Soulbyte for Tuesday July 5, 2022

Find solace in knowing that great change is in the works, that there is more going on than you know, and that the events you are experiencing now will lead to new things. Far more will happen before a dramatic shift occurs and all that will follow will be as never before. It is inevitable and yet it is also desirable on so many levels of life. Prepare the self for changes within as well as without, for each individual is part of the whole and thus will be effected and changed as well.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Monday July 4, 2022

Notice how things have changed all around you. The world is different every day. The sun rises in a different spot, casts a different shadow, pours forth new light. Incremental though day to day changes are they reflect a bigger pattern and a grander plan, that of evolution. So is it with you; each day is part of the pattern of your life but also the greater plan of your evolution. You are not alone, everything is following the same pattern and the same plan. Isn’t it grand?

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday July 1, 2022

Let bygones be bygones as you move now deliberately into a new phase. You are not incapable of change, merely resistant to it, but that does not have to be your prognosis. Change happens without your say-so. A new phase is happening whether you like it or not. Get in synch with that and embellish it to your advantage. Change is just change, and it happens all the time, but you are the one who can finally notice and take full advantage of it, now.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne