Don’t give up! Persistence is the key to all success stories. Persistence in thinking, dreaming and imagining eventually leads to success. There is no other greater force in a lifetime than the force of persistence. There comes a time in every dream when it seems it will never come, yet those who are persistent eventually break through the barrier that seems to hold the dream at bay, knowing that what they want is within reach. Persistence is the key to success.
The mind is privy to Divine Power. Here’s how to exercise it:
1. Relax. Release. Let Go. Quiet Now. Enter into grogginess. Body asleep, mind awake.
Trance is the optimal state to be in to reach the subconscious, the organ of divine connection. A whole body relaxation accompanied by calm breath disengages the dominance of the thinking mind. Additionally, the subconscious, which is responsible for the operation of the physical body, is freed up to make contact with a stated suggestion as the physical body progresses into an inert state.
2. State your intention, suggesting it many times to the subconscious mind.
Rote repetition with mindful presence is best. Be declarative, direct and commanding. Vague wishes and hopes don’t register. The subconscious does not think rationally, it fulfills clear and definite orders. If a suggestion is filled with qualifiers, it’s too confusing. Avoid the use of any negatives. State what you want in positive form, not what you don’t want. Be certain that your intention is for the greater good of self and world.
3. Imagine the manifestation of your intent. Direct it as a mental movie. Embellish it with detail. See it, feel it, touch it! Feel the joy of your suggestion’s realization.
The conscious mind raises the vibrational level of its intention through the use of the imagination and emotion. The subconscious is drawn to this heightened energy state. Once impressed by the suggestion, the subconscious transmutes this energetic state into a magnetic force that attracts divine substance to create its physical equivalent. Thought becomes matter.
4. Express deep gratitude and love to the infinite intelligence for its response to your request.
Strengthen and broaden this channel to the divine through genuine appreciation. A deepened relationship between conscious and subconscious facilitates rapid guidance through intuition, synchronicity and resonance. The channel to total memory and ancient knowledge is enhanced through this ever deepening connection.
5. Have faith that the seed of your suggestion is fruitfully planted in the fertile soil of the subconscious. The law of the subconscious is growth; your intention is already a subtle fact. Be patient. If tempted by doubt, incessantly state your intention. Let go, let divine.
Your suggestion is a fact, a magnetic mold on a subtle plane attracting physical reality to it as it coagulates into human form. This is an act of creation that follows its own path. Leave rational thinking out of it, its job was completed when it generated its suggestion. No attachment to outcome, either with time or space demands.
Know that your intention is in the act of fulfillment at all times. Watch for the signs. Respond to the requests for decisions and actions placed before you that are mysteriously honing the realization of your intent. Hold your intention in the sealed alchemical womb of your subconscious mind. Best to keep the door sealed by not telling others of your creative process while it germinates.
A positive attitude contributes greatly to a positive outcome. If there is a great desire for change, and all focus is put on attaining that change, and things are let go of that get in the way of that change, the final attitude to procuring that desired change is an attitude of trust and positivity. Trust that you are on the right track, and stay positive. Breakthrough is sure to come. Attainment is within reach.
Concentrate your energy, your mind, and your intentions upon what is most important to you now. With a positive attitude, a positive mind set and positive intentions there is nothing that you cannot change. Keep your focus on your goal, on your dreams, and on your future as already fulfilled, already lived, and continually envision yourself in a new place. With such focused attention, and with a new way of thinking and envisioning your life, you will soon discover that everything really is possible.
Shamans call the inner critic a foreign installation, programmed to overshadow the true nature of our magical beingness. Rather than bask in the awe of our unlimited potential it causes us to stew in the murky waters of unworthiness and inadequacy.
The foreign installation delivers an inner dialogue that judges incessantly. The voice might sound like our own, but this is a kind of AI stunt. The voice is impersonal and it afflicts every human being with its negative messaging.
On a personal level, this internal dialogue delivers constant suggestions to the subconscious mind that manifest in powerfully negative moods and beliefs about the self. The way to neutralize the effects of this program is to reprogram the subconscious mind.
One major pitfall in dealing with the inner critic is to try to reason with it. It’s very tempting to stand up to the critic, but be forewarned. However receptive it may be, it is programmed only to defeat. Beware of its reasonableness and encouragement, it’s merely another opportunity to ultimately steal your positive energy through greater defeat and humiliation.
Another highly effective tactic of the inner critic is to trap us in feeling resentment for being offended by the words and actions of others. It is indeed necessary to take action when one is victimized, but the holding of resentment entrenches one in deeply negative thought and feeling, as the inner critic perseverates in its negative messaging.
Note the mechanism that the inner critic utilizes to achieve its decisive influence: the non-stop flow of negative suggestions to the subconscious mind. Rather than attempt to prove your worthiness to the critic, deliver your own constructive, positive messages to the subconscious mind.
Here’s an institutionalized example of negative messaging. Just prior to receiving communion with God, during a Catholic mass, this prayer is repeated three times: “Lord I am not worthy to receive You, speak but the word and my soul will be healed.” The message delivered: I am not worthy, I am undeserving, and I require you to heal me.
This disempowering messaging could be reprogrammed, as follows: “I am worthy. I intend to be healed.”
These suggestions, delivered to the magical center of the subconscious mind, generate positive self regard, acknowledge the power of the conscious mind to use its words to initiate a healing, and have faith in the subconscious mind to manifest a healing.
Rather than argue with an impersonal program, copy its highly effective strategy. State positive suggestions to the subconscious mind often. The subconscious will eventually pick up the consistent messaging of your suggestions and manifest their intent.
Of course, the new suggestions will be competing with powerful programs established by years of the foreign installation’s internal dialogue. These old programs generate blocking beliefs that compete with new suggestions. Have faith in ultimate success and perseveringly, and with passion, state your suggestions.
Sometimes, we might argue that some of what the inner critic highlights is true, so we can’t really believe the affirmations we’re stating. Face the truth of habits or behaviors that sabotage the self. Rather than berate the self, take steps to address these issues. While addressing these issues continue to state your positive intentions for the self. Feel love versus disappointment for the self, regardless of its foibles.
Finally, don’t attach to the outcome, which means don’t try to imagine or plan how things will work out, just trust that they will. Exercise faith. Faith is the knowing that you are a magical being capable of creating a fulfilling life through the marriage of your conscious mind that designs the blueprint, with your subconscious mind that sculpts your intent.
Rather than passively allow a foreign installation to construct your life, create your own masterpiece. State aloud or write down your intent, fix an image of that intent firmly in your mind’s eye, and constantly reaffirm your intent with positive affirmations to yourself.
Trust that your beloved partner, your subconscious mind, will follow the necessary path, however long and winding, to manifest your heartfelt intent.
Hold faithfully to the image you have designed, knowing that every day is presenting you with circumstances that require decisions and actions, the building blocks of your already-in-progress, created, new life.