Tag Archives: inner work

#635 Fear is Your Greatest Guide

Jeanne Marie Ketchel
Channeled by Jan Ketchel

Dear Jeanne,
We continue to learn, no matter how often we think we get it, to acquiesce, accept, detach, and flow with what life presents. It seems that our lessons and tests never cease. I think fear is what challenges most of us most often. This is perhaps our biggest block to really flowing and evolving. How many times do we have to confront our fears before we truly flow in our lives?

My Dear One, you will always be confronted with fear, for it is your guide showing you where to go next. Fear shows you where you must find your next direction and it shows you where your challenges lie.

Our response, most often, is to run and hide from our fears, to protect ourselves from that which scares us.

That is an automatic response, developed as a protective measure, as you state, honed from the beginning of life when in a state of awakening to the world. As children you are unsure of the world, taught by others to fear much in life and forced to conform to set ideas of the meaning of existence. With new awareness and deeper understanding of the true meaning of your existence upon that earth you may grant your self permission to question your old reactions to that world as well. In gaining a new perspective on life, as you age and allow your self to evolve, you grant your self permission to embrace new possibilities that have not previously been allowed entry into your knowing.

For instance, I give guidance surrounding the possibility of all life being in natural flow. I offer you the opportunity to allow your self to be guided by this flow of life, learning to read the signs pointing out your direction, facing the options and dilemmas coming your way by understanding resonance and by paying attention to the deeper inner challenges. These challenges are often based in old fears. Today, I propose that you look at the challenges in your life as just that, old fears.

Do your inner work today around the possibility that you have carried your fears for a long time, from early childhood and perhaps even for many lives. Consider that until you face them and acknowledge them as your challenges to be reckoned with, they will continue to confront you, causing you to stumble, to turn from a new path, and to sit down upon your path, defeated once again.

In order to advance, to change, to gain in awareness, and to be able to accept guidance one must continually confront the fears that arise. You may be afraid of change, but it is not enough to simply know this fact. It is far better to understand how this fear of change has manifested so that you may remove it. Is your fear truly a big wall or is it an illusion of a big wall? Is your fear a wide uncrossable river or is it a figment of your imagination? Is your fear a reality or is it an untruth long carried, originally placed on you by another?

In order to challenge your self to confront your fears you must dive down to the source of those fears. You must dismantle them from a new fresh adult perspective, from your place of evolutionary growth, with a full understanding of why you are on this journey, clearly aware that your life is full of meaning, purpose, guidance, and the possibility to keep evolving. Your fearful self is showing you where you need to go next. And that kind of challenge will always be present.

Fear may appear as your greatest enemy, but it is equally your greatest guide. Take that into your day and work with it, two companions, two innocents on a journey of discovery, searching for the truth of the self so that the greater mysteries of life may continually be revealed.

Do not be afraid of your fear. Embrace it for what it truly is: the next sign guiding you on your journey! Good Luck!

#3 Time of Lull

Dear Jeanne,
Do you have a short message for humanity today?

Now in this time of quiet and lull reflect and prepare the self for the journey ahead. There is now a time of self-reflection that is pertinent, important, and crucial, not only for the self and the personal journey, but also for the world’s journey. For this is a time of grand transition, of flux, and of change like no other. To become cognizant of this approaching phenomenon is to be given a gift. To be assigned a role in this is also a gift. I encourage all of you to begin to take on the task of becoming part of this grand transition by becoming whole and enabled by your own spirit.

As I continually say, it is the duty of the individual to take on the charge of self-discovery and self-truth and in this manner be able to guide not only the journey of the self, but be a beacon for others also ready to transition. By this I mean, become ready to understand the greater picture of the reality of life on earth as only a small aspect of life, and reality as existing on many planes.

There are ahead of all of you many experiences in life, both there on earth as you discover your direction, your true direction, as you trust your knowing spirit, and as you trust the guidance you are given. Allow for growth at all times. Do not be afraid to explore your own truths that will point you in the direction you need to go. Allow yourselves access to others upon similar journeys, aware also of continued life, connection now, and also eager to learn more.

This is what my mission encourages, it encourages exploration and discovery and acknowledgment of possibility. I welcome you all into such possibility with new awareness of your own place in the world as having not only importance, but impact. For even in your daily energy do you affect and have impact in that world, and as you gain confidence in your learning and in your discoveries of your own journey so will you have even greater openness and clarity of what I speak of.

Begin now a new life of discovery. Go unafraid into your own life with open eyes and open hearing, and begin to see the world, not as your enemy, but as your trusty learning ground where you are being given every gift possible. You just have to become aware and experience all that truly exists there.

I am happy to begin to see the stirrings of the awareness on a larger scale as many are given permission now, through their own daring, to access not only what I speak of, but what truly resonates within.

Look now forward to life on a greater scale, for even as you go in and do your always necessary inner work, purifying your past, so that your present may be unencumbered, so do you find that you will go also out into the world more openly and with greater appreciation of your own journey; a journey that discovers your own deepness, but also your own expansiveness, as well.

I advise all to take quiet each day, even if just for a few seconds at a time, to establish inner quiet and inner balance, and in this manner retain your good position so that your journey may flow well and your awareness grow. All of this is good.