Tag Archives: subconscious mind

Chuck’s Place: Watch My Words

Carrying a lot of extra words around?
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Thought is the first cause of manifestation. Words are the currency of thought. The words we use create our realities.

Take for example the use of the word my. It’s quite typical for people to refer to a physical condition, such as a migraine headache or cancer as my headache or my cancer when discussing their status.

Though logically it makes sense to refer to a condition one is grappling with as my ________,  on a subtle level the use of this possessive adjective grants the condition full citizenship in the physical body. Every time we use the word my we suggest to the subconscious mind that the condition being identified exists in and is a part of me.

Of course, a diagnosis, deemed essential for proper treatment, requires a distinctive name, but once we put the word my in front of it, we plant it as a seed in the fertile soil of the creative substance in the subconscious mind, the very substance that creates and manifests life.

Inadvertently, through the use of the word my, we may be sending suggestions to the subconscious mind that substantiate the very condition we are seeking to eliminate. From an internal family system perspective, the word my can generate an entity that is entitled, because of its my-ness, to be part of one’s internal family. We might then actually feel powerless to insist that it leave us.

An alternative, which bypasses this conundrum, would be to acknowledge the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment one is working with without claiming personal ownership of it through the use of the word my. For example, one might speak in this manner: “Sometimes I experience headaches that have been diagnosed as migraines. This is the treatment I’m involved with to eliminate the issue.”

Another common misuse of the word my is in the oft-stated phrase, my triggers. The phrase my trigger grants a trigger legitimate entity status and permanent residence in one’s personality. Triggers should actually be treated as transient experiences that reveal the existence of root issues that need to be processed.

The processing of a trigger means to fully neutralize its negative effect upon one’s life. When we say, my trigger, we send the message to the subconscious mind that this is a powerful and permanent condition that must be avoided at all costs. This also results in the expectation that other people take responsibility to both know and avoid provoking these hidden bombs that we house but seek to avoid.

The antidote is to assume responsibility when triggered. Often this requires one to retreat, release activated emotional energy, and then process the root issue that has come to the surface. Triggers should be thanked for their guidance as we track the true culprit of our discontent.

Saying thank you is a powerful way to gain the support and influence of the subconscious mind. Triggers are actually present associations to established habits that the subconscious activates, as per the instructions it receives from established beliefs and suggestions.

By thanking the subconscious for the trigger that enables us to root out its cause, we warmly engage our inner partner, the subconscious mind, in the task of reclaiming our defensive energy and releasing entities we have created to avoid uncomfortable issues.

Thank the subconscious often for its tireless efforts to create the self we ask it to be. For best results, may that intended self reflect the truth of the heart.

Thank you,

Chuck’s Place: The Law Of Mind

Thought creates reality…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

Carlos Castaneda was emphatic that human beings are magical beings. His greatest lament was how the power of negative suggestion veiled our awareness of our true power of creation. The irony is that we cluelessly exercise and partake in this divine power every day to generate a limited, disgruntled sense of self.

What Carlos recognized as magical is the human power of mind to intend  and physically manifest as a creator. The human species truly is the Chosen One,  endowed with a divine ability to freely create.

The laws of nature rule the subconscious minds of all beings in nature. Only the human mind can override nature’s instinctual promptings and create what it wants. Whether we are aware of it or not, the suggestions we deliver, or allow to be delivered, to our subconscious minds, create the life we are in.

What distinguishes the human mind is its conscious capacity to think, and with that, its ability to choose. The human mind has this added layer of a conscious mind that has a controlling influence upon the subconscious mind, the mind that it shares with all of nature.

Animals follow fixed patterns. I knew a master hunter who stopped hunting because the fixed regularity of paths that deer travelled gave hunters a ridiculously unfair advantage. I observe how deer around our house continuously munch on the same trees and plants, despite the fact that lush vegetation is available but a few feet from their established routine.

The conscious mind is a mind that can observe, reason, and change direction. The subconscious mind is the mind of creation. These two minds are symbiotically bound to each other. The conscious mind is charged with providing responsible leadership to the subconscious mind, which fulfills, without judgment, its suggestions.

Human infants are born with subconscious instincts intact but with a blank-slate conscious mind. The conscious mind builds an identity over time, largely based upon outside influences. For instance, an infant that sleeps through the night without disturbing its parents might be hailed as a ‘good baby.’ This feedback of goodness for non-disturbing behavior may then become a major conditioning factor in the child’s personality.

The conscious personality is filled to the brim with such internalized foundational beliefs about itself that become self-fulfilling prophecies. The beliefs are suggestions to the subconscious mind, which then builds a physical, mental, and emotional definition of itself that fulfills the conscious mind’s thoughts about itself.

Understand that the subconscious is not a thinking mind; it does not judge the quality or truthfulness of the suggestions it is compelled to fulfill. The subconscious is solely a creator, who has the divine ability to transmute thought into physical being. It accepts all suggestions impressed upon it with equanimity. It is the responsibility of the conscious mind to determine what is truth and to suggest right action.

The process of freeing the conscious mind from its attachment to false and negative beliefs is fundamental to desired change. Many technologies provide tools to accomplish this.  Ancient shamanic practices employ the shaman to cut the cord to internalized outside influences. Psychedelics burst through the shallow province of the conscious mind to introduce other worlds of possibility. Inner parts work utilizes active imagination and communication with inner parts to  loosen the hold of their defenses and limiting beliefs.

The oldest and simplest technique is borrowed from the first one employed to shape our personalities, from birth onward: rote memorization. The phrases that were used, often laced with emotion, to tell us we were good or bad, worthy or unworthy, capable or incapable, lovable or unlovable—whether they had merit or not—shaped our concept of self.

Those same messages of childhood, true or not, have often been transmuted into our core identity, as experienced in habitual modes of thinking, feeling, and believing.

We can approach embodying a new identity in stages. If, for instance, one has no faith in the power of their subconscious to heal, they can repeatedly state, several times a day: “I have faith in the power of my subconscious to heal me.” This suggestion affords the subconscious the directive to assemble experiences that will enable one to embody the feeling of faith.

Once this suggestion is manifested, one can voice a new suggestion to direct the healing capacity of the subconscious to a specific mental or physical concern, with full confidence that the subconscious mind is being directly and successfully impressed.

Suggestions should be stated rotely and repeatedly. Bring presence and enthusiasm to each repetition but, most importantly, keep stating your intentions incessantly throughout the day and before sleep.

Take a cue from the internal dialogue that never shuts up! Let your new, positive, healing suggestions become your new inner dialogue.

Just do it!

Chuck’s Place: The Full Breadth Of The Subconscious Mind

We are all part of the vast interconnected All That Is…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

If the conscious mind is characterized as command central, then the subconscious mind is boots on the ground.

The conscious mind is the active mental side of our wholeness. It has the capacity to think and suggest, with awareness.

The subconscious mind is the magnetically generative side of our wholeness. It has the ability to draw to it all the materials needed to create and manifest a suggestion.

In their most individuated relationship, the conscious and subconscious minds are the divine couple whose intent and manifestation serve the creative expression and experience of All That Is, the greater interconnectedness, the oneness that we all are.

The subconscious mind operates beneath the threshold of consciousness, at the crossroads of influencers that market suggestions from the conscious mind, as well as from a multitude of characters that exist in the depths of the collective unconscious of All That Is.

In these regions, one first encounters what Jung called the personal unconscious, which is populated by the shadow, which includes the rejected parts of the self, as well as a warehouse of internalized beliefs obtained through social interactions that heavily overshadow our view of ourselves and others.

Jung called the characters in the personal unconscious complexes. A useful current psychotherapy model calls them one’s internal family system (IFS)Negative beliefs about the self emanating from this shadow dimension prompt an ongoing internal dialogue that generates a steady flow of disempowering suggestions to the subconscious mind.

Beneath the personal unconscious are the characters of our ancestral tree, whom contribute their genetic disposition, as well as wisdom, wounds, and questions emanating from the lives they’ve lived. Bert Hellinger’s Family Constellations addresses influences from this dimension, which generate powerful suggestions to the subconscious mind.

At the deeper depths of the ancestral unconscious is the evolutionary journey of our species, which determines our instinctual reactions to survive via powerful instincts and archetypal patterns. When activated, the magnitude of emotion and energy from these centers powerfully influences the suggestibility of the subconscious mind and its subsequent manifestations. An example would be, a mother filled with superhuman strength to lift a car to save her trapped child.

Finally, the subconscious is connected to all the selves we have been in our various incarnations, as well as to our High Self, which is at the nucleus of our soul’s journey through infinity. This network of connections, with all their accumulated wisdom and concern, has its own portal of energetic influence upon the subconscious mind.

As you can see, the subconscious mind has a vast set of connections and suggestions to choose from as it navigates life. The subconscious largely controls the fate of our body, as well as the life we will manifest.

As opposed to the conscious mind that generally uses rational thinking to decide its course of action, the subconscious mind weighs the emotional intensity and attractiveness of proposed suggestions. The subconscious truly demands to be impressed by its potential suitors; suggestions must resonate.

The conscious mind has access, through the subconscious mind’s connections, to these deeper centers of the unconscious mind. Thus, when I ask for help from my High Self, this request becomes a suggestion to the subconscious that often results in an intuition—a meaningful image—that sheds a broader light on the concern I was contemplating.

I note that the image provided was not the result of a rational process but rather one of powerful associative value. The High Self provides the exact missing puzzle piece to fit the current puzzle. Remember the magnetic power of the subconscious; it draws to it, with precision, that which is needed to fulfill its chosen project.

The conscious mind is certainly the greatest influencer of the subconscious mind, at least in this human life. Its salient feature is the exercise of free choice. The fate of our current world hinges on the exercise of the conscious mind to align its suggestions for the greater good.

The greater the conscious mind is able to Know Thyself, in all its dimensions, the more balanced and fulfilling will be its suggestions. If current thoughts and suggestions to the subconscious mind are old, outdated and negative, resulting in old stuck patterns, then it’s high time to reprogram with new, inviting and invigorating suggestions to manifest something totally new.

The subconscious mind is highly impressed by thoughts, emotions, beliefs, intentions, prayers and mantras rotely stated, or emotionally expressed through art, music and movement. The key is perseverance without attachment to outcome.

Know that any suggestion you put out to the universe has already been created on the mental plane of thought and that it just needs to gestate under the magnetic sculpting of the subconscious mind before it manifests. Have the patience to ensure the faith of its inevitable delivery.

The ultimate key is knowing that you—as a necessary component of All That Is—are the creator of your own life. Go ahead and create that masterpiece!


Chuck’s Place: Attending To The Ultimate Relationship of Self Love

This is an interactive blog. Read it to yourself or listen to it. Do not listen to it while driving. This is also my last blog post until Tuesday July 9, 2024. Listen to it as often as you like, and each time you do, you will go deeper.

I safely close my eyes and withdraw my attention from the outside world. My conscious mind observes passively the effects on my body of  suggestions I give to my subconscious mind. I stress: my mind and body are completely passive, they needn’t make anything happen. They are present to experience the magic and independent ability of my subconscious mind to manifest my suggestions.

Before I knock on the door to my subconscious with my requests I remind myself that I, as ego architect, must initiate through suggestion, then get out of the way, as my subconscious mysteriously fulfills my suggestions. I am confident and direct as I deliver my suggestions.

I speak to you, my subconscious. You are the master of my body’s functioning. With love and gratitude I firmly present to you my  intentions. As I state them I passively observe their fulfillment.

My feet feel deeply relaxed.*

My ankles, my knees and my hips feel relaxed and comfortable.

My solar plexus and the whole central part of my body feel relaxed and quiet.

My hands, my arms and my shoulders feel relaxed and comfortable.

My neck, my jaw and my tongue feel relaxed and comfortable.

My forehead feels relaxed and smooth.

My eyes are quiet and relaxed.

My entire body feels quiet, comfortable and relaxed.

I am quite relaxed.

I feel quite quiet.

My mind is calm and quiet.

I feel serene and still.

I trust my body, it will never let me down.

I notice now the impact of these suggestions upon my body and mind. I am deeply calm and relaxed. I know that I have been delivered to a resting place that will deepen every time I repeat these suggestions.

