Soulbyte for Tuesday August 7, 2018

Find solace in knowing that you do have a primary purpose. Perhaps it is to become yourself more fully, to become more fully independent, more fully grounded in your solitary journey within the duality of body and soul, in the physical and in the spiritual. Such a journey is profound indeed. Look each day toward deeper grounding in and alignment with this purpose. Search no longer for meaning but find it in everything you do and everywhere you turn. For that is where it exists, all around you and in every moment. Journey onward and yet realize you have already found, for that is the journeyer’s truth, coming in the stillness of a moment of solitude. What you seek has already been found, within.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Let Your Heart Rest

Your path of heart is probably the one you are already on…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

In today’s audio channeling we are advised to accept our place on the planet and get in alignment with all that we are, and to do so from a place of calm heart-centeredness. Not a bad idea because when we are calmly heart centered we seem to navigate life a lot more easily. Have you noticed?

Have a wonderful week.

Soulbyte for Monday August 6, 2018

Get grounded. Accept that you are a human being who makes mistakes and is not perfect. And yet accept also your nonhuman self that is perfect, that does not make mistakes, and yet whom you must learn to know. Get grounded in your human life and yet also get together with your spirit self in a mostly non-grounded way. Explore your other half and find out who you really are and why you are really there. There is a very special, very personal reason. Seek to discover it, work with it, and grow beyond it. Enjoy the company of your other half and find out what’s really going on!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Friday August 3, 2018

Live without regret. Understand that not every decision may be right, but once made and acted upon it becomes right. No step in life is any more or less important than another. All experiences count. Your own experiences are personally significant, your challenges pertinent to you and your journey through life, your lessons necessary, showing you what you must still learn. Learn with awareness, with eyes open, mind awake, body alert, so that everything you encounter is fully lived. If you live with awareness you will not miss anything and you will learn what it means to have no regrets, for you will discover that everything is meaningful.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday August 2, 2018

All human beings must live out their assignments. Whether it is to be happy and contented or disturbed and restless, all aspects of life must be lived again and again until they are done. Themes repeat, issues arise repeatedly, and this is so they may be squarely faced and addressed, and so that one can overcome them and move on. Pay attention to that which appears to show you what must be dealt with if you are to achieve your highest goals, desires, and potential. Let yourself in on the secret that you planned this life with purpose in mind, with the intention of challenging yourself to grow and evolve. Live your life knowing this to be true. Remain aware of life as a profound journey to inner insight, wisdom of all that you are, and amazement at all that surrounds, supports, and protects you as you travel through life. And remember, you are loved. Journey on!

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne