Tag Archives: inner work

Soulbyte for Tuesday September 3, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Radical change can happen at any moment in life. Things happen that catapult you forward, either by chance or by determination. Notice how nature reflects such abrupt change. A hot day may be interrupted by a violent thunderstorm that causes great disruption, but eventually the storm passes and things return to normal. But are they? When a great change comes things are changed forever. So is it within the self. Acknowledge how change affects you rather than hide it. Acknowledge it and let it take affect. Let it actually do its good work on you. And, as you step out into a new day, let the good work of change shine through you, in your attitude, in your gratitude, and in the way you choose what to do next.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday September 2, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Accept your place in the shaping of the world around you, just as you accept your place in the shaping of your own world. Your choices matter to you personally but also to the energy outside of you. You do affect everything else. Make choices that are good and positive in bigger ways than just for one person, positive for the greater good as well. Small choices and large choices alike offer an opportunity for you to be interactive in a world that is rapidly changing, whether you want it to or not. Accept that truth as you also accept your unique role as a being of positive change for the good of all.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 30, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

You are the infinite intelligence that you seek outside of yourself. You are already the answer to all your questions about healing and change. Your very being is filled with all you need. What you seek lies dormant until woken up, until prodded into action. Once discovered and activated there is nothing it can’t do. Trust your own being. Turn to it with an open heart and speak to it in positive words of trust and gratitude. That alone will open the door to the knowledge and wisdom that lie waiting within you. With an innocent and trusting heart, full of gratitude, turn inward and discover who you truly are.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday August 29, 2024

-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Keep your body in tiptop shape. For even as you work to keep your mind focused on the positive and in alignment with your spirit so is your body an equal and important member of the greater Self. With mind, body and spirit in harmony, each attuned to the same vibrational intention, and each in tiptop shape, unified, all moving together in the same direction, there is nothing that can stop you. Train the body in moderation, hone the mind to positive affirmations, and stay connected to the intuitive guidance of your spirit and all will be well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Chuck’s Place: The Subconscious Mind Is The Crown Of Creation

Divine crown of creation…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Freud briefly used the term subconscious to denote activity of the mind that occurs outside the purview of consciousness. He quickly replaced this term with a vaster term, the unconscious mind. In everyday usage the subconscious is often used to designate the home of one’s nefarious shadow with its hidden impulses, passions and repressed memories.

Additionally, the subconscious is often associated with the part of the mind that stores longterm memory that has been emptied from the conscious mind to make room for new experiences, which is retained, briefly, as short term memory.  The subconscious is also designated as the part of the mind that stores habits, modes of behavior that automatically spring into action without conscious initiation.

The subconscious mind is most prominently at home in the field of hypnosis where it has been designated as the highly creative center of the mind, as well as the gateway to infinity. The subconscious is thus a functional entity that creates and has access to the deepest levels of the collective unconscious with its infinite riches and intelligence of mind.

The crown of creation has been associated with the mythical Eve of Genesis, who, in union with her consort, Adam, are the parent creators of humanity. The feminine and masculine principles reside in all of us, and interact on a daily basis. The subconscious is indeed the feminine principle in the human psyche that can create anything and make anything happen. The masculine principle is the conscious mind whose active suggestions stir the receptive crown of creation, the subconscious mind, to manifest its requests. For example, a creative idea is just a thought until it is acted upon; it is the act of creating it that brings it to life, such as a dance, a painting, a musical score.

The term, crown of creation, has been used to designate humanity as superior, formed in the image and likeness of God. God could be understood as humankind’s ever-changing outer projection of the all-powerful function of creativity. By withdrawing that outer projection and assuming positive inner control of the relationship between the conscious and subconscious minds, we might truly discover our access to divinity.

Ironically, we all exercise our divinity in everyday life, regardless of how mundane life is experienced. Thoughts and beliefs become suggestions to the subconscious mind that then materialize in moods and events that reflect our thoughts. For instance, if we tell ourselves that we are unworthy of the things we desire, we are delivered to a divine depression, as the subconscious mind pairs our beliefs with emotions that manifest that belief. In other words, our thoughts create our reality.

Although hypnotists can put the conscious mind of a client to sleep, thereby replacing its usual suggestive activity with the hypnotist’s directives, most hypnotists would agree that true empowerment rests in the client’s exercise of autosuggestion. With autosuggestion, we consciously and directly present our intentions to our subconscious crown of creation. Autosuggestion is the real jewel in the crown of creation, allowing for consistent redirection and manifestation.

The key is to wake up and take charge of the automatic activity of the divine couple within the psyche. As we notice the incessant dialogue of unworthiness in our thoughts, we can change the dialogue, quite passionately, to, “I am worthy.” Say it enough times and the crown of creation within will generate a mood of hope and optimism. The power of the subconscious mind is incredible; it truly can do anything.

The greatest challenge is to not attach to the outcome. Leave it up to the Universe. That means letting go to the subconscious mind’s deeply intelligent path to achieving the desired outcome. Be aware that infinite intelligence might first attract events into our lives that cause us to confront traumatic events stored in our shadow, which must be mastered to free up the ability to believe we are worthy.

Infinite intelligence might next attract people into our life that make us feel unworthy. The challenge here might be to recognize how our habitual negative beliefs attract people to reinforce that belief in social interactions. With this insight, we are freed to move away from these relationships, sending them off with compassion and gratitude for helping us grow.

The infinite intelligence of the subconscious mind might next generate themes that have plagued our ancestry with beliefs of unworthiness. Learning about these struggles and addressing them in the context of our current life might then free stuck energy at the collective unconscious level of the psyche, as the channel of creative energy is further cleared to manifest a deep sense of worthiness.

The journey to manifestation might take any of an infinite variety of paths, nuanced by infinite intelligence, to meet our specific requests. We must trust the crown of creation to guide us through the necessary steps of ultimate manifestation. Let go, and let the crown of creation do its job.

Sometimes the crown of creation presents guidance immediately. For instance, I took a break from writing this blog and went outside to cut up a fallen tree. As the chainsaw cut through a propped up horizontal log, I had a flash image of knowing that the cut log would fall on my foot. I didn’t respond to the guidance, and now wish that I had put on my steel toe boots! The infinite intelligence of the subconscious mind requires the participation of the conscious mind to meet its challenges and act upon its guidance.

Faith in the infinite intelligence of the subconscious mind, patience with its chosen path, and gratitude for its gifts will lead to the physical manifestation of our dreams.

May all your autosuggestions reflect the greater good of self, and all, as you connect with the crown of creation and fulfill your life.

You are the crown of creation,