Tag Archives: turning off the mind

Soulbyte for Thursday June 3, 2021

When the mind begins to spin, telling you tales of worry and woe, when it speaks of disaster and intrigue, of sorrow and loss, when it tries to hook you into believing what it has to say, remind yourself that the mind in that case is but an old recording and that it does not have your best, evolutionary intentions in mind but only seeks to keep you its captive. A captive of the old mind is a lost soul. Instead of playing its old recordings switch it off and bask in the bliss of new ideas, new thoughts of positive and enchanting change, for change is good and it is what will ultimately set you free from the captivity of your old ways. And remember, use love for yourself as your fuel of change, for that too is the way to freedom.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Breathe

Whether inside or outside, don’t forget to breathe!
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

Dear Listeners,

Good morning! Our channeled message this week invites us to learn to breathe for our own health, mental and physical. Learn to breathe. It’s the power we all hold within, our life force that when used intentionally supports us beyond measure. Instructions for how to do this to great effect are included in the channeling. Breathe!

Have a wonderful week!

Sending you all love,

The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne