out-of-body travel require no fossil fuels.

Our collective shamanic journey of now is indeed at the stage of heightened shattering of all that we have known, but it is truly just clearing the way for a new foundation for our continued path of heart.

Hold this broader view as we fasten our seatbelts. And, finally, know that life never ends, it only changes vehicles.

With total optimistic innocence,

Inspirational interviews that informed this blog:

David Whyte on the Tim Ferris Podcast

Nyei Murez, one of my former teachers in Carlos Castaneda’s world, on Guru Viking:
Episode 50: Scribe of Carlos Castaneda
Episode 54: The Art of Dreaming

Ky Dickens: Telepathy Tapes

Soulbyte for Friday January 17, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Keep upon a path of heart, a path that aligns mind, body and spirit, that looks always for the right direction, that knows no bounds. A spirit led life is a life to yearn for indeed, for when spirit leads all doors are open, all focus is honed, and all intentions are directed toward good. Without fail, a path of heart will lead one to the known and the unknown, to experiences that confirm life and all its questions and that confront life and all its questions in the deepest ways. A path of heart challenges the heart, the mind and the spirit so that every day is a day of wonder.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday January 16, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

It’s never too late to change, to move in a new direction, to look forward to something new. Change happens all the time, in and around you, so why not embrace it and be part of it rather than stuck in the past. Why not look beyond the mundane, the usual, the known to something new and different. Dare yourself to be different today, to do something out of the ordinary, to think in a completely new way. Get beyond the illusions of fear and open yourself to a new and creative day. Life has been waiting a long time for you to take it by the hand and step out into the light of a totally new day.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday January 15, 2025

-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

Take care of the body even as you take care of the spirit, for without the one the other will not flourish. Both body and spirit require good attention to details in order to be in tiptop shape. One cannot experience the ultimate union if not in good condition. Attend to the body so that it becomes the best home possible for the spirit . While in good physical form the spirit seeks compatibility, alignment, and continuity. Allow body and spirit to know each other, to support each other, to create together, and to experience life to the fullest. With awareness of the needs of both to be in good alignment with each other, focus on keeping in balance within and without.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: Being In The Wave

We are both particle and wave…
-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

We are composed of two options of being, a material body and a spiritual soul. Quantum physics calls our material, physical state of being a particle, where energy amasses and concentrates into a solid form. In our spiritual state, our energy is light and free flowing, wavelike, interconnected with everything.

Quantum physics has also discovered that when energy is observed in its wave form, it turns into a particle. Free flowing spiritual energy is so sensitive to human thought or presence that it immediately consolidates into the material form that is expected. This discovery, in human dynamics, shows the impact of observation, or judgment, upon the free flow and energetic possibility of our spirit.

When our spirit is put on the spot, it freezes or solidifies into material form. That physical form becomes our personality. Thus, what we believe, and what others believe about us, becomes who we physically are.

If we are filled with positive judgments, we manifest a positive personality and positive material existence. If we are filled with negative judgments, we freeze into a personality of deprivation and undeservedness. Mental health approaches seek to loosen or enhance our attachment to these cognitions that either further or inhibit the quality and fulfillment of our lives.

Our energetic sojourn in human life predisposes our spirit to life in the solid form of a physical body. In fact, we are all solid cells in the greater physical body of Gaia, the Earth itself. Our life in physical form is the main attraction of our present energetic existence. Our body and personality remain consistent, and therefore recognizable, as we take on the challenges and attachments of the human life cycle.

Nonetheless, though dominated by physical concerns, our beingness in free flowing energetic spirit form remains active and latently available to our conscious awareness. When we sleep, meditate or shamanically journey our spirit is freed from the rigid confines of our physically constructed selves. With intent we can collaborate with our spirit in the creative unfolding of our lives.

In order to change we must deconstruct the rigid constructions of self that solidly define us. When we are in the materially deconstructed state, of pure spirit form, we are in the land of possibility, called quantum reality. The seeds of all possibilities exist at this level. However, we are also highly susceptible to suggestions that can commandeer our intent.

Thus, a thought, if attached to in deep meditation, immediately transports one into a story that solidifies into thought, emotion and physical experience, as the brain treats the story as fact.

This can be of great benefit if, while in the quantum realm, one holds firmly to a specific intent one seeks to manifest. Intent will attract that energetic possibility, and the subconscious will then take up the task of manifesting it materially.

Frequently, however, judgments arise that then construct a polarized reality. Take, for instance, an image of Donald Trump at Jimmy Carter’s funeral. The cognitive dissonance of the world views of these two former presidents, though occupying the same office at different times, can lead one to seek refuge from this dissonant tension by attaching to the value of one versus the other. This attachment then solidifies the one-sided reality one lives in.

Alternatively, if one suspends judgment and attachment, one finds oneself in the presence of many worlds of possibility. Wholeness, or all that is, includes everything, however contradictory. Tolerating all facets of the contradictions inherent in this greater wholeness affords us a broader view into the greater intent shaping our world’s unfolding.

I would suggest, for instance, that Gaia herself is in the midst of a growth spurt, compelling us, as the cells that advance her evolution, to deconstruct and reconstruct a new reality.

I refer the reader to the podcast, The Telepathy Tapes, to experience the cognitive dissonance of non-speaking autistic children freely communicating, telepathically, at the spiritual wave dimension of quantum reality. This advanced non-material mode of communication is clearly the next stage of human evolution. One cannot arrive at this perspective if they prematurely succumb to exercising the judgment of limitation toward autism.

Similarly, if one views images of both Los Angeles and Gaza, leveled and in flames, one is sure to be provoked to judgments, which will physically register as powerful emotions, negative or positive. However, if one remains in the spiritual wave state of non-attachment—observing without judgment—one may once again be treated to another view of Gaia’s overarching intent.

The longer we can maintain our wave state of being, without judgment, the more we are shown, and the greater our clarity of everything will be. Of course, this does not cancel our exercising our own intent, at both the spiritual and physical dimensions of our being, but it does enable us to act from a more enlightened perspective.

Our current physical reality dream is in the midst of great deconstruction as it advances toward renewal and new life. Our most solid footing in this time of accelerated transition is, ironically, to remain solidly, in the wave.

Embodying the wave,