Tag Archives: individuation

Soulbyte for Friday March 22, 2019

Take care of your physical body. As much as you seek to take care of your mental and spiritual self, do not forget that your physical body deserves attention too. It is your vehicle through life, your sailing ship, the body your Soul has selected for you in this lifetime. And so do not forget to tend to it. Mend it with rest and sleep, with good food and nutrition, with time for calmness and peace, as well as work and play. If your body is not in good shape neither is the rest of you. Even a strong spirit will not thrive in a tired and depleted body. If you let your spirit take care of your body, you will naturally be taking care of everything else that you are too, for it knows you better than anyone. It will tell you what is wrong and what is right, how to correct and how to proceed. Listen to your spirit, for it has only your greater good in mind. Give your body its proper place, as home to your spirit, your Soul in this lifetime. Hone its shape, keep it in tiptop form so that your journey is smooth and without incident. For you are both body and spirit, and each is of equal importance and value. Let the inner you decide what’s right for the outer you. And with them in synch, your body will be pleased and your spirit will rejoice.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday March 21, 2019

Begin anew, curious as a little child, uninhibited by the thoughts that were planted in your mind so long ago, that turned you away from your natural state of wonderment and burdened you. Return to curiosity, to eager exploration, and to wonder again, at all that surrounds you. Clear your mind of its incessant negative thoughts and just breathe, knowing that you are a creature of nature, a wonder too, and let yourself feel the pulse of life inside you. Look with fresh eyes upon the world and remind yourself that everything is possible because you have decided it is so. And so be it.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Tuesday March 19, 2019

Let your inner light guide you to know yourself so that it may properly and safely guide you in your outer life as well. For if the saying “as within so without” is to be true and truly useful, what lies within must be fully known and correctly understood if what is without is to be taken in, given its correct meaning, and properly assimilated. Without blame and shame, and with the intent of healing, look within in the most objective and impersonal ways, with an attitude that is positive rather than negative so that your inner world may resolve of all its dilemmas and tricky ways, so that the light you shine within may root out that which you have kept hidden from yourself for some old reason, and so that you may fill with the light of positivity and joy. Find your light, find yourself, experience your joy and bring it forth. First fix yourself so that the truth within may be discovered. Only then will your interpretation of what is happening without be correct. There is a lot more going on than you realize. It’s all about transformation, growth, and evolution. Understand what that means on a personal level and become part of the positive side of the changing times you live in. As within, so without, indeed!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message For Humanity From Jeanne: Time To Make A Change

Time to have a chat with the inner self?
– Photo by Chuck Ketchel

In our audio message this morning we are prompted to take advantage of these changing times for making some needed changes within ourselves. We all already know what that means, personally. The outer chaos points us inward toward correcting or shifting ourselves in a new and positive direction. It’s the only way to change the world, to first change the self.

Wishing everyone a wonderfully productive week.

Soulbyte for Wednesday March 13, 2019

Detach from the mind and its incessant thinking more often, from the thoughts that come unbidden, that tell you things you don’t want to hear, that leave you feeling helpless and bad about yourself. Let the mind be still and call upon your High Self, your SOUL, who knows you so well, who does not judge or condemn you but wants only the best for you, who wants only for you to discover who you truly are: its child. Find your way home to your High Self more often, instead of visiting the mind with its bribes and tricks. Your High Self is your true self, the one you long for, and yet it’s right there inside you, beside you, with you always. Go beyond your mind and you’ll find it there waiting just for you. And that’s the truth! Calm the body, calm the mind, find your High Self who loves you above all else.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne