Readers of Infinity: Excavate The True Self

Here is a message from Jeanne:

Reject the old stale ideas of self...

Live for yourself now. Pull your attention away from others—from the energy of old and stale lives, from the judgments and criticisms of your past—and more fully embrace a new you, distinctly different, unique, and fully capable of growing beyond where you now find yourself.

When I speak of growth, it is personal growth, in the direction of deep inner work that I mean. This must be the main focus in an evolutionary life. All of you, whether you feel inhibited by circumstances or not, are fully capable of resolving your inner conflicts and reaching a place of progressive contentment, finding yourselves upon a path of eternal growth.

Inner conflict resolution involves setting the intent to set the spirit self free, the self that has had to sit below the surface of life’s experiences, for the most part, pushed down by others and yet waiting for its moment to live, constantly attempting to get your attention. This is not an immature self, not a big baby self who just wants to live without restriction; no, this is a most mature and knowing self, calm and flowing.

This is a good week to reconnect with that deeply stirring spirit self, the true self that seeks life. The process of inner work is really quite simple if you pare it down to this one goal: to excavate the true self.

Do this by sifting through all that is not you, by refusing to accept beliefs and ideas that do not truly resonate. What do you truly believe about the self and the life you desire? Are you ready to break through the old crusts of discourse, mind control, and the dissonant waves of conflict that have imprisoned you, and really allow your spirit to live, even a little? Who says you can’t?

Begin slowly, by questioning everything as you go about your days. Ask for clarification on what comes to you from both outside and inside. Is this I or is this Not I? In this manner, adding awareness of how the body, heart, and true mind respond, you will be guided to making some changes in your lives that are right for YOU, My Dear Ones.

Take it one step at a time, letting each day unfold, but with a little effort on your part too. Meeting the spirit self that is stirring inside you, one-on-one, will greatly aid your progress.

What have you recently encountered or learned that is laying out your next step?

There is always a new path to take...

As always, I say there will be no change, no progress, if you do not participate! This may take some discipline, but, really, all you need to do is begin by being proactive on your own behalf. However, listen to the answers that come from inside the self this time, rather than the old answers constantly repeating and reverberating from elsewhere, for they are merely confining you, the old guard that hold no new life. Give the self a new positive mantra, confrontational and challenging, yet utterly true.

Capture some new ideas about the self this week and put them into action; try them on for size and see how you feel. What do you have to lose? Nothing important really, I propose, but you do stand to gain immeasurably!

One step at a time, aware of each moment, aware of deep inner self and knowing what is right, make your way toward a new YOU!

Thank you, Jeanne, and yes, one step at a time, with humbleness, I too make my way. Thanks for reading and being part of this unfolding journey! If this is possible, then what else?


Chuck’s Place: Emancipation Proclamation II

Don Juan called the White House “the site of power of today’s world, the center of all our endeavors, hopes, fears, and so on, as a global conglomerate of human beings—for all practical purposes, the capital of the civilized world.” *

In archetypal terms, from the deepest patterned level of our inherited collective unconscious, the American president is the KING of the World.

No More!!!

On Wednesday, the King of the World spoke and changed the evolutionary course of our species as he proclaimed that “same-sex couples should be able to get married.”

You can’t take back an evolutionary moment. The King has spoken! An American president has said the words. It matters little the reactions of a divided country or a divided world or the outcome of the next election. The die is cast. Humanity in evolution: gay marriage is proclaimed the norm.

Marriage, with its 50% failure rate, is no guarantee of anything. Marriage, like sexual maturity, is a process that must be worked at to achieve lasting, fulfilling union. However, what the King of the World, President Obama, has proclaimed, grants legitimacy to both homo- and hetero-sexual relationships to embark on a sacred path of true conjunctio versus being relegated to the shadows of “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

Whether President Obama seized the political moment, as my ego mind suggests, is immaterial. Whether Vice President Biden was dispatched, on some level, to be the advance guard, preparing the ground for the King of the World to make the proclamation, is immaterial. Obama—with strong support and likely urged by Queen Michelle—took the evolutionary leap, like his channeled mentor Lincoln, to stand for full legitimacy and the right for all people to marry, and for that he is, indeed, at this moment, the King of the World.

We, as a world, are moving at the speed of light now. The dark shadow of 12/21/2012, the proposed end of the Mayan calendar, looms large, but its counterpart, the evolutionary consciousness of humanity to right its course, looms bright.

Can President Obama, the King of the World, continue to seize the moment, to right the course of carbon emissions, nuclear development, fallacious and unnecessary wars?

May all who wish walk beneath the marriage bower in search of true conjunction...

Let’s see what happens. Me thinks we first have to complete the civil war, now reactivated—our country once again divided by an emancipation proclamation. But the first challenge is a tough one: Can we get beyond civil disunion to true marriage?

What a lovely epitaph this emancipation proclamation is to Maurice Sendak, the famed author and illustrator, who died a day earlier, a man who lived for 50 years with his gay partner, Eugene Glynn, in true conjunctio.

Thanking the King of the World, for moving us one step closer to emancipation for all,


* Magical Passes, p. 37-8, Carlos Castaneda.

A Day in a Life: So, What’s It All About?

Is this really what life is all about?

On my father’s eightieth birthday, as we sat around the crowded dinner table, I posed a question.

“Dad,” I said, “you’ve lived a long life, reached this ripe old age of eighty. Do you have any words of wisdom to impart to all of us on this momentous occasion?”

My father looked at me and then glanced around the table at the rest of the family, everyone wondering just what he might say to such a question. His gaze turned to the table laden with food and he simply said: “Pass the butter.”

Laughter erupted, but that was all he said. He didn’t follow it up with a single word and we were left to wonder. Is that really what it’s all about? Pass the butter? Was he telling us that his opinion didn’t matter or that he just didn’t have anything to say about life? Was he suggesting that nothing really matters in the end, that the only things that matter are what comes next? Was he implying that my question was too much to respond to, too impertinent to spring on him like that?

My father was not an outwardly expressive man, kept his thoughts private for the most part, though I always suspected he had a thoughtful, rich inner life, as I expect everyone does. At one time in my youth I had admonished him to quit wasting his imagination on fears and put it to creative outpourings, for I saw, at an early age, how fear consumed him. I knew that in his youth he had been a poet with aspirations of becoming a writer, but those dreams got interrupted, usurped by duties of marriage and family.

As I experienced my father turning from my question that evening at the dinner table, I felt not only a pang of rejection, but, by far, a deeper sense of dismay, for I could not fathom that someone could have lived so long and not been able to speak from the deepness of his heart to his own family. At the time, I was deep into my recapitulation, investigating myself in a most thorough manner, constantly asking myself challenging questions and demanding that I find the answers within. I was learning to trust my heart, turning to my inner self for the answers I sought, and thus I could not imagine that he had not, at some time, done the same. For, as I said, I expected everyone to have a rich inner life. But now I know that not everyone chooses to explore the inner world of the deeper self in quite the same way and beyond that, that many roads lead to a path of heart.

I will turn sixty this year, and I hope that if my children ask me to impart some words of wisdom that I will be as succinct as my father, that perhaps I will be able to wrap it all up in a nutshell and say, this is what life is really all about: Pass the butter. For I think my father’s answer says it all.

He was really saying, without self-importance, without attachment, without needing to uphold anything: This is how I do life, how are you choosing to live your life? And indeed, that is a most private endeavor. Can I be as detached as my father and fully own my own journey, and without judgment let others live the life they choose?

From my father, I have learned that life is not about making a point or being right, or having the answers. Life is really just about choosing how you want to live and then doing it to the fullest. I know that my father lived his life according to his own values, that he made choices in alignment with what he felt was right. He was extremely honest, hard working, dedicated to serving others less fortunate, though he himself was not well off by any means. I know that in his own way he lived every day from a deeply caring place and that he gave without asking for anything in return, only that justice be served, that right be done, knowing that everyone matters. A man of few words, he expressed his inner life in his everyday actions, traveling a path of heart, giving wherever he met resonance in the world.

So, what’s it all about? I fully agree with my father. Life is just about choosing how to live and then living that life to the fullest, in whatever way is right for you.

Pass the butter,


Readers of Infinity: Take A New Approach

Here is this week’s channeled message from Jeanne and our guides in Infinity:

Time is now and time is all time; time is eternity. Keep that in mind as you go about your day and set your intentions. Keep always in mind that life upon the earth is brief in the scheme of things, a mere moment, while at the same time you are all eternal beings on eternal journeys. Each part of your eternal journey is significant, each day upon that earth meaningful, each moment part of your greater potential.

Do I notice the treasures in my life?

Do you miss what you seek? Turn around and find it ready and waiting. Do not look too hard, but be open and accepting. Notice how things come to you. Do not overstudy their appearances, but begin to readily accept the magic in your lives as perfectly natural and acceptable.

Ask for what you need and wait for it to come. Set your intention to change and be open and considerate while you wait. Intend to be good in the way of all goodness, to be kind in the way of all kindness, to be loving in the way of all love. By this I mean, be open to the flow of universal love, kindness, and goodness and it will greet you in return. Accept it as it comes to you and then release it so that it flows onward. There is always enough to aid you and enough to go around.

Accept that you are all beings capable of channeling energy and learning the laws of the universe. Become more aware of your own environment to begin with. In pursuit of your understanding of how things work on an energetic level, simply begin by looking around you. Begin to notice that what you seek is right there within your grasp.

Perhaps you have been looking too hard, or not at all. Perhaps you are turning in the wrong direction or blocked by some inner fear. Perhaps you are too sleepy or have little energy, swept up in the mundane and the minutia of your daily lives. Ask the self to perk up and notice what is going on in the world outside of you, even a little bit each day. In this way, discover how your questions get answered, your intentions unfold, and your needs get met.

Perhaps a new perspective might help!

Watch what you ask for, for you will get what you propose. If you are fed up with things beings so bad and you cannot stand your situation any longer, then avoid negative thoughts and expectations. Change your thoughts, change your outlook, and change your expectations to positive ones in order to shift awareness to a new level of living. Take a new approach. Beginning today, allow the positive energy of change to support you in your endeavors to lead a new and better life.

All sentient beings are guided and protected, but also presented with the lessons they most need to gain sure footing and greater awareness of the energy that is available to lead them further on their eternal journeys of discovery.

Looking for something? You might suddenly notice that it’s standing right behind you, that it’s been there for the longest time, just waiting for you to turn around and see it!

Thank you to Jeanne and Infinity for another message of guidance. Most humbly channeled and passed on by Jan Ketchel.

Chuck’s Place: The Path of Sexual Maturity

It takes decades to climb the many stepping stones to full sexual maturity. Great effort is required. Aging without effort guarantees only old age. Deep sexual union may, in fact, be the opus of a lifetime with the failures of the first half of life actually being the necessary preparatory steps for true fulfillment beyond midlife.

Nature's imperative...

Those failures include the fertile years where nature, in a most impersonal way, secretly dominates the sexual drive, masking its demands for recreation in the inappropriate attractions that spellbind us into sexual union. Many of those unions, though they may achieve nature’s aim of procreation, lack compatibility, sustenance and duration.

Nature fully takes advantage of the naiveté of youth to romantically do its bidding. Beyond copulation, nature provides little to support relationship. Yes, it does provide bonding and nesting urges, on an instinctual level, but that doesn’t stop nature’s compulsion; it will not be limited. That’s its survival strategy: quantity of children over quality of relationship. And true commitment, true containment, is hard to submit to in the fertile years. All humans must reckon with this debt to their animal natures, with its exorbitant interest toll evident in relationship casualties. If we truly grasped the power of nature to commandeer even our minds during the fertile years, we wouldn’t take so personally our failures. We didn’t stand a chance against nature’s imperative.

Coexistent with nature’s biological dominance in the fertile years is the ego’s growing control over sexual life. These include encounters with adequacy, self-esteem, performance, power, and the ability to connect.

Can I do it?

Some of the ego challenges that men may encounter as they attempt to firmly establish their potency and power are questions such as:

Am I attractive enough?
Am I virile enough?
Am I worthy of this person?
Can I approach and hold my own in interaction?
Do I know how to seduce?
Is my penis adequate, large enough?
Can it get the job done?
How do I turn her on, what’s the best method?
What’s the deal with oral sex? Can I handle it?
How are you supposed to do it?
Where’s the clitoris?
Can I handle a real life encounter?
Can I stop shaking?
Can I get an erection?
Can I maintain an erection?
Can I handle the responsiveness of her body?
Will I ejaculate too soon?
How will I know if she’s satisfied?
Can I share my fantasies?
How did I measure up?
Why doesn’t she ever approach me?
How can I get more?

Am I sexy enough?

Women are challenged by many of the same ego and self-esteem questions, but their are others specifically female related, such as:

Am I pretty enough?
Am I smart enough?
Am I desirable enough?
Do I have an attractive body?
Are my breasts too little, too big?
Do I smell good?
Does he really like me?
Can I tell him my dreams?
Will it hurt?
Where is my clitoris?
Will I orgasm?
How do I tell him he’s not doing it right without hurting his feelings?
Is this love?
Will he come back or is this just a one time thing?
What if I just want to cuddle, will he be okay with that?
What if he comes first?
Do I have to fake an orgasm so his ego isn’t hurt?
How do I stop him, say no, if it doesn’t feel right?
Why do we have to do it so often?
What if I get pregnant?

These questions and thousands more, including a readiness and willingness to commit, pervade men’s and women’s thoughts during the fertile years. Concerns are largely self-centered, only marginally relational. True readiness to be with, take in, and merge with another person, in mature union, transcends the ego’s preoccupations during the fertile years.

Biological aims and ego insecurities dominate the fertile years and must be experienced and burned through to prepare the ground for the depth of spiritual union inherent in sexual maturity at midlife and beyond. Midlife crisis is actually the spirit’s call to recapitulate and complete the learnings of the first half of life’s lessons to prepare for deep union in later years, what the alchemists called: conjunctio.

A major component of recapitulation is reliving our complete sexual history, facing the full truth, releasing the myths as well as the myriad of feelings combusted and stored around all sexual encounters. In recapitulation, we retrieve our freed energy; we enter our bodies deeply; we accompany the free flow of libido with calm presence and openness, as we prepare for union without barrier.

Recapitulation itself is an arduous process. As we climb the stepping stones to full maturity we learn that it takes time, patience, and a deep yearning for, and commitment to, the truth and fulfillment of this life. During recapitulation, ego issues and traumatic underpinnings that once froze the free flow of sexual energy are discovered for what they truly are, dismantled and released. Recapitulation is conjunctio within the self, as energy previously separated is reclaimed and merged into a unified whole within the self. From this recapitulated place of wholeness, extraverted conjunctio, matured sexuality, is possible with an “other.” If the residual sexual issues from the fertile years are not resolved through recapitulation, these issues will be carried forward, interfering with conjunctio, both within and without.

Ecstatic union

After recapitulation, the physical changes of midlife, and beyond, matter little. With ego relativized through recapitulation, full spiritual, sexual union—at the deepest energetic level—is completely possible! After recapitulation conjunctio is no longer thwarted by such issues as body image or mechanics, for no physical limitations or ego limitations can stop true sexual, energetic union. There simply are no limitations! Two fingers alone can touch in ecstatic orgasmic union!

For those still in the midst of the necessary challenges of the fertile years, stay patient. Full sexual maturity awaits if you allow yourself to have your own necessary experiences and acquiesce to recapitulation when it beckons. For those with limited or deeply compromised sexual experience during the fertile years, recapitulation provides the necessary process of integration of self that will lead to openness to union in later years, when true union is really possible, offering the ability to fully actualize the sexually mature self, in true relationship!

The full realization of sexual maturity ultimately includes the biological, ego, and energetic or spiritual dimensions of our beings. It’s far more than nature just taking its course. It requires us, as conscious beings, to evolve as individuals to really meet each other.

From the nest,

Chuck and Jan

Chuck Ketchel, LCSWR