Tag Archives: divine consciousness

Chuck’s Place: New Thoughtfulness

Harnessing the innate divine power within…
-Artwork © 2025 Jan Ketchel

The heart of the New Thought movement, the backdrop of  modern spirituality, is the acknowledgment of divine power within all human beings.

Biblical stories provide guidance to access these divine capabilities, which are latent in the human soul. For instance, one’s faith in one’s innate ability to heal is highlighted, over reliance upon outside remedy.  

These powers have been concretely catalogued in The Telepathy Tapes podcasts, particularly episodes 8, 9, and 10 , where both autistic children and adults share their experiences in the ‘heavenly’ astral realm, concurrent with physical life. How ironic that those considered at the lowest level of human cognitive ability are, in fact, demonstrating the next step in human evolution.

In effect, limitations in fine motor access in the physical body of autistic people has been compensated for by powerful access to their soul body, with its highly evolved telepathic communication capabilities, as well as remote viewing, out-of-body exploration, and connections with beings in the finer dimensions of infinity.

The New Thought movement has capitalized on the mind-to-mind ability to project thought to the subconscious mind of self, and other, for the purpose of healing and manifestation. Beyond the obvious destruction of the outer world, that we all bear witness to now, is the demonstration of the enormous capability of one mind to project thoughts into many minds, whereby creating a new reality.

We all have access to that same power, through the use of self-hypnosis, where one’s conscious mind suspends its analytic mind and directly suggests, to the mother of creation—the subconscious mind—its intentions for change.

The New Thought movement has been criticized for its emphasis on ego  desires for material gain, which it is fully capable of realizing. However, one can never escape the cause and effect outcomes of one’s intentions. Material gain at the expense of others will likely result in a nervous disorder of constantly needing more, or an obsession with defending what one continually accumulates.

The father of the New Thought movement, Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866), came to the clarity that, yes, telepathically, we are all floating in an ocean of energized thoughts. Our beliefs are the rudder with which we navigate these tidal waves of influential thought, as well as the fish we catch and consume in that ocean of thought. We become what we believe.

We frequently exercise our divine right of manifestation through an internal dialogue that limits our magical being. We unconsciously internalize the beliefs we are fed and unknowingly generate them into physical reality.

We can exercise our divinity at the level of pure sensual delights, or inflate to high levels of self-importance. We can choose personal gain that excludes the needs of others. We can care for others to the extreme neglect of ourselves. We can emphasize our spiritual capabilities to the neglect of our physical lives. We are free to choose and create any of these possibilities. Everything is divinely possible and is a valid part of all that is.

Quimby realized that these divine prerogatives also include access to divine truth. His predilection was to sit with a patient until he arrived at the divine truth of why a patient was in the predicament they were in and then to help them grasp their issue at that formative level. From there, the patient had full access to the changes they needed to make to solve their malady and be in alignment with their divine purpose. The healing balm is alignment with the truth rather than with a  false belief.

Following Quimby’s lead, our present evolution asks us to emphasize New Thoughtfulness. Joe Dispenza emphasizes intense meditation in his healing workshops that provides a path to the divine truth of the pathogenesis of an ailment. This is an expression of deep thoughtfulness readily opening to divine cure.

When we focus on heart-centered breathing, with the intent of caring for our interdependent wholeness, both within and without, we arrive at a deeply thoughtful place of refined love and compassion for all.

When we ask our high soul-self to provide us with guidance from divine intelligence, through intuition and interaction, we extend the range of our thoughtfulness to embrace the divine wisdom within and without. This is the New Thoughtfulness needed to align with the greater good for all, NOW!


Inspirations for this blog:

The Quimby Manuscripts by Phineas Parkhurst Quimby
The Telepathy Tapes podcast
Becoming Supernatural by Joe Dispenza

Chuck’s Place: Fantastic Journey Of Soul

Journey of Soul…
-Illustration © 2023 Jan Ketchel

Why, in so many Greek myths, are gods having intimate relationships with mortals? Even the Christian narrative has Mary, a mortal human, impregnated by an immortal Holy Spirit!

The human significance of these heavenly stories is their reflection of the  mortal and immortal duality of all human beings.

Human individuals are born as twins, each with a mortal body as host to its companion immortal soul. The great world myths and religions offer hints and milestones to traverse this multidimensional adventure of life.

This twinship phenomenon extends further into the soul level itself. Most humans are born with a blank slate, unaware of their immortal or royal history in infinity. This is a constant motif in world mythology: the unknowing prince or princess raised by adoptive humble countryfolk. Many a myth charts the journey of that innocent child to discover and assume its royal birthright.

This is the fate of the human ego as well, the part of the soul which believes itself to be mortal. Born in a blank slate of amnesia, it assumes the identity of its family and its internalized socialization from its milieu. This is Clark Kent before he discovers he is Superman.

Severed from the knowing of its immortal heritage and powers, the ego remains in a realistic state of inadequacy as it struggles to master the ways of the world, seeking to become an adult and assume responsibility for its life.

Ego identifies itself with its mortal body, a being subject to time and space that is young, becomes old, and dies. As the active decision-making  center, the ego is the masculine/animus center of the soul.

Meanwhile, the Google part of the soul, the subconscious mind, houses both the deeper knowledge of the soul’s journey through infinity as well as links to all knowledge. Furthermore, the subconscious runs all the workings of the physical body and has great ability to manifest anything.

However, as powerful as the subconscious is, it lacks the consciousness and free will of the ego. It relies on suggestions or inherent programs to take action. The subconscious is the receptive feminine/anima center of the soul.

The High Self is the part of the soul that retains the connection to its immortal being and is largely responsible for arranging the true mission behind the ego’s purpose in this life.

Incarnation into time/space is a chosen opportunity to master a karmic challenge that accrues to the overall soul’s greater evolution. The ego is assigned the task of this karma, and it submits to temporary amnesia as it enters human form to allow the mission to unfold: to master being an ordinary human, a being who is going to die.

The ego protects itself by splitting off and disowning its unacceptable parts, casting them into its shadow. The shadow houses undigested traumas, as well as powerful emotions and instinctual impulses. The shadow also retains an almost visceral sense of its royal roots, which fester as deep entitlement and grandiosity.

Sometimes the ego, in its deep sense of inferiority, can become possessed by its shadow’s entitlement, resulting in a narcissistic grandiosity, also known as ego inflation. As well, the ego may be subject to the shadow’s frustrated state of limitation, due to its alienation from its royal roots, resulting in hopelessness and deflation. Both inflation and deflation trace their roots to divine heritage through over- or under-identification with royalty.

The primary challenge for every ego is to discover and master its real reason for being in this life. Generally this can be ascertained by the central motif it most struggles with in the groundhog day cycles of its daily life.

The most powerful weapons for the ego, as it embarks upon the hero’s journey of mastery, are innocence and truth. By disidentifying with both inflation or deflation, the ego is able to face, master, and integrate its shadow.

The ego must embark upon this night sea journey into its shadow by recapitulating its life thus far lived, descending into the underworld of its shadowland to retrieve its lost soul parts. During the journey, the subconscious, which houses the ego’s shadow, opens its treasure trove of gifts and challenges as the ego ventures into the mythic inner witches’ abode in the forest of self, or the trickster’s labyrinth of dead ends, as it unravels the deeper truths of itself.

Tackling its deepest issues with humility, the ego can suggest positive affirmations to itself, which the subconscious may then go on to manifest. Support is also given from the High Self portion of the soul, which provides guidance through synchronicities that enable the ego to discover its own spiritual nature, which it can then freely choose to align with.

As the ego fulfills its true mission for this life, the High Self and the subconscious deepen the ego’s knowledge of its immortal roots and abilities, opening the door to deeper exploration of its coexistent life on subtler levels of being.

Ultimately, when the mortal twin’s body dies, the immortal energy body that has housed ego, subconscious, and High Self consolidates and continues its fantastic journey of soul into infinity.

In awe and gratitude for the journey,

A Synchronicity: Attitude

Opened the book, Powers Within, to the following excerpt from THE MOTHER, which we feel supports and reinforces the Soulbyte for Friday August 16, 2019:


“If, in the presence of circumstances that are about to take place, you can take the highest attitude possible—that is, if you put your consciousness in contact with the highest consciousness within reach, you can be absolutely sure that in that case it is the best that can happen to you. But as soon as you fall from this consciousness into a lower state, then it is evidently not the best that can happen, for the simple reason that you are not in your very best consciousness. I, even go so far as to affirm that in the zone of immediate influence of each one, the right attitude not only has the power to turn every circumstance to advantage but can change the very circumstance itself. For instance, when a man comes to kill you, if you remain in the ordinary consciousness and get frightened out of your wits, he will most probably succeed in doing what he came for; if you rise a little higher and though full of fear call for the divine help, he may just miss you, doing you a slight injury; if, however, you have the right attitude and the full consciousness of the divine presence everywhere around you, he will not be able to lift a finger against you…

“I have innumerable examples of the power of right attitude. I have seen crowds saved from catastrophes by one single person keeping the right attitude. But it must be an attitude that does not remain somewhere very high and leaves the body to its usual reactions. If you remain high up like that, saying, “Let God’s will be done,” you may get killed all the same. For your body may be quite undivine, shivering with fear: the thing is to hold the true consciousness in the body itself and not have the least fear and be full of the divine peace. Then indeed there is no danger. Not only can attacks of men be warded off, but beasts also and even the elements can be affected.”

-From Powers Within, Selections for the Works of SRI AUROBINDO and THE MOTHER, pp. 65-66