Maintain balance within and without. Neither too much nor too little. Neither excess nor restriction but a happy median where all is acceptable and allowed experience, in moderation. In balance one finds one’s center, the place of calmness and peace, the center of giving and receiving, the place of equanimity, where without need or desire all things are given life. Even when it’s time to party, party with exuberant moderation. Even when it’s time to give, give with generous moderation. Even when it’s time to mourn, mourn with soulful moderation, knowing that all things change, and that life itself calls for change if it is to evolve. Take the first steps to your own evolution by instigating the idea that moderation is the key to gaining balance. It’s up to you to take that first step that will soon lead to a balance of lively happiness and calm peacefulness, within and without. It all begins with you. Show the rest of the world how it’s done. As within, so without.
Where will your inward journey lead? – Photo by Jan Ketchel
In today’s audio channeling we are invited to be kind to ourselves. Rather than being hard on ourselves, we are guided to go inward and get to know our inner spiritual self, where we are perfect.
Wishing everyone good journeying this week, on the inward journey and the outward journey!
All that you are, all that you will be is inside you waiting to be awoken. Your future is already a dream within you, waiting to unfold, your potential coiled and waiting to unwind. Only time in Earth School will reveal who you are, though your dreams of you already exist within you. You just have to realize them by living them, by accepting them and becoming them. What you dream is already a reality within you, waiting for you to take it out of your dreamworld and make it come true. You are the creator of your own reality and thus everything you dream is already a possibility. Dream on, and yet don’t forget to wake up to your dreams and realize that you are already more than dreaming, you are already the living dream of you, for what you once only dreamed is now a reality. You are the living dream of you. What you dream really IS what you get. Is it time for a new dream?
Causes have effects. Karma is theeffect of a cause, the place we land subsequent to taking an action. And where we land is the only place we can launch from in our next action in life. It is truly where we are.
We are comprised of many dimensions of karma. At the genetic level, we are the karma of our DNA, the historic journey of our ancestral line seeking answers to its mysteries. At the High SOUL level, we are the next chapter in our SOUL’s journey through infinity, part of our ego-Soul’s sojourn to gather experience for our greater SOUL group.
In the karma of everyday life we might write something on Facebook. From this action we generate reactions to our post that may enrage or hurt us. To complete this karma we must make peace with our feelings. Short of fully detaching from our feelings, we remain bound to the karma of our feelings, which on some level will determine where we launch to next.
For instance, we may decide to defensively avoid our feeling reaction to people’s reactions, by allowing our feelings to slip into the body unconscious. The karma of this action may result in a stiff muscle, a headache, and a depressed mood. This unsettled state of karma awaits future reckoning if it is to be completed.
The body may house many incomplete karmas. In traumatic recapitulation an individual’s body may be seized by the full reliving of a completely dissociated experience. The karma of that forgotten experience is completed as it is transformed during recapitulation into a deactivated memory, carrying no emotional charge.
Carl Jung discovered, in his Word Association research, that the subconscious mind is filled with incomplete karmas, which he labeled psychological complexes . A complex is a feeling toned idea, in the subconscious, that gets triggered and intrudes emotionally upon everyday life circumstances. Triggers are caused by latent karmas seeking completion in the events and interactions of everyday life.
If I house a ‘complex’ karma of feeling belittled, I (it) may be triggered by anyone seeking to give me feedback in life. Actual completion of this karma may require both emotional discharge and full acceptance of the defining experience of being belittled. Full acceptance of that defining moment frees me from the legacy, or karma of that false belief. Incompletion of this karma would result in continuing to feel offended by people’s feedback, as well as maintaining a belittled complex within.
The subconscious also stores a composite of the many selves we have been in the many lives we have lived. There may be incomplete karmas from former lives that need completion. What we call our Soul Group is the cast of characters that seeks the wholeness of our SOUL, but struggles with a preoccupation with incomplete karmas from the separate lives we have lived.
Fortunately, the current life we are in has attracted many thematic elements from those prior lives into the composition of who we are in this life, providing a playing field for our past life karmic completion. It is not necessary to return to the knowledge and experience of a past life. All you need to complete prior karma is present in the circumstances of your present life.
Completion of karma can also be witnessed on a planetary level. Don Juan Matus admitted that in ancient times female shamans dominated the shamanic playing field. He contended that once the male shamans were able to gain the advantage, they swore they would never give up control again.
This position parallels the patriarchy of our planet, which has, until recently, succeeded in enacting a karma of powerlessness and pervasive self-doubt upon the feminine. The karma of the lopsided rule of the masculine upon the body of Gaia, planet Earth, has resulted in the pervasive breakdown of the world, as we now witness.
The fact of the matter is that all human life issues forth from, and is nurtured by, the body of woman. Earth, under the management of men, is on the brink of destruction. It is the inevitable karma of woman to restore the health of the planet. For this to happen, the feminine must be restored to its divine power.
Of course, this does not mean that women must once again solely rule the world. Women are equally capable of being dominated by a patriarchal mentality. All humans must restore the feminine to its rightful place to put the evolution of the world on solid footing. At present, political advance of the feminine values of love and interconnectedness represent the true collective karmic completion of planetary need.
Grappling with true karmic completion in our individual lives contributes holographically to the planet’s healing and advance. From a heart centered place, we are guided to the karma of right causes and right effects. Let’s pay it forward.
How are you choosing to do life? You may be of a mind to let yourself be at ease, knowing that what will be will be, that all things naturally change and evolve and will come to pass as they are foretold. This implies that you should let life bowl you over, that you should adapt, not lift a finger to help yourself, for all is predestined. In fact, the opposite is true, for life is not premeditated and set, but set in motion, alive and active. After that, anything can happen. No matter that life may seem to unfold in a prescribed manner, everything you do has an impact, so don’t just sit back but fully engage, take action, learn discipline, be responsible. It is only in breaking the inborn habit of inertia that one truly lives. Defy life. Cut through it with the truth of your spirit and show it that you are more than it anticipated. It is only in making surprise moves, in attending to your heart’s intent that you will have the ability to shift the course and anticipated outcome of life. It’s your life after all. Take command and show life what you are really made of. And do it all with loving kindness and compassion, because that’s the real secret that life wants you to discover. Along with waking up your own fight and muster, wake up your power of love.