Tag Archives: heart centeredness

Soulbyte for Friday June 22, 2018

Keep love in your heart and kindness on your tongue for yourself as much as for others. You already know how easy it is to fall into self-despair and to find fault with yourself. Let your loving heart share its beauty within as much as you share it without. Direct yourself to speak kindly to yourself rather than repeat the old negative patter that you normally say to yourself. Change what you say to yourself today, and extend some compassion to yourself as well. You are part of the greater interconnected world and the greater interconnected world is part of you. Healing will only take place when everyone recognizes that you are all part of the whole. Begin the great healing now by starting with yourself. Let the healing begin within.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday June 14, 2018

When the pain is in your heart where do you turn for help? Go inward. Go to your heart and ask it to tell you of its pain and why it exists. Your heart will not lie to you. The healing will begin when you can finally sit down and take in what your heart has been hoping to tell you all these years. Sit calmly and begin a conversation when you are ready to hear the truth. The real truth is that you already know what your heart is going to tell you. You’ve always known. Prepare for finally letting it in. Sit quietly, alone, and the truth will come. Difficult though it may be, you won’t be disappointed with what you will hear because you know it is finally time for a heart-centered change in your life. You can’t go wrong with that!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday June 13, 2018

Remain calm. Save your energy for what is most important. Though you may have issues to address that require great energy and emotion, let your heart immediately return to calmness. Though you may have upheaval and turmoil to deal with, let your heart remain calm. Though you may not yet have found what you seek, seek with a calm heart. Surround yourself in calmness and notice how differently you experience yourself, your world, your life. In calmness let yourself traverse the universe that is your life. Remain calm in heart, mind, and body and experience calmness of spirit as well. What could be better than that!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday May 18, 2018

Let your giving be without attachment. Let your receiving be without need. Let your heart be open so that giving and receiving flow naturally in and out. Let your heart be aligned with all that comes to you and all that leaves you, for this is what life calls for as it progresses toward maturity, an acceptance of all that is. For the heart knows that everything is meaningful, even that for which there is no reasonable explanation, for the heart knows that the unexpected often carries the greatest gifts and brings the most meaningful experiences. Be open to life’s guidance and life’s gifts in whatever form they arrive and in whatever form they are asked to be given, for indeed everything is meaningful.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday May 17, 2018

Find stability in knowing that you are there living upon that earth for a reason, that your spirit is up to the task set out for you, and that your physical body is capable too of taking the journey through life. Turn to your spirit for the answers you seek, for resolution and for new directions that will take you further along your path. Turn to your own heart repeatedly for guidance too as you figure things out, for this, your own heart, is your greatest anchor in body and in spirit, the connecting link to all that you are. Stay connected to it and all will be revealed, and all will be well too. Stay heart centered.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne