Tag Archives: individuation

Chuck’s Place: Harmony

Let’s get those chakras in alignment…
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

Harmony is created when the primal energies of heaven and earth move into union with each other. Heaven, whose natural movement is upward, places itself beneath the earth, whose natural movement is downward, creating a true meeting of their respective influences.

Heaven corresponds to the mental/spiritual plane in a human being, the upper chakras starting at the heart center. Earth corresponds to the physical plane, including the instincts, emotions, and inherent archetypes of the collective unconscious that dominate human behavior. These are the core lower chakras in the human body starting at the solar plexus downward.

When the mental plane respectfully places itself beneath the physical it attends to the sensations and emotions of the body as important messengers of necessary actions. Thus the mind attends to a body discomfort vs. cutting it off and acting on its own agenda.

Cutting off the body through imposition of the will is a form of dissociation. In this case heaven/mind is above, lifting into space far removed from the body/earth, which sinks in the opposite direction, their influences completely disconnected from each other.

Harmony requires connection and balanced integration of opposite tendencies. The I Ching reveals to me that this is the necessary action of now, for the time we live in. Further, it emphasizes that body/emotion defer to mind/reason at present . As well, it asks of mind/reason to defer to the more inclusive mind/Self. Consciousness in alignment with truth is called upon to further the individuation of the whole human being.

Understand that all human beings, regardless of gender, are a mixture of Yin and Yang, body and spirit. In effect the I Ching asks Yin/earth to receive the initiative of Yang/heaven. Truth received with affection is harmony. The operative word here is truth: that which emanates from the heart center of the body, home of the spirit Self. Initiative that emanates from the ego/mind lacks the rootedness and comprehensive truth of the Self.

We are faced now with a world of breakthrough conditions whether it be the hot lava in Hawaii or the protests in Gaza. In the midst of the chaos we are guided to seek peace and harmony through tuning into the guidance of the truth of the heart.

Truthful guidance is always accessible if we still ourselves, breathe into our heart center, and intend genuine harmony. Regardless of outer conditions we can always find peace and harmony within and act upon what is truthfully necessary to do and not do now. Thus, may we all be restored to harmony in the eye of our present storms.

Finding harmony,


Soulbyte for Wednesday May 16, 2018

Protect your energy, especially from inside sources that continually take you down old roads, demanding your attention, your time, your physical, mental, and emotional focus. Save your energy for your spiritual growth, for the journey of your soul through this life as you figure yourself out and hone your energy for better, more productive and good use. You can’t go wrong. Being an energy miser is the warrior’s way to ensure there is enough energy to do that which is most important. And what is most important? You will know that when the moment arrives. Until then, prepare yourself, protect yourself, and hone your energy wisely.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday May 15, 2018

Change is the means by which things happen. It is a transfer of energy from one thing to another, from one intent to another intent. It is happening constantly, inside and out. The human being often ignores it, refuses the call to change out of fear. Fear becomes a block to all that is and all that will be. Expose fear for what it is and find the key to reluctance so that you may free yourself to finally move into the changing realm where everything flows and constantly becomes what is possible. Get into that realm, the realm of all possibility. Go with the flow!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 14, 2018

Keep an open heart, an open mind, and an open attitude toward life, toward all you meet, and toward all that you come upon as you take your life’s journey. In openness receive, accept, and learn the ways of the heart that is full of joy, the mind that is flexible, and the attitude that is flowing. With unbending intent take up these new ways that are so necessary now for yourself and for the world, but let them begin with you. It’s time.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne