Gather your energy and keep it safe from outside influences so that it is fully available to you for your long journey of change and evolution. Even though you do not necessarily know the end result nor the final outcome of your journey through life, you can intend certain things in order to guard and protect your energy, which is your most important commodity. Like a well of clean water, keep it contained. Like the air you breathe, keep it pure. Like the ebb and flow of the oceans, give it the time it needs for appropriate giving and receiving. Like the sun, give it time for revitalization and renewal. Like the moon, give it time to retreat and rest undisturbed. It is how you are perceived, in all worlds. So hone your energy, and let it shine so that you will be recognized no matter where you are, and so that all who seek to help, guide, and protect you may always find you. But most of all, keep it safe for your own use. You will know how you are doing by how you feel. Your energy is the most natural thing about you. Personally and spiritually, it is uniquely you. How’s your energy today?
Don’t let obstructions get in your way, just let it flow… – Photo by Jan Ketchel
The ruling intent of this time is to offend. Energetically, it’s a brilliant system to galvanize and employ human energy to achieve its goals. Indeed, it’s as Machiavellian as the human battery pods of The Matrix. How do we not give away our energy by becoming offended?
There is a distinction between being impacted and being offended. Offensive words generate deeds that definitely impact. The reality of impact should be acknowledged to the self and trusted others.
However, to be offended by a malicious act is a one-way ticket to the black hole of defeatism. In defeatism we lose our vital energy to the oppressor. The Shamans of Ancient Mexico observed that the greatest tyrant of them all had taken up residence in the human psyche.
Carol Tiggs, the Nagual Woman of Carlos Castaneda’s lineage, called that tyrant Bobby the Flyer. Bobby is the self-condemning voice in every human being that sentences us to that black hole of utter defeat. Bobby uses our incessant internal dialogue to keep us unworthy, stuck in our internal prison of inadequacy.
How many times a day do we hear the following words, inside our heads: “I’m bad.” “I’m inadequate.” “I’ll never be able to…” Or, “I don’t deserve.” The internal dialogue’s commentary on outer events is equally incessantly judging: “They treat me unfairly.” “I don’t matter.” Or “they look better, younger, thinner, more stylish, or, they’re more articulate…than me.”
Thus, outer offense mirrors the inner offense of Bobby the Flyer. Internally, the impact of attaching to offense is to define the boundary of the self with the belief that nothing will ever change. This overarching negative belief keeps our spirit in check.
To free the spirit we must free it from offense. A preponderance of offensive words are being personally intended now. How can we then say that it isn’t personal, when it clearly is? Everything is designed to personally impact and it does; it hurts. Hurt is hurt, but it’s not offense.
Offense is an abstract, subjective interpretation. When Victor Frankl was denied his most basic of human rights, he chose not to be offended by his oppressors. Instead he chose to save his energy, to place his attention on positive thoughts and memories that could sustain him. And he survived where many died, depleted of their vital energy by the black hole of defeatism.
In the martial art of Aikido, much attention is placed on the imbalanced energy of the oncoming attacker and how to strategically receive it. No attention is wasted on being offended by one’s attacker. To be offended is to lose focus, which could be fatal. Martial artists and shamans alike know the value of losing any attachment to self-importance if one is to hone abilities and preserve energy.
Self-importance should not be confused with self-worthiness. Unseat Bobby the Flyer. With meditation or magical passes learn to silence the internal dialogue. Assert your basic worthiness to the self, but don’t get caught in needing others to validate it. That’s a sure ticket to the black hole of defeatism.
Ironically, the biggest petty tyrant of our times is daring us to not be offended by him; it may be the only way to actually defeat him! Beyond that, he offers us the exercise of truly learning to preserve our energy for the deeply challenging times now unfolding upon this planet.
Prepare yourself physically, mentally, and spiritually to receive the change you so desire in your life. If you do nothing, nothing will happen. If you remain stagnant, stagnant you will be. But if you prepare for change, anticipate change, are open to change in body, mind, and spirit and actually take changing actions then you will be ready to receive change when it arrives. A smile on your face, a positive mental attitude, and an open heart will produce the first spark, but it’s your own intent that will produce the greatest change. If you don’t take care of yourself no one else will. You are your own responsibility. Take life to a new level and take control of yourself. It may be just the next step you need to move along toward the change you so desire. Take charge in a new way, knowing that yes, you deserve it, but also that you are your own change maker. It’s all in your hands.
In our audio message today we are advised to make some new and perhaps even daring choices to get unstuck. Getting stuck is common, we all do it, but getting unstuck can be a real challenge. Challenging ourselves to move in a new direction is part of making the human journey exciting and adventurous. Wishing you all the best in getting unstuck!
Make a firm decision today that will move you one step further along on your journey of change and transformation. For isn’t that what life is really all about, change and transformation? Without judgment, without regret, turn in a new direction and embrace a new opportunity. Put one foot in front of the other and walk in a new direction. It’s that simple. You have already seen the light. You already know what you need to know. You just have to take the next step. There’s no better moment than now. It’s a new day after all, and that alone offers a fresh start.