I realize that I am in the presence of creation. My conscious spirit  stimulated my subconscious soul body to manifest the calm I now feel. Their sacred union gave birth to my present state of being. This is the loving relationship that brings forth new possibilities of me.

I am grateful and I am thankful for this loving relationship as it delivers me to new life.

If I am ready to launch into rejuvenative sleep, off I go.

If I am ready to return to outer focus and activity, I suggest that my subconscious restore me to fully engage waking life.

Having attended to the ultimate relationship of self love, I launch.

*These Autogenic Phrases are abstracted from the work of Elmer and Alyce Green while at the Menninger Foundation. I am grateful to the late Dr. Eleanor Eggers for her documentation of these phrases on her website Help For Stress Disorders.

Chuck’s Place: I Shall Please

The subconscious is magical…
-Artwork © 2024 Jan Ketchel

The word placebo is Latin for, I shall please. We have within us a power that literally fills our suggestions. This power is situated in what has been called the subconscious mind. In subtle anatomy, the subconscious mind is part of the soul, or astral body, that exists independently of its host, the physical body.

Specifically, the subconscious mind houses the desire body, the home base for Yin, the receptive feminine center of our being. If a suggestion is accepted by the desire body, it is true conception, and the miracle of creation begins. The desire body has the magnetic force to draw to it and assemble physical reality to please, or make substantial, that which we suggest to it.

Ironically, science has designated placebo as that which has no real effect upon physical reality, seeing its impact as a kind of mental aberration. Science uses placebo in experimentation as a control to determine whether a real agent has therapeutic value, or is merely a product of the mind, i.e., is a placebo effect.

So, if the mind alone is capable of eliminating symptoms and keeping one alive, it doesn’t count as real cure. The miracle of mental healing is simply placebo, not genuine healing. I find it rather stunning that the rational mind has completely forsaken and denigrated the subconscious mind’s power of creation and healing, even when directly confronted with irrefutable evidence of its benefits.

The shamans of ancient Mexico understood this loss of magic, and consequent polarization within our astral energy body, as the product of a predatory, inorganic entity that feasts upon the emotional dysregulation that this struggle generates. We are constantly in an inner battle between embracing our magical potential versus the limits of our dominating mental fixation of rationality.

This battle of bipolarity is everywhere apparent in our world, as the irrational has grown to outlandish proportions in its quest to unseat the controlling rationality of civilization. We are actually  on the cusp of seeing the irrationality of lies become the accepted ruling order of the world.

Reason is an extremely valuable tool for navigation, but when it strips us of our divine creative healing potential it can only generate sterility. This inner struggle for redemptive balance is the crossroads every human now faces, both within the psyche and without, in the outer world.

Author Sue Watkins published a memoir in 2001 that reviews her relationship with the psychic Jane Roberts (Speaking of Jane Roberts). In it, she reveals for the first time a miraculous physical healing she experienced in a self-hypnosis exercise undertaken with Jane and a few other people.

Back in late 1969, Sue had been suffering from an extremely irritating STD called Trichomoniasis. Putting herself in a calm alpha brainwave state, she gave herself the suggestion that the body would heal itself. Immediately the discomfort disappeared and, as she immediately discovered, upon self-examination in the bathroom, the physical evidence of infection had completely cleared from her body as well.

Sue’s battle with her own inner rationality, and fear of the rational critical police, had her actually cut this vignette, at the last minute, from her book, Conversations with Seth, published in 1980. It would take another 20 years for her to accrue the confidence to document this physical healing that had occurred solely through self-hypnosis.

The key to success with self-hypnosis is to just do it. Despite the limiting judgment of the rational mind, one is always free to get relaxed and present a suggestion to the subconscious mind. Say it many times and see what happens. At the same time, don’t attach to the outcome. Allow that center that says, I Shall Please, to do its job, as it sees fit, without pressure.

Obviously, with respect to medical issues, one should fully avail oneself of medical support. Also, realize that suggestions can be manifested that are not best for one’s personal evolution, nor for that of the world. Greed, for instance, can manifest just as well as altruism.

Always intend the greater good with all suggestions. Restore the magic to both the creative and rational minds of the soul.

I shall please,