Tag Archives: guidance

Soulbyte for Friday April 27, 2018

Take responsibility for yourself and your life. Be accountable for your decisions and actions, and yet learn to be flexible and adventurous too. Learn to navigate in the flow of what comes to guide you, in the signs and symbols that show up in waking and dreaming, in the calls from spirit, in the urgency of your inner wisdom that tells you now is the time, now is the moment, now is the day to confront your fears and face your demons and leap into new life. It’s never too late to change. It’s never too late to embrace something new. It’s never too late to really live. Plan for the future but live for the day.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday February 16, 2018

When in doubt or distress get calm, sit quietly, and ask for guidance. Often guidance will come clearly and with sharp insight and yet at other times it comes slowly and one must plod along until what is right is revealed. What is truly right comes from the heart not the head, and so it is the heart that must be relied upon in times of doubt and distress. Turn to your own heart and let it guide you with its intelligence, its insight, and its compassion, and without a doubt it will, for that is what a heart does—it knows and it speaks the truth!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday May 1, 2017

Guidance comes in many ways, often in the most unexpected manner. Are you missing it? Are you misconstruing or misinterpreting it, thinking you are not worthy of being helped? Look again. Perhaps the very thing you dismissed was just what you needed. Perhaps your guidance came repeatedly and you missed it because it did not come as you wanted, yet it came in so many other ways that you refused. Remember, guidance comes when you are ready to receive. So get ready to receive and receive what you get with a humble and open heart.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne