Tag Archives: responsibility

A Message for Humanity From Jeanne: Without regret

Here is our final audio channeling of 2018, a year that has been filled with gifts and challenges for all of us. May we all be open to the gifts that arrive and accept the challenges that seek to propel us forward in the year to come. May we be kind and compassionate as we continue our journeys through life. And may we all carry within our hearts love for all beings, including ourselves.

Happy New Year! And love to all, from all of us.

Chuck’s Place: The Power of the Small

We are one cell, one bundle of energy in the great mystery of Gaia…
– Photo by Jan Ketchel

If we peek inside one single cell in our body we discover a self-contained universe of differentiated parts, working in unison to maintain the life of that single cell. Thirty-seven-trillion of these micro-universe cells coordinate to form a single human body. The health and well being of each of those individual cells contributes to the overall health and well being of the entire human body.

The Earth, Gaia, has its own biological body, of which humans, as cells, comprise a specialized unit. I would propose that on a macro-level the human race, as a whole, forms the frontal cortex of Gaia’s brain. In simple terms, the human race is Gaia’s ego consciousness center, the youngest part of the brain, that which is associated with the ability to override instinct and act instead with free will and reason.

Thus, when we speak of global warming as a function of human decision making, Gaia’s frontal cortex appears to be acting contrary to its overall survival needs. In fact, to carry the analogy further, the more ancient part of Gaia’s brain, the limbic system—home of powerful instinct and emotion—can be said to be releasing its destructive reaction toward human behavior in the storms, fires, earthquakes, tsunamis, and diseases that punctuate our time.

Just as the frontal cortex does not fully come on line in humans until about age 25, the collective human frontal cortex is clearly in its early adolescence, with narcissistic and self-serving behaviors in control of some of its most vital decision making. This reality is wholly reflected in current world politics where leadership is completely self serving, unable to align with both truth and the greater survival needs of the world as a whole.

The good news: as individual cells of the collective human race, we are each in a position to address and impact the very issues confronting our greater world. The operative analogy here: As within, so without.

We begin by assuming responsibility for the fact that we, as individuals, reflect the reality we see without. Although it may be difficult to face this shadow truth, it is also quite empowering. If I can face, and change within myself, the same power dynamics now being acted out in the world, I contribute toward the maturation of Gaia’s frontal cortex. This truly is a healing action.

Turn inward to your own inner universe with new awareness. Recognize that consciousness is the psyche’s youngest acquisition. Whereas human functioning was, for eons, directed by its instinctive, pre-programmed limbic system, consciousness—for better or for worse—can now consult Google and make its own decisions! Furthermore, consciousness can indulge its desires at any time, not just when its stomach says it’s time to eat, or its hormones say it’s time to mate. Consciousness also has the ability to reflect upon itself and question its real motives, i.e., really be honest with itself.

However, this ability to reflect has its dense physical trappings. Consciousness also likes to look in the mirror and  play dress up with life. The shamans call this tendency self-reflection, which, from their experience, absorbs the lion’s share of human motivation and energy. We are currently seeing such a caricature of self-reflection in the behavior of our leader, but can we see it in ourselves?

Every one of us has the responsibility to face our own obsession with the presentation of self in everyday life, as glaringly mirrored in our fanciful leader. I am reminded incessantly of this fact by our male cardinal who continues to peck away daily at every window and car mirror at our home. Can we ever get to life beyond this level of self-reflection?!

For ego to rise above its own reflection and unholy alliance with the appetites of its limbic system, it must find its way to right action. Right action is action based on reason that transcends the trappings of the Me-Me-Me self. Right action issues from a higher spirit, one that considers the true needs of the whole, not just the ego self.

That spirit resides within the heart, but its voice is largely obscured by the ego self’s physical obsessions. Nonetheless, the ego has many opportunities to channel its higher spirit, as it must suffer its failures and defeats in this life. Ego defeats result in deflation and sobriety, where we then have the opportunity to really reflect and then  choose or acquiesce to right action, the insinuation of the spirit.

We have, as well, the ability to invoke the help of our spirit by simply asking. When we set an intent, say a prayer, or ask for help, we are directly soliciting the guidance and support of spirit. The response we get might send us down quite a serpentine path, but it’s also likely to be the path that will best mold our ego to do right action.

Take for instance the most recent presidential election, which forestalled the coming to power of the matriarchy. The more inclusive values of the matriarchy would seem to be the healing balm needed in our time, and perhaps it ultimately will be, but for now we must take the serpentine path before us and deal with what we have delivered ourselves: the ultimate patriarchal trickster. And so, spirit might have had a hand here; showing us that to properly be ready to receive the matriarchy, we must first crack the mirror of our own self-reflection. Without first mastering this challenge, we’d likely just be transferring our childish neediness to mommy!

Be empowered within the walls of your individual cell self. Be compassionate with your ego self’s developmental process. As Gaia’s ego brain, we have a long way to go, but if we can take responsibility for our own leadership role, and reach out to spirit with humility, the power of the small is sure to manifest our healing intent.

Taking responsibility,


Soulbyte for Monday November 26, 2018

Even as you seek drastic changes in your own life have respect for all other life to remain intact, sacrosanct, valued for its natural beauty and resources. The planet you live upon is not eternal, though its energy, like your own, can reshape itself into other energies, but its wholeness is dependent upon the health and vitality of all of its parts, of which you are one. In order to avert disaster upon the earth, seek health and vitality within the self. Place a premium on sustainable practices that nurture and care for what is provided and, without dispute, hold onto your heartfelt concerns for all of life to continue evolving in a proper manner. Take responsibility. The garden is in your hands.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday September 27, 2018

Become fully responsible, within and without. Become fully independent so that your needs and wants are not interfering with the greater good. Find your answers to your issues and problems within the self. As you turn inward become your own good mother and your own good father, wise, kind, and helpful so that you may then turn outward into the world a fully integrated being, with your energy honed and useful. With kindness and compassion in your heart, step out into the world an independent and worthy being. As you do your inner work and seek your wholeness remember that you are there for your own reasons, for your own growth and maturity, not in a selfish way, but in an evolutionary way. Discover the real truth about yourself by becoming fully responsible for yourself. Proceed on your journey with integrity, honesty, and love always in your heart. For above all else love matters the most, for self and other. Love, for the greater good.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Thursday July 26, 2018

Everything is pushing toward change now. What are you doing in your own life to change yourself? What are you resisting? What are you still making a big deal about that doesn’t really matter? What are you holding onto as if you could not live without it? Is it time to finally move on, to change? Like the phases of the moon things naturally wax and wane. When the moon is full it releases its fullness immediately to begin a new cycle. Nothing in nature stays the same for very long. Everything changes constantly, except the human, with its proclivity to be stubbornly unyielding. Such behavior proves nothing. And in the end the human is left behind wondering what happened. Embrace change. Make it a natural part of your life and then be like the moon and do it again and again. You won’t be disappointed. Begin a new phase in your own life today and mark it with thanks to the great Moon Goddess who shines upon you, lighting the way.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne