Tag Archives: outer world

Soulbyte for Thursday January 13, 2022

When things are difficult turn inward for the answers you seek, for a world in turmoil will not be able to present the solutions to its own problems. Another perspective is needed to get through difficult times. A heart-based perspective offers unity, simplicity, calmness and distance from the chaos around you. Turn to the heart and ask it for the right answers. The heart will not fail you.

Sending you love,
The Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

Soulbyte for Wednesday February 21, 2018

Sink into the earth, even as you reach for the heavens and something beyond harsh reality, for you are a creature of the earth and as such you must face the reality of the place you call home and take responsibility for what has become of your shared domicile. No creature except the human being has knowledge of spirit and yet the human being has forgotten how to be truly human, how to keep its home in order and its spirit contented with what is. Rather than seek transformation of your spirit, seek to transform your human self by changing your attitudes and letting go of your entitlements so that spirit and body may be one, and then seek to transform your world so that it may sustain and nurture all of you. The world is waiting.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne

A Message for Humanity from Jeanne: Heart To Heart


Who is really in your heart?
-Art by Jan Ketchel

Our weekly audio channeling offers us insight into who we really are, a spirit living in a body. Hopefully we can all learn what that means in our personal lives so we can participate in a more loving world.

Sending love from our hearts to yours!

Soulbyte for Wednesday August 30, 2017

Life asks you to come out and meet it, to make something of it, to begin where you are and create your own life with what is provided; little or much, it doesn’t matter, a bit of soil or a bit of gold, it’s what you make of it that matters. Though great suffering and loss occur during a lifetime the expectation remains the same, to make something of the suffering and the loss, to create anew with what is provided. In the darkest of times there is always a light, even if it is only in your heart. Live a heart-centered life, in both your outer world and your inner world, and embrace that life energy that constantly seeks creation anew. Make heart-centered living your daily practice and live life to the fullest, no matter what has happened or is going to happen.

-From the Soul Sisters, Jan & Jeanne